Friday, November 10, 2017

My Weekend List

I awake this morning to a quiet house and a three day weekend ahead. My first, true, three day weekend since the school year has started that I can look forward to just being home and in my sewing studio. I don't even know where to begin, but a list is sure to help illiminate me walking in circles trying to figure that out. I not only need to get some quilting finished, but I need to pack for being at my daughter's for two weeks. So here I go:
Image result for quilter packed for retreat cartoon
3. Sew binding onto both of these quilts.
4. Prep another of my wool BOM.
5. Go through my stash and put together a new sewing project...
or two for the two week's I'll be at my daughters.
6. Pack my sewing machine and projects.

Image result for home
1.Saturday: Final mow/leaf pick-up
2. Catch up on laundry
3. Organize bill pay
4. Pack "basement" things into truck
5. Monday: Vacume and Dust
6. Tuesday: Change sheets and Clean Baths
7. Pack: Decorative Roosters to give to Jen
8. Pack dog food and beds
9. Print pictures for calendar
10. Tea-dye duvet 
11 Prepare birthday presents
Image result for exerciser lady walking with dog cartoon
 Pack clothes for two weeks away.
Click  HERE  to read about the five benefits of List Making.

I specialize in edge to edge pantographs with over 100 designs to choose from.

Check out my Long-Arm Quilting page for details.
I offer FREE Return Shipping on all quilts in the U.S.A.


  1. I'm hoping to get into my studio Sunday for the first time in weeks. With our kitchen renovation and travels I just haven't had the time or inclination. But the kitchen flooring will be finished today then I have to put all the Pyrex displays back in there tomorrow. Have a great three day weekend 😍

  2. You've got a packed three day weekend! Good luck with all your plans. Hope you get in some fun stitching time.

  3. Oh, I owe you such a long letter!

    I'm a list maker, too. If I go too long without one, I start to feel scattered and anxious. It's such a good method for organizing my thoughts,if nothing else. I'm a person who "thinks out loud" and you probably are, too. I think that's a mark of a list maker, lol.

    I'm so excited for you...a second grandbaby!!

  4. Planning is the hardest part and of course deciding on what to take. Have a wonderful time :)


  5. This is a nice full inspirational list ! Enjoy ! I had a chuckle at the yard work part. We've had nothing but rain for days then suddenly a drop to super-low temps / I wonder if I'll ever get yard work done this weird fall ( NOTHING DIED for ages like it was supposed to due to warm temps, then it rained non-stop and suddenly it is going down to 17 degrees LOL! NO! I don't want to clean up the garden when it is that cold :)

    Well I hope that you see much progress on your list! You inspire me :)

  6. Sounds like the most wonderful weekend, Val! Enjoy!!

  7. Have some fun this weekend with your quilting, don't work too hard. Jackson may need a tummy rub in there somewhere.

  8. Great list - love the little images to go with it. Sounds like a really busy weekend!

  9. You have the most fun blog posts! I am a serious list person! Included on my list for tonight is catching up on blog reading while I watch the Patriots game!!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
