Monday, March 27, 2017

A Boy and A Dog...

...are always heartwarming to watch play together aren't they.

I never really realized how inseparable Jackson and our Grand-guy are, until I was sitting outside yesterday afternoon enjoying a rest and a well earned glass of wine. Jackson follows him everywhere. They chase each other. They play "hide and seek". They laugh. They gives kisses.  Suddenly I realized why he always requests to "see Jackson" every time we Facetime and wants 
"his baby" named Jackson if it's a boy! LOL!!!!!

Well...except when said boy pretends he's Spiderman spinning a web on his dog!
Jackson's not so impressed with his Spiderman skills. LOL!
My Spring Break is off to a great start and I'm looking forward to filling it with many more Grammy adventures with our little guy. Starting with a trip to the Zoo today as PopPop is off.
Thanks so very much for stopping by and for being my bloggy friends. I awoke early this morning and tiptoed downstairs to catch up on my blog and to be greeted by all your kind comments of congratulations yesterday just made my day! Hope your week is off to great start as well.

Val's Quilting Studio


  1. There is nothing like a boy and his dog. So sweet.

  2. Dogs are great for burning off all that energy. Jackson's going to love having two playmates!

  3. Actually I think Jackson is a cute name. I'm surmising they would like a girl this time.

  4. Enjoy your spring break and time with your handsome grand-guy :)

  5. And the red wagon - a boy, dog, and wagon a must in the yard. I think I need to see if my grands would love a trip to the zoo. Enjoy!!

  6. Obviously, Jackson has figured out who has stature in your pack and he is doing his best to keep him near. How sweet.

  7. Oh every little boy needs a little red wagon and a faithful dog to play with. It's mandatory for every boyhood adventure. LOVE that first photo, 'tis filled with so much joy and fun! Enjoy your Spring break with your little Grand-guy, lovely Val.

  8. I love seeing them playing together. Everyone needs a dog as a best friend. Hugs,

  9. What a great memory day! How perfect and such imagination. Enjoy :)

  10. good to see they keep each other company all that running about will make them sleep well at night

  11. Jackson and your grandson are so cute together! Looks like you are off to a great start on your break--have fun!

  12. Hope you've had a fun week. Jackson will probably be glad to get home and rest up for your next visit.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
