Thursday, December 15, 2016

Truth be told...

Okay, okay, I have to admit, I've wanted to be a teacher since well, I myself was in Seoncd Grade. 
But truth be told, I secretly would have loved to be a meterorologist too!
I love tracking, watching, and living in a four season area. I also enjoy logging my own little weather reports here on my blog as well...especially since like many of you, I use my blog as a diary of sorts. 
With that said, since that first joyful snowfall last week, we have had over a foot of snow with layers of ice storms stacked inbetween.  This is now the view from our classroom window:

Our neighborhood looks like a wonderland after yet
another day of snow yesterday covered the layers of weekend ice.
My daily walks have officially been replaced with an hour of shoveling snow.

 Luckily Jackson can still find a shallow area under the trees to explore and "take care of business":
It's funny how tiring kids in snowpants, boots, mittens and hats can be!
And yet, they just keep on going like the little energizer bunny.
I have one more day until our Winter break and sugarplums of sewing are already dancing in my head! The anticipation is almost as fun as the "retreat of sewing" itself.
I hope this Artic Freeze finds you all safe and warm. I look forward to sharing more sewing soon. 
Next week: "Made" Gifts.
Val's Quilting Studio


  1. Love the look of your landscape. It looks like a large wedding cake on your table. Oh, but it is only snow. Beautiful. Shovelling snow is forced exercise

  2. I took care of the last errands today, so I can now hibernate. Cold, snow, winds, ice - just makes that snuggle time with my furkids more enjoyable.

  3. It is cold here now, and we are expecting ice on Friday night late into Saturday. Good days to sew!!

  4. I do like the snow, but ice? Not so much. It makes the snow too crusty for snow people. Have fun on your sewing retreat!

  5. what pretty snow photos. We haven't really had any yet in CT
    my husband too loves all things weather - its a good hobby as it's always changing :)

  6. I'm enjoying your snow photos without having to deal with snow myself! Snow and boating are not a great combo!

    I agree with you that weather is fascinating! I'm the weather router on our boat and it's my job to always be watching the forecast. While rain and temperature changes are nice to know, it's wind that really affects us on the boat. Wind makes waves and can really impact our decisions about where to be when. Before I started boating, I hardly ever thought about the wind, though!

  7. The photos are lovely Val!
    Oh goodness, I remember how tiring it was to dress just my own three in snow pants, boots, mittens and hats. A whole classroom of children must be never ending... especially because inevitably someone will decide they have to go to the bathroom after they are all bundled up.

  8. I kind of feel like those little kids when I dress to take the dogs for a walk--it's so cold and I'm a total wimp who should not be living in Minnesota!

  9. The photos are lovely but I think that you've had enough for awhile! Here's hoping for a break and a bit of a thaw

  10. Like us here in NH, you really HAVE to love the four seasons! Snowing here today, sitting in front of a fire, snuggling with the grand Dog! All good!

  11. The snow is so pretty. But it does seem to have the effect of energizing the kiddos, but completely wearing out the audlts. Hope you've been able to get in some stitching time now that you are on break. I've got one more day and then I'm off till the end of the year.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
