Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Tuesday Archives #149: Reading

Welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts! 
Please click here to read more about this linky party.  
Val's Quilting Studio

This week's theme is: READING

Oh my...I've had one of those days where I kinda forgot what day of the week it is! LOL!! Anyhooo....this week's Tuesday Archives theme is reading. I know, not a quilty theme, but never-the-less, a past-time I notice many of us quilters do enjoy. I usually read in the summer as I always get so caught up in a book and end up staying up way too late reading!
But last Friday temptation got the best of me as I found myself enjoying our beautiful weather by strolling through our downtown shops: A "vintage" shop going out of business, "country collectibles", and yes, the used book store...in which I almost immediately found a good read. I then treated myself to a few hours at our favorite coffee shop downtown. I relaxed  with a yogurt lunch, some green tea and let myself get lost in the beginning of a new story. (Of which is almost done!)

I enjoy the Elm Creek Quilts novels by Jennifer Chiaverini. Lucky me, my mom keeps me well stocked. (THANK YOU MOM!) But in-between, I like a new read. I got hooked on this series below after Carole's blog post.  (I'm off to the public library soon to check out the last one of the series!) Sachitano

Bernie over at Needle and Foot  came up with the most creative idea and started a Fabric and Fiction book share. I got in on the Winter Book Share and am looking forward to my turn. 
Click HERE to read all about her cool happy mail/quilters book club of sorts.

And I know many of you also post your "current" read on your sidebars too. (Cause I'm always looking) So this week guys, really, feel free to create a new post with your favorite recommendations and/or rejuvenate your already published book/reading posts.  I'll leave the linky open till next Monday but know this week's linky theme is open to anything that has to do with reading. Enjoy!

Val's Quilting Studio


  1. Thanks for the feature!! I have so many book reviews on my blog, but I'll stop with just five linkups, LOL!!

  2. I'll have to go the library to check out these books. I have all the Elm creek books. My daughter bought them all for me over many birthdays and Xmas gifts. I don't think I have any posts on books except my blog 2 print... yep . I'll do that one..

    1. Jo! We can get our blog made into a book!! This is sooooo cool! THANK YOU for sharing your post on how you did this.

  3. I have just had the last 2 years done but I haven't done a post with them yet. Mmmmm will have to do that... I love them

  4. This past year I had gotten back into reading and I am really enjoying it. Even back into early American history books. wow I have not picked up an elm creek quilters book in a few years now-is she still adding to the series? My Mom got me hooked on those too lol
    Since the linky party will be up for awhile I will share a post too thanks

  5. Hi Valerie, This makes me want to head to the library. That snack next to the book looks so good, that after typing this comment, I think that I need to head to the frig and find me some breakfast, LOL. Yum!

  6. This sounds like a fun theme, Val. I have not read a book in a few years and I used to read all the time. I guess my prioroties have changed a little. For now, I am spending every free moment trying to finishh some quilt tops. Finishes, finishes, finishes is what I am all about lately!

    Have a great week!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
