Sunday, July 1, 2018

A New Applique Project...

Inspired from the book: Applique with Attitude from Piece O'Cake Designs, I put together this fun little applique wall hanging today. I've been missing applique sewing and even though my wool project is allllmmmmoooossst finished and I really should focus on that,  I just don't feel like sewing with wool when it's summer. This one is light and cool to sew and provides the perfect hand sewing I've been craving during my morning coffee on the patio.
 Once bordered it will finish into a fun 30"x 36" wall hanging. I'm also going to make this a project that allows me to play with some of my free motion quilting ideas and hopefully begin to build my confidence in that area of quilting too. So, that's what I've been up to as I begin to enjoy my summer break. Stay tuned for more soon....

Also...LOTS going on here at the ol' blog.

Click HERE to participate in my Tuesday Archives Give-Away.
Thanks to everyone who participated in our Eye Spy Swap.
Piggy Bank Savers...mark your calendars for July that's when we empty and count our quilty savings for the year. I think I'm going to beat hubby this year!
PreviewCLOSED!Click the picture to read more!


  1. Hi Valerie what a beautiful project you are working on,love it,well done my friend xx

  2. A very fun new project! Enjoy your morning stitching time.

  3. A lovely summery wall hanging, Val. 'Tis perfect for lazy stitching days on the patio.

  4. I love your applique wall hanging Val!

  5. I'm with you, I'd rather do wool in winter. Your project is wonderful.

  6. Very sweet little piece! And it will be great for FMQ practice with all that background space. The fabric you've chosen for that will hide a few little oopsies, should you happen to make any :)

  7. You're right about wool applique in the summer - just doesn't seem like a good fit, lol! Your new project is darling. Have fun FMQing. If I can do it, you can do it!!!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
