Friday, June 29, 2018

June OMG: Bee Happy Progress

I set out to continue to be intentional about using projects in my stash this year, so I tackled my  Lori Holt's Bee Happy! applique blocks this month as my June OMG. I wanted to make some obvious progress in getting more of these blocks done.
I went from this: this: (Obvious progress right!)
I think I did good! I will continue to work on this one in-between other projects with the motivation to have it done and quilted by the end of my summer break. I also crossed an eye-spy quilt off my list this month and got another quilt's binding done. I appreciate Patty's OMG as it rejuvenated this project which provides the perfect summer sewing for me .

Also...LOTS going on here at the ol' blog.

Click HERE to participate in my Tuesday Archives Give-Away.
Thanks to everyone who participated in our Eye Spy Swap.
Piggy Bank Savers...mark your calendars for July that's when we empty and count our quilty savings for the year. I think I'm going to beat hubby this year!
PreviewCLOSED!Click the picture to read more!


  1. What a fun quilt! I love all those blocks. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

  2. Great quilt, I like those with a lot of different blocks and sizes put together.

  3. I can tell you are having fun with the Bee Happy blocks--so cute! I agree--the One Monthly Goal is so helpful to keep me on track!

  4. That is great progress. What a fun summertime project.

  5. You made LOTS of progress. I like the colors in the blocks.

  6. Congrats on all the progress. OMG is such a helpful motivator, it helps one find a focus for the month too. Hope your July is even more productive.

  7. what great and happy blocks. Also your header always makes me smile.

  8. What a fun quilt to be working on (bee working on?) during the summer! I love the creamy colors. When I go to your blog, I just have to smile. I just love your self portrait!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
