Saturday, January 14, 2017

State of Emergency Declared/2017 Sat. Sampler

 Wow! That was a long post title huh! LOL! Welll...since my last post and having half of that snow/sew day turn into a snow removal day, Oregon has been declared to be in a State of Emergency.   It's like the world stood still as so many businesses closed due to snow damage. It's overwhelming to witness businesses, grocery stores, factories (Ore-Ida Plant) all close due to roofs caving in! 
Crane being used at our closed down grocery store.
After being shut in for eight days, my husband drove me around town and it leaves one speechless to see all this damage on top of witnessing the damage our neighbors are going through. As much as I would have loved to just sew my "snow days" away, honestly, half of them have been spent doing snow removal in preparation for the big melt that is sure to come. It's going to be a lonngggg winter!

FINALLY, teachers went back to school yesterday for a teacher work day. (YEAH!!) This being the first day for me to even drive in eight days, I can not tell you how strange it was to back out of my driveway in what seemed to be a tunnel of snow! This is the picture I texted to my mom:

Luckily most of our road are cleared enough to be one lane and though getting to school was a little slow with only a few "white knuckle" moments due to ice, I made it. We're hoping to have students return next Tuesday with prayers the projected snow storm next week skips us. So, with that said, my happy mail give-away will remain open until then....atleast! LOL!!
UPDATE: We DID return to school for one day on Tuesday the 17th.
So congratulations to #18 on this post: Nita!!

But check this out! I not only got out yesterday...but I actually changed out of my jammies TWO DAYS in a row!! OMG huh!! Yep! My quilty friend and I ventured to our first 2017 Saturday Sampler. It was so gooooood to see people again! LOL! (Don't worry, she had four wheel drive.)
Truth be told, I'm a little nervous about the tiny 1 1/2" squares and 2" flying geese in this one...arg! But I will do my best. My Quilter's Patch is going to be in a country (Kim Diehl) color way and since it finishes at 75"x 78 1/2" it will a perfect summer quilt for our master bedroom! YEAH!
UPDATE: Okay these patterns contain wayyyy too many small pieces for me.
Project abandoned as it's just too much cutting of too small of pieces for my liking.
Curious, if any of you participate in Saturday Samplers at nearby quilt stores? I actually got an applause today as I "show-n-telled" my Winter Wallhanging...but I'm not giving you a peek until I get the borders on tomorrow. Of which I must celebrate, I bought the fabric for those and the backing on clearance today! Woot Woo!!!! More happiness!!
Okay, my jammies are missing me! LOL! Time to get comfy and warm. Till tomorrow...

Val's Quilting Studio


  1. Oh wow! That's a lot of snow! Glad you were able to get out and about today. We got the ice, though not as bad as they did north of us. We are hoping that we keep power tonight. Did you get all the water cleaned up from the pipe break earlier this week?

  2. OMG. Now that's hard to plan for. Good to see you got out. Hope everything improves soon.

  3. Wow! I had no idea it was that bad, but I forget how dry out snow is compared to some areas. Be safe and quilt on with confidence. That's gonna be a great looking quilt. I look forward to your progress, even if you have to give up sewing in your jammies at some point.

  4. My oh my!! We are just super cold, but I do not relish this much snow at all. That's when we climb roofs and clear them when it is that bad - the Indians couldn't destroy this place we don't let Mother Nature.

  5. Oh, please be careful and take care!

  6. That is some truly crazy weather, I'm hoping you have a mild winter from here on!

  7. Hope the melt down doesn't cause too many problems - take care.

  8. It is hard to picture so much snow fingers and toes crossed that the thaw does not come too rapidly as that will then cause terrible floods but it is a gentle thaw instead. Trust shops etc will be repaired quickly and reopen you are so lucky to have escaped damage to your property

  9. So sorry to hear about the damage caused by snow. Here we've got snow the last days, but only a couple of centimeters. I don't like winter, so I hope it will go away soon. Hope your snow will disappear soon, too.

  10. Yikes, 1 1/2 inch squares. You will do brilliantly. This is such a lovely quilt. I can't imagine driving with all that snow everywhere. Do take care, lovely Val, when out and about.

  11. Amazing pictures! Do be careful outside on that ice! I love the idea of a Saturday Sampler! Love the pattern!

  12. Amazing amount of snow, and all the damage is scary. Glad you were safe and now back to school. Love that new pattern are brave! It will be great:)

  13. That is a lot of snow, never had to go through a tunnel of it!

  14. Oh dear. Stay safe and warm, Val. I'm so sorry to hear about your local businesses and their troubles as a result of the weather.

    Congrats on getting out and enjoying time at your LQS. Our LQS closed years ago but I did participate in their Saturday Sampler two years in a row. I hated the blocks from the first year and gave them to a friend. My 2009 SS is currently on the UFO list but I hope to finish it this year.

  15. Ooh, I never thought of it that there would be more than inconvenience with that snow. Damage? Not good. I have a niece in Lake Oswego, and they've been in a similar situation to you. They were without power a few days. According to their pictures, the kids didn't seem to mind, though. They had a blast outdoors and rediscovered non-techy toys they hadn't played with in awhile. Luckily, they have gas fireplaces to stay warm. Have fun with that quilt. I'm sure you will do just fine with it. I think there is a block-of-the-month program at a store near me, but I haven't participated.

  16. So glad we are not having that much snow... We get the most in March, April and May.
    Hang in there and enjoy your days off.

  17. What weird weather, huh? Here we are in western NY with bare ground and temps boomeranging between highs in the 20's one to 40's and near 50 several days later. One day last week we hit 58°, in mid-January. But we'll probably pay for it in March just when we're praying for spring. I've seen that quilt kit, but I'd never finish that amount of applique, although I love the quilt.

  18. We're under a heavy snow warning, too.

  19. This was such a great post to read! It is like a very interesting journal entry, and if it is not in your journal it should be just for the historical content. I am sad to hear there is so much damage and realize there will be repercussions with the melt. I just came from way up North in my state and there is 2 inches of solid ice under every new snow fall. Walking around through parking lots is so scary. Utah is really great at keeping the roads cleared though. My aunt's basement flooded because there was no place for the snow to go when it melted off of the solid ice. Sad day! Thanks for sharing!

  20. I heard on the news this evening about Portland's snow troubles. Wow! So sad that the snow can be so heavy and do such damage. And in Michigan we are having rain, snow and maybe ice in the morning.
    I don't know of a store near me that has a Saturday Sampler, sounds like a fun day.

  21. I really ought to try our SS! I've noticed a pajama party sew-in night that looks fun too. I Hope the next storm kindly bypasses you, I really don't miss the snow but I do have nice memories!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
