Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Week of Grammy Camp

Jackson has company this week that has kept him busy!

Yes! His favorite boy!
While Meme here was busy mowing the yard these two were busy "making mud"... 

...and washing cars. LOL! Yes! They got full of mud...but isn't that what little boys are suppose to do?

Anyhoo....not much sewing or stitching this week...as our afternoons are filled with
swim lessons, bubbles and of course ice-cream!
At three and a half, he's also enjoying puzzles, super heros, books and dinosaurs. Such fun!
I've started a new Quilt Novel this week and the County Fair begins tomorrow.
I'm working on a couple posts during their afternoon naps to share this novel as a Give-Away with you and our classroom quilt at the fair. I'm almost finished binding my Bloom Quilt and will have that posted as a Friday finish! Then I'll find myself at the week's end and on my way to return our little guy to his parents. Guess I'll have no excuse to procrastinate any longer quilting my monster quilt that is sitting waiting for me on the long-arm frame.  And like so many of your commented, it will go faster than I anticipate and to just pace myself. Oh and Tuesday Archives will resume soon. I've posted those themes on the sidebar. I'm  just enjoying the dog days of summer (Our daily highs have been between 97-101...yuck!) and admittedly I'm just going a little slower in all areas of life right now.....                 Gotta' love that! As always, thank you for stopping by. I appreciate you following.


  1. Sounds like a ton of fun and I am so happy to see your boys in the mud. Brings back memories of my childhood. We were NEVER inside during the summer. Getting dirty is so much fun, isn't it?

    Can't wait to see your Friday finish!

  2. Sounds like those Summer days of yours are turning out to be fun, fun, fun! How lovely to spend time with your little grand guy. Fingers crossed for your classroom quilt at the Fair.

  3. Oh the joys of boys and mud! I had three sons so I remember that!

    1. This "mud" play was very new to me...as we raised girls. But when I asked what he was doing and he replied: "Making Mud" I couldn't do anything but smile!

  4. I too can rec mud pie making many many years ago! What fun you must be having your GS staying

  5. You must be having a blast this week, what darling photos!! I made lots of mud pies way back when, so fun to get dirty. Have fun sewing when you can get back to it.

  6. I think I had the only boy who hated to get dirty. It looks like everyone had a lot of fun. Your grandson is so adorable.

  7. Your days have been full, but it looks like everyone is having a fantastic time making memories.

  8. I loved grammy camp when my grands were young. Now they are young adults and live soooo far away. Love the mud making!
    We had a few days of that hot stuff, but now we are having a week in the 30s and 60s. Sweet relief!

  9. Having just finished a week in western NY with 2 grandsons visiting from Houston, I identify with the lack of quilting and gardening. We had no mud pies but we did take a trip to Niagara Falls. Your summer is winding down while as a retiree, I can just sit back and do whatever I want. Sorry, don't mean to rub it in. Hope you get that quilt on the frame finished up before school starts again. We fortunately have not been suffering from super hot temps, although it did hit 87° today.

  10. I love the Grammy Camp updates! Jackson truly looks like he's enjoying himself as much as your adorable grandson :0

  11. What a sweet week. I'm sure you will miss him when he goes back home. And I think Jackson will feel the same. Keep having fun and stay cool as you can!

  12. Love the pics of Jackson and your GS.

  13. Between him and the dog....just ADORABLE! And I was smiling, thinking of how much this reminded me of my grands around that age, especially Brent, when right in the middle of reading this, he and the girls came in with a stuffed animal that needs sewn.

    I get all of these Velveteen Rabbit types constantly, lol!!

  14. Looks like your week was full of fun stuff! Enjoy.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
