Wednesday, January 2, 2019

My New Year OMG & BOM!

Happy Happy New Year!!
 Lucky me, I'm on winter break for the rest of the week yet, still get up early and have breakfast with hubby before he leaves for work. Then I sit right here at our breakfast table and catch up with all of you in the blogging world until daybreak. (Which in our neck of the woods doesn't happen till about 8:00 am.) With that said, I decided to jump in and join two challenges this year in hopes to make a dent in my Quilty Inventory List.

First up: I'm joining many of you at Patty's OMG:
My January goals are to:
1. FINISH my Anne Downs quilt and have it sewn together into a flimsy
2. Get our grand-guys cow quilt quilted and gifted!

Next, I'm joining Deana who blogs at Dreamworthy Quilts for her Create Your Own BOM,
Mine will be by Lori Holt Picture Quilt:
There are twenty blocks in all and I plan on completing four blocks a month.
January I will make the bird, butterfly, cake and camera.
Thanks for the motivation Patty and Deana.


  1. I like your BOM goal. I have the Spelling Bee book and want to make the ABC quilt, maybe I'll join in....

  2. That works out to a block each week.

  3. I hope you manage all your goals Val. Enjoy the rest of your Winter break.

  4. Enjoy the rest of the winter break and some quilting time. I'm also off until Monday but haven't managed much sewing yet as I had marking to clear. I've still got time to catch up with my fabric strokinh and quilting. Great goals Good luck

  5. Sounds like overcoming goals. That Lori Holt quilt is just sweet. Happy New Year to you!

  6. Happy New Year-Enjoy your projects-hugs

  7. My last holiday house guest left at lunchtime today so I'm finally getting my house and studio back in order 👌💖 I look forward to seeing your progress on these tasks!

  8. What a fun plan to do your own BOM! Have fun with your vacation time.

  9. Yay! I love your Lori Holt Project. If I didn't have my year already committed I would make it with you. Watching your blocks appear each week will be a joy!

    Lucky you! I went back go school on Jan 2nd, but I do get a whole week off for spring break.

    Happy blogging and quilting!

  10. I think linking up is a good motivator—good luck with your goals! Happy New Year!

  11. Good to see a plan. That little push goes a long way

  12. Great goals, and I like that picture quilt pattern!

  13. Good luck on both your goals! I hope to tackly some long-waiting projects in 2019 too!

  14. How fun....a cosy wintry break from school! You will be kicking those goals, Val.

  15. These dark mornings are still throwing me off (as are the early dark evenings). Good luck with your OMG and BOM plans. Enjoy your last day of the Winter break. I'm ready for a weekend and I've only been back at work 2 days. It's going to be a long year!

  16. I like Lori's patterns. Will look forward to seeing your progress, Val.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
