Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Sign-up linky: 4th Annual Piggy Bank Savings = Money for Quilting Challenge

Many of you are familiar with the water jug vs the pig competition that goes on in our household.
Click the picture to read more!
It started our innocent enough when four years ago I bought this little silver piggy bank to collect laundry change. Well, a year later, he was full and I cashed in at $102.45! I, of course, put my new found "savings" to good use and stocked up on fabric! So fun!!

Well, once my husband found out how much I saved, he started his own "bank of change". But also read somewhere that if you throw in a dollar or even a five dollar bill once in awhile, you can literally double your savings.

So over the past three years, between us, we have saved a modest $600.00. 
I also found out my mom joined us and saved herself about $35.00 that she'll use for knitting.

So... Now it's time to join/rejoin the Piggy Bank Challenge!

Note: This Linky is open until  August 1st. 
So spread the word to all your readers/followers as well!

You know what they say:  a penny saved is a penny earned.
It's been fun to extend the challenge to all of you  and am looking forward to seeing who links up.
Val's Quilting Studio
  1. All's you have to do is create a post this week sharing your "piggy bank".
  2. Include your goal of what you'd like to purchase with your savings come this time next year.
  3. Include the linky button above to help spread the word to all your followers. 
  4. Return and link your post here anytime this week until August 1st.
  5. Start "penny pinching". (Coins and bills are allowed)
  6. Next year we'll  all empty our piggy banks on July 6th and create a post exclaiming our totals, share what quilty purchase we're going to make and link up here once again to celebrate! (Don't worry, I'll send emails to all who link up this week with reminders.)
Happy savings! Share your Piggy Bank Challenge post right here: 
1. Shauna of Shauna's World  6. Terri  11. Renee @ Living My Dream  
2. Mary Kunna/Tosty's  7. katie yoakum  12. Nann  
3. Julianne  8. Valerie @ Evening in the Garden  13. Happy Cottage Quilter  
4. mindingmomma  9. melanie  14. Needled Mom  
5. Jo ButterZ  10. VroomansQuilts  15. Daffycat  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Val's Quilting Studio


  1. I never got to emptying my barrel of money! Oh My!! I know there was enough in there to buy my 'new to me' used quilting frame - being delivered in August. Once that's here, I can give the specs to BlockRocket and that will come home.

  2. This has caught my eye before. Are there guidelines for what is 'spare change'? I know this can really work, I've done it on paper with my 'Food and Entertainment' budget (hey, I was single and they overlapped a lot). At the end of each month the 'extra' went into a separate account.

    1. are a no-reply blogger so I hope you see my answer: No real guidelines....change, dollar bills, fives (I think my husband threw in a make sure he beat me!) I know Shauna and I are going to put an extra $5 bill in each week.

    2. Thanks. Alas I'm also a 'no blog' blogger, thus the no reply thing. Off to contemplate what might be a goal inspiring container for my 'spare' change.

  3. Linking up again this year. Love this challenge. Sort of a charity event, with me being the recipient! Love it.

  4. I've still not had a chance to count my change collected over the last two years. So I'll keep following along with the challenge this year.

  5. Hi Val!
    Thanks for the comment!
    Looks like you're really enjoying your Summer break!
    Thanks for sharing all the creative ideaas and links on you blog! I readly do enjoy reading it!
    Not much handwork here, looking forward to the cold winter days to do that!
    Take care,


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!


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