Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Such a mild Winter....

...that when I few inches of snow arrive, it just makes my day!
What are one of your Winter pleasures?
With SMILES! Val
catching snowflakes on your tongue


  1. Even though I am very tired of shoveling and plowing, there is such magic in freshly fallen snow.

  2. Oh, I wish we had some snow! It has been a warmer than usual winter so far. Usually by now we've been snowed in at least once. But this year, so far nada.

  3. Winter for me is cosying up in front of the fire, enjoying a little stitching or knitting. Though your wintry landscape, Val, with all the pretty snow looks fabulous, it would be just a bit too chilly for me. Alas, I am a summer girl. My poor ol' bones seem to creak and ache a little too much in winter. So happy, though that all that beautiful white stuff makes you smile.

  4. I like that wet snow mix that sticks to the branches and makes trees look amazing and ethereal 👌


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
