Thursday, January 29, 2015

Scrappy Bath Rug Tutorial

Click here to find my GYB/Give-Away post.

I like to use cloth bath rugs with no rubber backs for easy cleaning. Yet, I've begun to notice our bathroom rug downstairs needed replacement or renewal!  (And quick!) Well wayyyy back to when I was a young mom, with no extra money to buy decorative things for the house, I remember using old fabric scraps to rejuvinate old, worn bath and kitchen rugs. I decided immediately that this old rug was not going to be replaced, but renewed!
In about two hours time you can turn a bundle of fabric strips into a new rug!
Yep, First, start with a bundle of fabric strips in the colors you want.
(My strips ranged from 1 1/2" to 3" in width...a variety of sizes is fine.)

Cut the strips into 4" to 5" pieces. (Again, you don't have to be exact.)

Then, line them up in a row on one edge of the rug (about 1/2" in from the edge). Start sewing your pieces down. Make sure your pieces slightly overlap. (See arrows below)

Start the next row about 2 inches to the left of the previous row:

As you continue to sew new rows, just keeping flipping those previous rows over 
and remember to over lap your scraps, just a bit...

Half way done and already looking better! I'm getting excited!!

Bye! Bye! Old bleach stains...

...and hello rejuvinated bathrug! Best thing is, it's soft and cozy under wet feet and 
still easy to wash!
It's a Win! Win! for sure.
Do let me know if you ever decide to make yourself one, as I'd love to see it if you do!
Please feel free to link back to my tutorial and spread a little bathroom DIY love!
With smiles,

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tuesday Archives #47: Mystery Quilts

Click here to find my GYB/Give-Away post.

Welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts! 
Click here to read more about this linky party.  And, hey! we are glad you are joining us if you are new to our linky party. We have a very talented group of regulars around here and a big thanks to everyone who has added the below button to their blog to help spread the word. Note: I added February's linky themes on my sidebar for your convenience.
Val's Quilting Studio

Today's theme is Mystery Quilts.

While researching today's topic I began to realize that a mystery quilt might be an antique quilt with an unknown block or patter. Or, perhaps the mystery might be a quilt about which the family history is unknown. (I'm actually reading about one of those types in the Runaway Quilt novel right now!) But I think to many online quilter's a mystery quilt is the fun way to make a quilt and keep the final look a "mystery" until the final steps of assembly.  Now admittably, I have never participated in making a mystery quilt. It makes me anxious to not know what I'm making! LOL!! But here are a couple of  Mystery Quilts made by fellow blogging friends that just may change my mind!

This one is made by Carole who blogs at From My Carolina Home. It's from a QAL she participated in back in May. You can check out her quilt right here.
(I really love her quilting pattern on this too!)

And this one is made my Sharon who blogs at VROOMANS Quilts. This was A Super Bowl Sunday Mystery Sharon participated in last year. You can check out her post right here.
She also shared this with me from her LQS: a free pattern page with past mysteries. She said they should be having another Super Bowl Sunday Mystery this year. That would be fun! (Go SeaHawks!!!

Share your Mystery Quilt (s) right here: (Notice this linky stays open for three days...I like to give everyone plenty of time to search through their archives) Glad you stopped by today! Val:)
1. VroomansQuilts  8. Scrapitude  15. deana @dreamworthy quilts  
2. Kate  9. Eva-Bambi-Johansson  16. tubakk  
3. Tanya Quilts in CO  10. Freemotion by the River  17. Patchwork Breeze  
4. Improv mystery  11. Cathy - A Quilting Chick  18. Nita @ nitadances  
5. Megan Null  12. Jane  19. Angie in SoCal  
6. Jasmine @ Quilt Kisses  13. Laura  
7. Sheila  14. Mari  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Grow Your Blog Event & Give-Away!

If you're already a regular around here, I'm happy you stopped by and hope you'll scroll down to enter yourself in my GYB Give-Away. (But don't miss the paragraph below Wilma & Betty...because I'm talking about you there! SMILES!) If you are new to my blog, well Hello! I'm Val and this is me and buddy, Jackson. (He has a habit of photo bombing my quilt taking photo sessions'll see!) This is a quilting/sewing hobby blog. People comment often that they like my "happy"  quilts.

So Who Am I and Why Do I Blog?

 My husband is my very best friend and we have started the "empty nest" chapter of life and are having a blast. We have two young adult daughters, one Sea Hawk Loving fan of a son-in-law, and an adorable (of course, right!) grandson who is 15 months old. 
I'm still close to my parents, though about 843 miles seperate us. 
These are the people I love to create quilty hugs for the most!

By day, I'm a veteran (26 years) teacher, to a class of energetic Second Graders in Oregon, (USA). I started quilting in the Fall of 2009 and blogging a year and half ago to document my projects and growth as a quilter. (So it's safe to say I'm still pretty new to all of this).
I have found blogging to be very motivating in my completion of projects and love the "virtual quilting guild" it has created for me. I have made some wonderful friends blogging and enjoy the linky parties and blog hops we all participate in. We also enjoy exchanging fabric and patterns by way of "snail mail". I truly find this inspiration and support received from all my fellow blogging friends to be priceless. 

 With that said, I'm only a blogger. I admittably don't even know what Twitter is and have never even been on Facebook.  I like to sew and write.

What Kind of "Quilter" Am I?

As you can see from the above collage, I'm a pretty eclectic sewer who dabbles in applique, English Paper Piecing, (love my hexagons) traditional and out-of-the box piecing, long-arm quilting, quilt/sewing area organizing (See my Sunday Organizing Series). and I usually have many W.I.P. but let's not talk about that! (wink! wink!)'s another collage of quilts I made this past year:
(Told ya Jackson loves to photo bomb!)

I Hope You'll Join My Weekly Linky Party:

Stop by every Tuesday to link-up and share your 
OLD quilting/sewing posts. 

It's as easy as 1,2,3.
1. Each Tuesday I'll post one or two quilting/sewing themes.
2. Search through your quilting archives for old posts to link under the theme.
3. Grab yourself something warm to drink and enjoy visiting other's archives.

This Tuesday (Jan. 27th) we'll be linking up: Mystery Quilts

(Oh! And if ya keep a link-up party list on your blog, 
I'd be smiling a big THUMBS UP if ya added my Tuesday Archives "button" .) 

Here's my button code:  
Val's Quilting Studio

Speaking of a Give-Away!

This Give-Away is closed. The winner was announced right here.
I have this yummy six pack of Mia Fat Quarters by Kathy Brown 
and a spool of Omni Thread to share with a fellow blogging friend:
Just leave a comment to say hi, share how long you've been bloggin...whatever...I'm certainly looking forward to getting to know everyone throughout this event.
FYI:    I'll choose the winners using Mr. Random Number Generator.
I will announce the winner and highlight their blog here at Val's Quilting Studio on February 15th.  I will also email the winner, so make sure you are not a no-reply blogger. Everyone is welcome to enter as I'm happy to post internationally.  Good Luck! I hope ya enjoy this meet and greet event!  

Well...that's me. Feel welcome to check out my "pages" at the top of the blog and/or my "labels" over on the right. Maybe something will spark your interest! If so, become a "follower" and I can return the visit and follow your blog as well. (I even have quilts in my classroom. You can check out this selfie quilt below right here.) 
With that said, I'm so grateful for this event Vicki organizes and the opportunity to network and meet others of like interests. There's almost 400+ bloggers in this meet and greet party. Crazy amazing! Click this pic for a quick shortcut to check things out:
With Smiles,

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Dec./Jan. Sat. Sampler

I'm feeling my sewing "mojo" coming back as I got caught up on my Saturday Samplers today. Whew! These are just 6 1/2" blocks and if you've been following me for any amount of time, you know how much I don't like "little". But I love this Deb Strain fabric line I chose and even more, the Saturday every month I get to spend with a quilty friend as we venture together to our Saturday Sampler meeting. I love getting into a quilt store. I love seeing what every one else is up to. We have fun shopping afterwards and going to lunch. We even signed up for a new class: Metro Rings. Can't remember the last time I took a quilting class. Next month, I'll be learning how to sew curves! Should I be scared?



And I hope you stop by tomorrow for my Grow Your Blog Give-Away.
I see many of us will be joining in this year and
I'm looking forward to spending the next couple weeks enjoying this event!
With smiles,

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Quick Book Tip

Since this is where I (and Jackson) have admittably spent most 
our week while I recovering from a major gallbladder attack.  
I found myself leafing through many old quilting books. 

 I was inspired to share a very handy book tip with you: SPIRAL BIND your books!
I picked this trick up at a retreat and have continued to do this to my books ever since.
All's I can tell you, is it's worth the few bucks it costs to bind the book.

Though I am a Farmer's Dropout (You can read more about that here) sprial binding this little, thick book made making these patterns so much easier. No more stacking books on one side of the book to keep the page open. No more loosing my place.  
NOW your page patterns will always be flat!

SPIRAL BINDING is also helpful with design books. 
I got these two from Santa for Christmas and... that I can just have the page open flat. I can trace the pattern into my own 
sketch book and/or just use it as a guide to continuously practice FMQ designs.
This page is from Quilt Doodling.

This page is from Shape by Shape.
Oh...and these two new books...LOVE THEM!
Hope you find the tip handy. stop by Saturday for my Grow Your Blog Give-Away.
I see many of us will be joining in this year and
I'm looking forward to spending the next couple weeks enjoying this event!
With smiles,

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tuesday Archives #46: Modern Quilts

Val's Quilting Studio
Happy Tuesday Archives everyone!

Today's theme is Modern Quilts.

A quote from the Modern Quilt Guild helps us define the genre today:
"Modern Quilters bring a new bold new aethetic to a craft dominated by traditional and art quilting. The clean lines and stylish color schemes prevalent in moder quilting appeal to fans of sophisticated modern design."

I'm a huge fan of Victoria Findlay Wolfe and follow her blog for Modern inspiration!
I'll be on Pat Sloan's Show

In 2012 (preblogging) I made this Modern Style quilt for our son-in-law.  He was a paramedic at the time so collecting this variety of fabric was fun! My husband actually picked out the large numbers print to represent them using "radio codes".

I gave it a cozy flannel backing and had alot of fun free motion quilting this one!

And as you can see...he LOVED it!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, January 19, 2015

Happy Mail: A New Scarf

I got home from school last week and was greeted with this wonderful scarf in the mail. It's from my was a personal request after she made me the very warm headband for Christmas. We corrdinated the yarn to match my winter school jacket. I should be toasty warm now during those ourtdoor activites and recess duties.

I've mentioned before here on my blog, that my mom is a very talented knitter, but didn't know my sister picked up on the hobby until she shared with me that she is Loom Knitting. Have you heard of it?? I'm amazed by the wonderful patterns available and love how thick and warm my headband and scarves are! 
Now, I myself have no plans of starting...but just had to share as first, I was so impressed by the quality of knitting in my sister's gifts and secondly, wouldn't Loom Knitting be a great way for kids to learn to knit!?

And, DARN IT, Chicken soup is my new best friend!

I can tell ya I'm missing my sewing and am looking forward to sharing some projects I have floating around in my head very soon! Unfortuantly, my long weekend of sewing turned into a weekend battling a stomach virus this past 36 hours.  So as I get myself back into world of living, know sewing will be some of my "therapy".  Funny thing is, being a very healthy eater, my family is starting to tease that I need to eat a little bit more junk food as I'm always the one who gets some kind of flu or stomach virus every year! Hmmm???? Maybe they have a point???
Still smiling...

Friday, January 16, 2015

The Party is here today: Hosting TGIFF!

Thanks so much for joining me here for Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday!
How fun to be this week's PARTY hostess!

The new year has found me doing more stitching than sewing right now and I'm excited to share these cute little Sue Spargo inspired wool finishes with ya this week:

If you are new to my blog, I hope you'll take a moment to look around and even stop by on Tuesdays for my Tuesday Archives Linky...the party that has you rejuvinating older posts according to a weekly theme. Next week's theme is MODERN QUILTS.
 You can read more about this linky party right here.
Val's Quilting Studio
 So HI to all my regular blogging buddies who are linking up today and 
welcome if you are new to my little spot in blogland. 
 Now it's your turn!
1.)  Please link up your fabulous TGIFF! finishes for this week.
2.)  Make to visit at least 3 of the other great finishes and spread some quilty comment love.
3.)  Please include a text link in your post and/or a button for TGIFF! so your visitors can join us. 
Share your Friday finish right here:
1. Tanya Quilts in CO  20. Cathy - A Quilting Chick  39. tubakk  
2. Mary Kunna  21. Kim @PersimonDreams  40. Glamping Hexies quilt!  
3. Raw Edge Circle Applique Quilt  22. Mary @ SeeMaryQuilt  41. Jess @ Quilty Habit - 1  
4. The Pyjama Game  23. Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation  42. Jess @ Quilty Habit - 2  
5. To Boldly Go - A Trekkie's Travel Bag  24. Jayne  43. Anja @ Anja Quilts  
6. Sarah Goer  25. Linda's Lone Star  44. Judy@Quilt Paradigm  
7. Christmas Gifts - Now & Then  26. Jenn @Quarter Inch from the Edge - C'est fini!  45. kris@SewSunshine  
8. The Tula Team - Toiletries, Tissues & Tote  27. Elaine  46. Quilter in the Closet  
9. Sweet Dreams Collection  28. Sam @ diary of a madfabriholic  47. How now blue cow  
10. Happy New Year 2015  29. Lucy Wilson  48. Jacks Room - Giveaway  
11. Quilts of a Feather: TARDIS quilt  30. color coincidences--Corals!  49. Deana @ Dreamworthyquilts  
12. Quilted heart  31. Quilting is more fun than Housework  50. Deb McGregor  
13. Jelly On Point Quilt  32. Jill of Apple Avenue Quilts  51. Yvonne @ Quilting Jetgirl  
14. Lorna @ Sew Fresh Quilts  33. Deanna@MakingMcNay  52. Patchwork Breeze  
15. Pink Doxies  34. Deanna@MakingMcNay  53. Heather @ Modern Parti Quilts  
16. Nancy@PugMomQuilts  35. Leanne @ Devoted Quilter  54. Lisa  
17. Janine @ Rainbow Hare  36. drawstring bags - zuckerkuss  55. Jennifer  
18. Janeen@QuiltArtDesigns  37. Patchwork Polly  
19. Cheryl @ Meadow Mist Designs  38. Erin @ Sew at Home Mummy - QuiltCon Rejects  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
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