Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Tuesday Archives #131: Free Choice & Give-Away!!

Val's Quilting Studio

This week's theme is: FREE CHOICE! 

I so enjoy the fact that Tuesday Archives let's us rejuvenate our OLD quilting/sewing posts. I always enjoy getting a "look back" to previous posts perhaps missed or that are truly just so darn inspiring to see again.

It's always as easy as 1,2,3.
1. Each Tuesday I post a quilt theme.
2. We  search through our quilting archives for old posts to link under the theme.
BTW: The themes are listed monthly right over there in the sidebar of my blog.
(And/or as  Celine at Espritpatch  did, feel free to create a new post about an older quilt made "pre-blogging time".)
3. Visit a few other quilty friends,  let them know how they have inspired you!

(The linky is left open for three days each week.) 
Image result for mary engelbreit quilt sewing friends

Sooooo as a special thank you for your support and bloggy friendship, for each old post you rejuvenate, you'll be entered into my Mary Engelbreit inspired give-away:

Magnetic note pad, nail file, cupcake liners (fun!) and of course, fabric!!
 Tuesday Archives is a quick and easy way to rejuvenate your old posts and find focused inspiration! With that said, upon readers request, there's also a Tuesday Archives Directory where you can check out all the previous linky parties by theme.  Receive an additional give-away entry by checking out the directory and commenting to share NEW theme topics.
Have fun! I hope ya join in!
(Oh! And if ya keep a link-up party list on your blog, I know many of you already do, but if you are new to our party, I'd be smiling a big THUMBS UP if ya added my Tuesday Archives "button" .) 

Click here to go to our Tuesday Archives Directory.
Val's Quilting Studio


  1. tried to add your button but got so confused afraid it did not work!

  2. You cheeky girl - leading up to that lovely pile of M.E. goodies. Gave you a shout out and a post link up.

  3. I see you have an Embroidery item, but what about a specific Cross Stitch theme?

  4. I really enjoy visiting these links. Thank you so much for doing the work of hosting this every week. It sure is a pleasure for those of us who like discovering 'new to us' inspiration.

  5. I think your blog is the blog I most often visit. I love these Tuesday themes and I love your quilts, for sure. I'll come back tomorrow with some new ideas.

  6. Hi Val, thanks for doing the weekly party and for the chance to win. Did you see my recent beach post with a picture of a smiling Jackson dog? That was the friendliest one of the weekend! LeeAnna

  7. Maybe I missed it, but who won the giveaway?


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
