Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday Archives #82: Twister Quilts & Projects

Welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts.
If you new here, Welcome! Click here to read more about this linky party.
Val's Quilting Studio
  You can also check out all our past Tuesday Archives themes by clicking right here.

This week's theme is TWISTER QUILTS & PROJECTS: 

I knew right away when this theme came around that I'd highlight Jasmine, who quilts at Quilt Kisses. In February, 2014, she created a fabric saving way to cut the twister pieces without using the special ruler. You can find her tutorial right here.

It turned out great didn't it!
You can check out her "finished" post right here.

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Everytime you link and share here at Tuesday Archives you will be entered you into a monthly drawing for a $15.00 Gift Certificate to: (pretty cool huh!)

Winners will be announced the first Tuesday of every month! Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

End of September Already!

September was one of those months that just zoomed by with activity and fun around our household.
I didn't even notice the inactivity on my blog until my mom mentioned something about it.

I geuss between getting back into teaching, a major home construction project going on, taking a weekend to our see our grandguy, followed by my parents final visit before they head back to Arizona until next summer, I haven't been very creative.  But, I loved that last week as they visited, evenings were filled with way too long of "happy hours" enriched with good food and conversation. (EVERY NIGHT!)  So much fun!!!! Good memories made!! (hmmmm this would be a great story quilt!)
Seriously, Mom and I's favorite outing is to our local Mexican Restaurant where they serve a glass of wine like THIS for only $2.50!! (And this wasn't even during Happy Hour!)

We also toured the quilt show at our local Garden Nursery.
The show was much smaller than last year, but never-the-less, they were proud to see my quilts

...hung among so with many inspirational others.

It's unanimous that we had a wonderful visit. We miss you guys already!

And today (which is usually my sew day) I distracted myself from the duldrums of missing everyone by taking Jackson out to the country for his Fall grooming. I had good company in the form of two former students whom I happen to teach with their moms. (Yes, we do have another jack russell. Our little girl Cami who is totally blind. The girls love to baby Cami and took great care of her as Jackson got groomed and enjoyed his playday. She is not near the personality or energy level of  you know who!)
Anyhoo, I know as the days begin to get shorter and cooler, my sewing mojo will rev up again. I look forward to sharing the many creative ideas that always seem to keep developing in my head.
But until then, I'll look forward to seeing ya on Tuesday where you are invited to share your Twister Quilts this week. As always, thank so much for stopping by!

Val's Quilting Studio
Everytime you link and share here at Tuesday Archives you will be entered you into a monthly drawing for a $15.00 Gift Certificate to: (pretty cool huh!)

Winners will be announced the first Tuesday of every month! Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesday Archives #81: Tote Bags

Welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts.
If you new here, Welcome! Click here to read more about this linky party.
Val's Quilting Studio
  You can also check out all our past Tuesday Archives themes by clicking right here.

This week's theme is TOTE BAGS: 

 Image result for quilted tote bags

Hmmmm....I've made a few quilted tote bags during my pre-blogging years and am reminded of a Sue Spargo bag I need to FINISH! (It's so cute...so beyond me why it's not done...LOL!!)  Anyhoo...happy Tuesday Archives. Share you totes made right here:
1. Mama's Got A New Bag  9. Quilt Blocks Tote Bag  17. Zenia Rene @ A Quilted Passion  
2. Yes Sir Yes Sir 3 Bags...  10. Beach Bag Totes  18. The Quilt Yarn  
3. Just Jane  11. On the Rio Grande Tote  19. Ugrading a tote bag with seasonal decorations  
4. Marcy-Mesh Tote  12. Catch All Caddies  20. Coffee Theme tote  
5. Julie @ Pink Doxies  13. Quilter's Tool Tote  21. Batik Chubby Charmer tote bag  
6. Sow it all Tote  14. Marcy- Thread Paint on tote  22. not afraid of color  
7. Pool Side Tote #2  15. Shelley @The Carpenters Daughter who Quilts  23. Dresden tote  
8. Totes Ma Tote  16. Crazy Quilting Bag  

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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Elmo Quilt Part 3 of 3

Sooooo, how did our little grand guy react to his Elmo quilt???
Well, we peeked into the bag together.

I held the quilt up for him to see

and my daughter caught his enthusiastic reaction!
(Look at his face and the fact he's on tippy toes melted my heart!)

Then he immediately ran, layed on top of the quilt, 

and wanted to be rolled up in like a burrito!

He even gave Elmo a kiss!

I caught him later tracing the number two on the back with his car.
(Creative note to self: He'd enjoy a flecce/flannel car/play quilt with a long road.)
Just one of those ultimate moments we quilters cherish huh!

This was also the year of the tricycle...something he can grow into.

It was a quick, 24 hour trip for us. 
But I'm sure you would agree, grandparent time is always worth it!

Expecially when I capture moments like this:
(He realllly loves his "popies" right now.)

Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing another ultimate moment with me.
Next on my sewing list: Dog Gone Cute blocks and my October Wool banner.

Val's Quilting Studio
Everytime you link and share here at Tuesday Archives you will be entered you into a monthly drawing for a $15.00 Gift Certificate to: (pretty cool huh!)

Winners will be announced the Tuesday first of every month! Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tuesday Archives #80: Triangles!

Welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts.
If you new here, Welcome! Click here to read more about this linky party.
Val's Quilting Studio
  You can also check out all our past Tuesday Archives themes by clicking right here.

This week's theme is TRIANGLEs: 

Anyone remember this QAL?
Well if you are looking for some triangular inspiration, click here to see the SIXTY traingle quilts made during this QAL!!! I found myself getting lost is revisiting everyone's projects as it's always interesting for me to see the variety of quilts that are created using one pattern!

Happy Tuesday Archives everyone! Share your triangle inspiration right here:
1. Val's Whimsical Garden  8. Mug Rug size HST quilt  15. tubakk  
2. A Quilted Passion's Iowa Spring Day  9. VroomansQuilts  16. Chain Piecing HSTs  
3. Bright Blueberry Birthday  10. Quilting is more fun than Housework  17. Adventurous Quilter  
4. Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation  11. Maryse@MaryseMakesThings  18. Doll Quilt  
5. Jeweled  12. JanineMarie  19. Veteran Quilts  
6. Citrus Wedges  13. JanineMarie--again  20. Patchwork Breeze  
7. Julie @ Pink Doxies  14. tubakk  

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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Elmo Quilt Part 2 of 3

This quilt is brought to you by the letter Image result for elmos and letter J and the #Image result for elmo and number 2

Oh this quilt has been fun and easy to make! Always fun to see a quilt transform from this (Part 1)

...to this, isn't it! 
Elmo and the background are both flannel. I had fun free-motion quilting this one with squiggles, circles and hearts using a rainbow thread. I outlined all the letters and Elmo's body, mouth, neckline and couldn't resist a big heart on his body. (And now that I'm thinking about it, I probably should have quilted around his nose....oh well, it's already in the wash.) I think it will fine. The whole quilt is only 3'x3' and I didn't want the quilting to be too dense as it's just big enough for our two year grand guy to drag around as his cuddle quilt. (Pssst...I even machine sewed the binding on! I know go figure, me the Queen of Hand Binding! LOL!)

As much as he loves Elmo, I think he's also going to love the softness of 
this fleece backing embellished with a BIG #2:
I can't wait for our little guy's birthday party next weekend!
 I know his reaction is going to be priceless, for as many of ya have commently previously, Elmo has been a fav of toddlers since our kids were young.  See his reaction by clicking right here: Elmo Series Part 3 post. (LOL!)
I know, I'm having too much fun today! 
Anyhoo....hubby is working a late shift today, so I'm off to start my Dog Gone Cute blocks.
That's what's going on in my little sewing world. So glad ya stop by!

Val's Quilting Studio
Everytime you link and share here at Tuesday Archives you will be entered you into a monthly drawing for a $15.00 Gift Certificate to: (pretty cool huh!)

Winners will be announced the first Tuesday of every month! Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tuesday Archives #79: Table Runners

 HI Guys!!! Thanks for your patience today!
Welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts.
Val's Quilting Studio

This week's theme is TABLE RUNNERS: 

Can ya believe I've only made one and IT was for my mom. (Though I was tempted to keep it!)
You can check out my original post here.

I've been looking for a set of seasonal table runners to make for our coffee table (pictured above) so please do share in you links if ya have any favorites. Happy day to ya all! V:)
1. Julie in GA  11. Barb @ Mountain Quiltworks  21. Falling Leaves Table Runner  
2. VroomansQuilts  12. Barb @ Mountain Quiltworks  22. primrose table runner  
3. VroomansQuilts  13. Vanda  23. peppermint candy _ free pattern  
4. Marcy- Fall Runner  14. Deb  24. Autumn Table Runner  
5. Laura  15. Eva-Bambi-Johansson  25. Zig Zag Table Runner  
6. Quilting is more fun than Housework  16. tubakk  26. Angie in SoCal  
7. Bits 'n Bobs  17. Table Runner  27. Maple Leaf Table Runner  
8. The Quilt Yarn  18. Applique Flowers in Pots Table Runner  28. Patriotic Table Runner  
9. Jo ButterZ  19. Chile Table "Rounder"  
10. Julie in GA  20. refrigerator "table runner"  

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Monday, September 7, 2015

Elmo Quilt Part 1 of 3

Using my classroom projector and an Elmo coloring page, 
I was able to enlarge my Elmo to be as big as I wanted:

He turned out to be about 20"by 20".

I then cut out my paper Elmo and traced his outline onto some soft, red flannel. 
Finally, I pinned and...

...zig-zagged stitched him onto that soft, blue flannel.
I appliqued his eyes and nose.
As you can tell by Jackson's wagging tail, we're pretty happy about this one!
The entire quilt only measures 3'x3' as it's going to be a cuddle quilt for our grandguy.
So when I found that Seasame Street Fleece for the back I knew it would be perfect!
I just need to add some: Elmo Loves Jayden letters and it's ready to quilt. 
Happy quilt making for sure! Stay tuned for part 2: The Quilting.

Val's Quilting Studio
Everytime you link and share here at Tuesday Archives you will be entered you into a monthly drawing for a $15.00 Gift Certificate to: (pretty cool huh!)

Winners will be announced the first Tuesday of every month! Thanks for stopping by!
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