Saturday, January 28, 2017

Saturday Sewing...

I think someone wishes he was outside as he... his dad clear all those icicles that have built up.
I just let him out and he lasted all of five minutes and is now cuddled up on the couch.
Personally, I plan to keep warm in my studio today with a list of quilty things to keep me busy: 
1. Happy RSC Saturday...I linked my final purples.
2. I'm all caught up on my January Scrap Dance Mystery QAL
3. Just need to quilt and bind my Winter Wallhanging and I'll have my January OMG met.
4. Cut and prep my two blocks for my Sat. Sampler.
5. Prep sewing supplies to teach my students to stitch next week.
That should keep me busy in-between the laundry and cleaning...because I'm NOT going outside.
Thanks for stopping by and happy, happy Saturday!
Next week's theme is: SNOWMEN!
Val's Quilting Studio


  1. I'm with you Val, it's bitterly cold here today but I plan to stay warm inside and play with fabric! I'm ready for spring!!

  2. Well.... what else is a girl supposed to do!!Enjoy your day!

  3. very sensible |I too would be hibernating and stitching instead of clearing snow and icicles

  4. Hope you got lots done yesterday! Hard to believe that January is almost over.

  5. Sounds like a perfect sewing day! You are getting a lot of snow this year.

  6. You must be getting MY Snow, lol. Well we did get a wee bit over the weekend which was preferable to rain and mud. ( Crazy winter in most of winter is missing :)

  7. Sounds like a lot of fun in your studio...I would stay inside and enjoy that, too!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
