Wednesday, January 11, 2017

My Husband is Laughing at Me!

Soooo what if with a week worth of snow days under my belt that I've become a "little" obsessed with my little puzzle and may get up at the crack of dawn to work on it! Look how cute it is:

We quilters really know the reason I'm up so early. I have a few WIP I want to get finished I know these crazy snow days have to end soon and I don't want to have a bunch of WIP.
So I actually plan to spend my entire day in my basement studio:
7:30 am Snow Day #5
There's minimal shoveling left to do and today is suppose to be a "melt day" with temperatures finally reaching 34 degrees! So while it's been snowing like crazy, I have a few new WIP to wrap up:
1. My Winter Wallhanging (DONE)

2. RSC: Purple crayons and flowers: (DONE)

3. A new commission quilt: (DONE)

This little peek outside will be my reminder to enjoy yet another snow day, predicting the make-up days will probably be eliminating some upcoming long holiday weekends I was going to use as sew's all good. I miss my students and daily routines.
PS: I'm totally getting my classroom kids some puzzles to work on when they have transition time. 
 (Okay, okay...."maybe" I've become a little obsessed with my puzzle! LOL!)
Thank you for continuing to stop by and keep this "shut-in" company. Your comments and support make my day thus, comment to share if weather has affected your daily routine lately. The first day I actually do go back to work, I'll choose a random friend to send a little happy mail to. 
UPDATE: We DID return to school for one day on Tuesday the 17th.
So congratulations to #18 on this post: Kayak Kathy !!
Click here to check out this week's NEEDLE CASES.
Val's Quilting Studio


  1. I can see that I seriously need some of those snowed in days!

  2. That is a cute puzzle, Val. What will you do with it once you have it all together? It would be cute framed and hanging in your studio.

    I'm happy to see you are making progress on some WIPs.

    I work from home so the weather really doesn't affect my daily routine...unless we have one of our infamous summer storms that causes us to lose power. Then I just pull out a handwork project.

    1. I love this little puzzle as it reminds of all the things I love to decorate my own garden with! ( I even have two bunnies in a garden hutch. They however are in the basement right now) I think I may glue and frame it to hang in my studio.

  3. My dear Val look at all the wonderful things you are working on! And your puzzle i do understand...i do.. I get a little obsessed with them too..... truth be Working on the house i have not had the chance to just do a puzzle and i miss them... I never know what to do with them afterwards... do you have a plan to do something with it? Glue it together.. frame it ... hang it on a wall??? It just always breaks my heart a little to break it apart and put it back in the box...

    Well you might not want to hear about our weather... Arkansas.... the last two days we have been in the 60's..yes 60's .. crazy in January! The wind has been roaring thru our pine trees and yes they do roar....and starting Thurs night we are expecting 4 days of rain which we need very badly...our Beaver Lake is very low and its our drinking water...

    I've been sketching but not much else creative wise... made a few postcards...working on the house keeps me from doing too much..Enjoy your snow days Val... I hope i've kept you company this morning.. :) Hugs! deb

  4. Your snowed in basement windows make for a cozy look. I make an on-line puzzle from time to time - having a real one out with two furkids would not do.

  5. That's certainly some crazy weather you are having!! Aren't you glad you have this quilty hobby to help pass the time 😁

  6. Snowy, cold and cozy there but indoors it appears as if a whirlwind of activity is going on ! :0)

  7. Don't know how I would handle those snow days. I used to do puzzles with my neighbour.mthey are fun, keep it up... Happy WIP day...

  8. Gosh, I haven't done a jigsaw puzzle in years! They are not a good fit for boating life since the pieces would slide around in heavy seas :)

    We're near New Orleans right now, where they say there are four seasons in one week. It's true, too! A few days ago, the temps dropped into the 20s overnight, which is darned uncomfortable in a steel boat. The walls were sweating condensation and the quilt room was too cold to sew because we were at a dock with minimal electrical power to run the heaters night and day. We barely had enough to run the electric blanket to be able to sleep :(

    But now, four days later, it's in the 60s and up into the 70s for the rest of the week. I'm having a bit of temperature whiplash, LOL! The daily dilemma is how to make the blanket? Two? Three plus electric?? :)

  9. What's another obsession! Jigsaw away to your hearts content - tomorrow is another day and as you said the catchup days are coming!! Some lovely quilts in progress ther!

  10. We've had very seesaw weather here in western NY. Last night there were very high winds (peak 58 mph) and today it got up to 50°. What little snow we had has melted. The trouble with too many snow days is having to make some of them up later. I love jigsaw puzzles, but don't have room to leave one up, so I spend way too much time doing them online at Jigsaw Planet. The ones from the Quilt Show on Fri and Sun can be a challenge.

  11. I like jigsaw puzzles too! Cute one! Enjoy these snow days, they won't last. Sew while you can, LOL!!

  12. Love show days as my kids are a bit older and they r forced to stay home. I work at home most of th e time so I get time with them!

  13. I hauled out a puzzle for the new year's weekend, and my husband even got into the action with it. Maybe I should get another, because winter is far from over around here! Actually, I think it stopped snowing for a few days - I actually noticed last night that there's a full moon out there. First time for a long while with no clouds!

  14. very appropiate you are working on your winter wallhanging, do hope the snow thaws soon, how lucky we are no snow so far this year

  15. Unfortunately sleet and rain on this side of the pond so mushing through it! I do like your puzzle but I really hate getting up in the dark!

  16. We had some really cold weather last weekend - down into the single digits which is definitely not normal for Middle Tennessee. But then this week we had two days in the 70's, and now it's in the 40's. Hard to know how to dress these days! It's been gray outside which makes me want to huddle up and be lazy and read a book - but no no no, can't do that!! Enjoy your snow days!!

  17. Well, just to make you blanch, we are having +40C days here. The temps don't go below +25C at night, so our air con has been going 24 hours a day for days - very unusual. My sewing room is downstairs too, and by far the coolest room in the house, so that is where I have holed up lately. Amazing to see all that snow that is happening on the other side of the world. Cute jigsaw - I love them too, so totally get your obsession. LOL

  18. Wow 5 snow days in a row is a lot! Nice to have an unplanned vacation, but oh those makeup days!! The puzzle thing is funny! My MIL is a puzzle genius. She keeps a puzzle going either on her kitchen table or on a card table. The latest one "only" has 750 little pieces but to me they all look exactly the same! Yikes!!

  19. No snow here in London but a very wet and icy drive home from work on Thursday that took for ever. Stay safe and snug.

  20. what a cute puzzle - I love them too! So, do you have to make those days up in June?
    Great winter applique project.

  21. Here in Missouri we've had very little winter weather compared to Oregon, but I've had five special events cancelled because of it. Not much affecting my daily routine, but several fun things missed. I sure hope you have experienced the worst you're going to have.

  22. We had the ice storm that wasn't really as our only winter event, so it hasn't played with my routine. Drama Teen got a snow day out of it. I'm sure you will be ready to see the sunshine when it finally arrives. I'm ready for a little her, it's been so gloomy. Hope you've gotten in lots of stitching during your snow days.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
