Saturday, December 17, 2016

Here's a Good Laugh for Ya!

We ended our week with a classroom Polar Express PAJAMA party!!
(I was surprised only half the kids wore theirs...but hey...the rest of us were warm and cozy.)

I don't usually dress up, but my new cooperating teacher loves dress up days and I may have promised her at the beginning of the year that I would be better at it. Well, she made sure I got better at it by actually providing me with the jammies to wear! (Mom, I bet you are cracking up about now!) Oh Lordy, if we can't laugh at ourselves...then what's left! And....I'm soooo laughing at myself right now!!!!

But look!!! Blue Sky! Unfortunately, it was an artic wind that delivered us this clear, crisp TWO degree day....which now meant indoor recess ALL day! I agree with Deb from Frugal Little Bungalow : We've had enough for awhile. LOL! Hey, at least we were making the best of it! Right!?

Anyhooo...guess what guys!!! I'm now officially on break guys!!!
The sidewalks and roads have been cleared and are now just lined with massive snowbanks. The  getting around is easier and safer and we can get outside.
So today hubby and I will get our final holiday shopping done and then you know where I'll be!
I'm so looking forward to joining the many of you who are already enjoying your winter sewing.

Val's Quilting Studio


  1. Ha, ha! what an elegant couple! Good for you entering wholeheartedly into the spirit of things; the children will remember their fun teachers!

  2. Awww, aren't you cute in your onesie!! Now Jackson needs a matching sweater.

  3. HA - I think you look 'fabulous darling'!! Yes, Jackson needs a matching pair or sweater. We were -9 the other day and heat wave today of 20!! With lots more snow that we are still shoveling and plowing.

  4. Yay break! You MUST do pajama day it is the best being so comfortable. My daughter's flight was cancelled and she has been rerouted twice--this has put a big damper on break. We think she may make it to Denver tonight and my hubby happens to be there, so they will eventually have "joyous" ride together for many hours over the Rockies in the snow. I hope to sew and sleep after being up all night trying to get her travel plans right. We got about 5 inches last night...

  5. What a cutie you are - I love it! And yes, it is cold. Stanley, Idaho, was a balmy -39 F this morning. Can you believe that? I'm so glad I'm not there right now :)

  6. I love those PJs!! Very stylish and flattering...ha ha ha! It really looks like it was a fun (if brutally cold) day, though. Have fun on your break, Val. Sew, girl, sew!

  7. Great to be on holidays and looking forward to your sewing time

  8. I love seeing pictures of the actual person behind the blog! Yay for teachers who dress up!

  9. How brave of you to actually post the pajama pictures. Bet the kids lved it. Enjoy your break. Hope the weather calms down. We've been up and down with temps and we escaped the worst of the snow where I live (south of Rochester, NY, but closer to Lake Ontario, thet got hammered. Have a Merry Christmas.

  10. Aw, you look so cute! And cozy!! You just might want to wear those during your whole vacation while you're sewing if winter decides to stick around.

  11. pjs took warm and cosy. happy holidays and good to see it has stopped snowing

  12. Love the jammy's--they look nice and toasty!!

  13. Well I see two teachers who look just as cute as their students! LOL

  14. Adorable! Love the look girl! Have a wonderful break and Christmas!

  15. Love your onesie, Val. How fun to wear pyjamas to school. Your classroom must be the best fun!

  16. Love the PJs! I bet the kids did too. Hope you've gotten your shopping all done and have been enjoying lots of break time sewing.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
