Monday, February 20, 2017

Some Quilting and Sewing...

 So I've spent a large portion of my long weekend off from teaching right here: 

 I've been quilting.

I used this "Square Dance" pantograph to...

 ...quilt this top for Nancy who commissioned me to do this for her. She blogs at PugMom Quilts. 
This one is for her nephew and I absolutely love how it's turning out!

 I've been sewing. 

 I finally started my Feb. One Monthly Goal. About now I'm thinking it was a little over optimistic of to think I could sew a queen size quilt top together in one, seriously,  I should know better! I mean I ALWAYS have more than one project going on at the same time...what was I thinking! I do love all these prints though and find the fat quarter friendly pattern I'm using quick and fun! I'm  spending the rest of the afternoon sewing a few of these rows together and will look forward to sharing a little bit more of this project with you later this week. (Who knows...maybe I'll even make my goal!)

And speaking of multiple projects...I also have my second step of Carole's Scrap Dance Two Step QAL all ready to sew together tomorrow after school. (LOL! Can you say squirrel!)

Anyhoo, we're hoping for a break in the weather, as an afternoon walk outside sure would be nice.  
Until then, that hum you may hear in the distance, is me just sewing along here as I use my sewing to beat the Wintertime Blues with a cozy sew day at home with my buddy Jackson.
Thanks for stopping by.
I'd love to quilt for you too.
Click HERE to read the details.


  1. My machine is humming today too! Working on the next block of the neighborhood quilt. Plus, I have another panel quilt I want to load soon for charity. Doing a bit of cleaning out of fabric too, I just need to purge a bit. Cutie pie, Jackson, looks like he needs a tummy rub.

  2. I did sew an entire queen sized quilt last December. It turned out great, but we did take to referring to the dining room as "Santa's Little Sweatshop". And we depleted most of the meals stockpiled in the freezer so time was not wasted on survival needs instead of sewing. I think you can do it, but Jackson may have to help.

  3. I too always anticipate I will finish a lot more than I do.....why is that?? =) Nancy's quilt is so cool and your quilting is perfect. Such a fun, fun quilt!

  4. sounds like a perfect weekend to me!

  5. Ha ha, yes! Lots of Squirrel! going on :)

  6. You are a busy girl! Hope you continue to make progress on your goals.

  7. Good planning for your future weeks work

  8. Good morning, Give Jackson a hug from me he always makes me smile such a cutie a perfect way to spend some off work days at home I always think more than I can actually accomplish too lol have a good day

  9. Hi, Val! That quilt on your frame looks fantastic, and I'm curious because it looks like you're doing a computerized panto and I didn't know you had your longarm machine computerized. Are you using Intelliquilter or some other program? What do you love/hate about it? I've been looking more seriously at longarm machines lately and I'm really intrigued by the computers, but want to get as much info as I can from those who are using them!

  10. You had a mini retreat at home! so many projects and sewing - yay

  11. Yeah to you for getting in some sewing time. I've been able to do that recently too and it feels good.

  12. Looks like you are making good progress. The square dance panto looks awesome on the quilt.

  13. I'm intrigued with the valentines quilt! Can't wait for your next update:) All the snow you're having is unfathomable for me in Sydney, Australia! We're over our hottest days now, and I'm glad of that, but it's still warm here!

  14. quilt looks great you have done for a friend I am sure she must be delighted. I think most of us have too many projects on the go. This only happened when I started quilting when I did embroidery I was good and worked on one at a time.

  15. That quilting is lovely and that was a lofty goal, yes. I'd probably set that goal for a yearly one, ha ha!

  16. A very fun and bright commissioned quilt. That's perfect for a teenager. I'm way behind on blog reading, hope your 4 day weekend last week was lots of fun.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
