Thursday, July 6, 2017

LINKY: Time to Share! 4th Annual Piggy Bank Savings = Money for Quilting Challenge

It's that time of year when we finally empty our piggy banks and splurge on something quilty!
Click the picture to read more!

This year in our household: I'm the WINNER!

Barely!!  He saved $116.77 and I saved $118.41. And truth be told...he had most of his in change. But I was good at tucking dollar bills this year, so he gets to buy me, the winner, the ice-cream!
So what did we splurge on?
He found himself a great deal on golf clubs and got himself a never used set off Craigslist for $120.
They are just what he needed to enjoy golfing with his Father and Son-in-Laws.

Me? I couldn't resist joining Lori Holt's Bee Happy Sew Along coming up in August.
I'm soooo excited as I can't remember the last time I bought a yummy pack of fabric like this.
The quilt will measure 72"x80" when finished and I got a good discount by pre-ordering through a nearby Quilt Store. Which meant I only had to add a little bit more money "to the pot" to get things purchased. YEAH!! (Click right HERE  to read more about this Fall Sew Along.) 
NOW it's your turn to share!
Last July 15 of you signed up for this year's challenge and even more joined through email after the linky closed. Well, this week is the time to empty those that piggy banks my friends and create a post to link here with us exclaiming your total amount saved and share what quilty purchase you're going to make! (FYI: The linky will be open for a week)
Also, the code to our challenge button is on my sidebar. 
Click the picture to read more!
Please feel welcome to share it in your post or on your blog to invite your followers to join us here next Thursday, July 13th, as sign-ups for the  5th Annual Challenge will begin.

WIN quilt batting this summer. Click HERE to read how.

I specialize in edge to edge pantographs with over 100 designs to choose from.
Check out my Long-Arm Quilting page for details.
I offer FREE Return Shipping on all quilts in the U.S.A.
WIN quilt batting this summer. Click HERE to read how.


  1. I didn't sign up last year....but all the change that I saved because of your challenge-- in my 1/2 gallon jar, picked up from all of the cars, the ground, Jeff's belongings from work when I cleaned out his locker and tool box, random places throughout the house I ended up with over $210.

    1. No worries that you missed the sign-up...just happy to know the "challenge" inspired you to save all that extra change. Now the fun question is: "What do you plan to treat yourself to??" V:)

  2. I did sign up but late. I put my entire pink piggy bank (that my daughter made for me 30 years ago) on the collection plate at her church as a donation toward the short term mission trip I will be making with them in August. It was a challenge for the tellers to empty it without breaking the thing to extract a bit more than $250. The pig is back on the shelf above the dryer and has a couple of contributions already.

    1. Awesome! Isn't it amazing the amount we can save and the difference it can make a year later! Enjoy your mission trip...what a beautiful thing to do with your savings!

  3. afraid all that is in my pot is about £12 I only save 1,2,5 and 10pence change and seem to shop more with my debit card now so do not get the Change. Loving the kit you have bought what a beautiful design will enjoy following your progress of this. I have her Quilty fun pattern book, just got it off the shelf to check it out maybe will get round to doing it one day

  4. I will count mine on the weekend. There won't be much after moving house/town and not having an income for 10 months I used every cent I have. There is a little bit there. I am also using my coins for coffee every morning before work.

  5. Can't remember if I registered or not, but will start counting my coins. I definitely don't have as much as the last time but every penny helps!

    1. Whether you guys signed up or not....if your took on the challenge of saving your pennies (ect) and are ready to count those coins...please join us! The linky is open for a week. As we begin next's year' challenge next week.:)

  6. You definitely made good use of your "savings"!

  7. I don't see a link to the Inlinkz tool. Here's my blog post about my PBC savings:

    1. Problem fixed. I liked your post for ya Nan. Thanks for letting me know. V:)

  8. What fun things you bought with your savings! (With the price of new golf clubs these days--yikes!--your hubby did great. And fabric is always a wonderful present-to-self! I haven't been saving piggy-bank style. But my purse was feeling heavy today, and I cleaned out the coins in the bottom and then splurged on freshly popped popcorn! (We do get cashback on our credit cards--without carrying a balance--and use that for splurges. We bought a new vac yesterday. Woohoo! Does that count? I know. Not as exciting as fabric until you see all the dust/sewing threads the old vac wasn't picking up.)

  9. What a great deal on the golf clubs. And your fabrics for the Fall Sew Along are gorgeous. Congratulations on some great savings!

  10. You and your hubby did great! Next time I want to build a bigger number :-)

  11. Oh yeah! You are going to have fun with the QAL. I love her work.

  12. Val, I just learned of this challenge and would like to get the details so I can join in this year. Please explain the "rules." Thanks.

  13. Woo! You guys did great and I love your purchases! I cannot decide what I want to spend my savings on. I added my link and I will be joining you for the 5th!

  14. What an AWESOME challenge!! I visited all of the links. You were a wonderful inspiration!

  15. Very nice. Good for you and congrats.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
