Thursday, March 31, 2016

A Happy Mail Thank You!!

Oh how happy was I to have won this wonderful bundle of solids 
from Cynthia's  Quilty Orphan Adoption Event. 
And as if that didn't give me enough to smile about, she included this starter bundle of Kaffe fabrics after I complimented her use of color in her Splendid Sampler Blocks and commented that I was inspired to start adding some Kaffe fabrics to my stash. 
Great to have quilty friends who feed our habit huh!! 
Thanks friend!
And for that chance to win a copy of Diane's Scrap Quilt Secrets Book, click HERE.
(Give-Away open until April 4th)

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Tuesday Archives #108: Circles!!

Hello! Hello! and Happy Tuesday Archives! 
The linky party that let's you rejuvinate OLD blogging posts.
Val's Quilting Studio
 If you are visiting from Diane's Blog Hog, and new to my blog, {WELCOME}!!
 Click over the here to read the details about this fun, weekly linky party that happens here every Tuesday and know we'd love to have you join us. 
And for that chance to win a copy of Diane's Scrap Quilt Secrets Book, click HERE.
This give-away is closed.

Now on to the party...
This week's theme is: CIRCLES!!

I know many of you have been working on your 365 circles and updates to those will be fun to see.
I also couldn't resist highlighting this Circling the Square created by Ruth who blogs at Charley and Ben's Crafty Corner. Click over to Ruth's blog to read all about this cut away technique.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Scrap Quilt Secrets Give-Away

I was lucky enough to get a peek at  Diane's brand new Scrap Quilt Secrets book and as you can see, mine is already tabbed, sticky noted and not making it to the bookshelf any time soon!
I feel so very honored to be part of  Diane' Blog Hop to help spread the news of her book release and want to welcome you, if you are new to my blog.  I hope you'll take a look around and if ya like what ya see, become a new follower. Let me it's always fun to meet new quilty bloggers.

If her adorable cover isn't enough to make ya get your own copy, 
here's a peek at what you'll find inside:

Take a peek at her table of contents and you'll see her secrets revealed chapter by chapter:

So much to learn in one book! And for some reason, I always find myself reading books backwards and after only a few days of having my own book in hand, I emailed Diane and told her I'm now addicted to selvages...I will never cut into a piece of fabric the same way again!

Seriously, look at this fabulous quilt she made...from selvages!

She also made this adorable mug rug and included it with her book as a thank you. 

Something else to smile about...along with her scrappy secrets, Diane included an entire chapter of Quiltmaking Basics. I found this ingenous, because I can't tell ya how many times I search for my piece of paper telling me how to finish a binding or another book with my directions on how to cut on the bias. This is truly a book I wish was written when I started quilting and am grateful to have.

So as my copy got placed on the top of my nightstand pile of books, Diane is offering you yet one more reason to smile as she is offering you many chances to win a copy of her book!
First, leave a comment here on my blog telling me what little thing makes you smile every day.
(This give-away is closed. The winner was announced right here.)

Next, stop by each of these blog hop participants to get more peeks into Diane's Scrap Quilt Secrets book and enter to win on their posts as well. And congrats again Diane on an awesome book release.
{PS} If you can't wait to win, click over to here to purchase your copy today.
3/21    C&T Blog
3/22    Bonnie Hunter at Quiltville
3/23    Lori at Humble Quilts
3/24    Karen at Nana Girl Quilts  
3/25    Audrey at Quiltyfolk
3/26    Pat Sloan at Pat Sloan
3/27    Valerie at  Val's Quilting Studio (You are here!:)
3/28    Kelly at  Pinkadot Quilts
3/29    Victoria Findlay Wolfe at  Bumble Beans Inc
3/30    Rachaeldaisy at Blue Mountain Daisy
3/31    Angie at Quilting on the Crescent
4/1      Julie at  Me and My Stitches
4/2      Barb at Fun with Barb

Click below to read about my Tuesday Linky.
Val's Quilting Studio

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Stay-cation Wrap-up

  Thank you all for keeping me company during my little Stay-cation this week. I seriously can't think of a better way to end it than having a weekend visit with this little guy that's filled with numerous bike rides around the block, dinosaurs, Paw Patrol, and too much candy.

I managed to get a few more things checked of my Stay-cation list
my 30 mile walking goal being one of the them.
(I have three weeks until my big race.)

I enjoyed a "girl" afternoon with our daughter as we got our toes pretty for Spring...

...and somehow ended up here! LOL!!!

The boys took an afternoon rest...watching Paw Patrol and napping.
Good job Papa finally getting his helmet off!!

Today will find us busy at the town Easter Egg Hunt. I'm sure more bike rides around the block  
 time spent building trains, playing with dinosaurs, and watching movies are on the horizon.

 Even if Meme falls asleep first during movie time. 

Wishing you an Easter weekend that is filled with the love of family and fun.
A dinosaur themed Easter Basket was a hit!
Especially as it included The Good Dinosaur movie from Great Grandma and Pa.
Next week's theme is Circles.
Val's Quilting Studio

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Stay-cation Day 6: An Unexpected Surprise!

I was just happily sewing away yesterday when out of the blue, the mailman 
delivery the most awewsome surprise to my doorstep! The card from my mom said:
"Happy Easter, Happy Mother's Day, Happy Birthday!
This is what I've been working on when you ask what project I am working on."
You want to see?

It's the beautiful cardigan I picked out the pattern to last summer with my mom.
It's made with a soft, wool blend and easy-care acrilic yarn by Lion Brand Wool-Ease. 
My husband said it best as he ran his hand across it's different textures: 
"You mom does the most amazing knitting" .
I, of course, was speechless upon unpacking it.
Followed by tears in my eyes as I tried it on, as it felt like a big hug from my mom.
A boost in spirit she knew I only a mom can know.
Many of you know, I can't knit (I've tried to learn several time throughout my life...maybe we'll try again this summer mom?? A hat pattern maybe??) Anyways, I knew those of you that do knit, would appreciate and be inspired by my mom's work. She said she had so much fun making it, she's making herself one now! And luckily, our Spring weather is still cool enough for me to get a few wears in before temperatures warm up and I have to tuck it away for next Fall.
I love you.

Val's Quilting Studio

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Stay-cation Day 5: Three Quilted for Project Linus

Yesterday was a Winnie the Pooh blustery, cold, overcast day.
I spent most the day running pantographs on the ol' long-arm and got three Project Linus tops quilted.
  Boy! My hats off to you ladies who quilt for a living. Whew! 

This Go-Car-Go below is my favorite "boy" pantograph. I thought the cars would be the perfect "boy" finish to this scrappy lap quilt made from 6" squares. Especially as Project Linus is always short of quilts for boys.  I also like that it's not too dense and will wash into a cozy fluffy quilt. 

For the very same reason, I like this pantograph of airplanes as well.

 Being lap-size and the fact that each of these pantographs made 12" rows, these quilted up pretty quick. So with a couple hours left before hubby got home from work, I quilted this half-square scrappy top made by the Project Linus ladies. (It was about now I starting developing quite a bit of empathy for you ladies who do this full time. Man I was getting tired.) I was truly inspired by this combination of  neutral and scrappy 6" HST though and plan to use my future scraps along the way and make one of these as a future charity quilt. Think leader/ender project.
Jackson was NOT liking the wind.
I kinda thought this quilt would be liked by an teenage girl so quilted it with a more subtle design hoping to give it a more mature look. I really do like it's overall effect, though I need to make a note to self: it's not the most "economical" pantograph as there was a lot of "backtracking",
 thus felt I used twice as much thread. 
 Well, today is a sew day and I'm looking forward to playing with my purples and Rainbow Girls.
Stay tuned...and thanks for stopping by and keeping me company during my little Stay-cation here.
This week's Tuesday Archives theme is crumb quilts.
Val's Quilting Studio

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Tuesday Archives #107: Crumb Quilts & Pattern Winner

Hello! Hello! and Happy Tuesday Archives! 
The linky party that let's you rejuvinate OLD blogging posts.
Val's Quilting Studio
. If you are new to our linky, click over the here to read the details about this fun, weekly linky party.
(You can also check out all our past Tuesday Archives themes by clicking right here.)

Before I get to the linky let me congratulate my Quilty Adoption Winner:  
Kathy in the Ozarks it's you!!! (lucky #3)
I'll be sending you your Amish with a Twist Pattern this week.
And thanks again to Cynthia for creating this fun even for us.

This week's theme is: CRUMB QUILTS

I was inspired to add this theme to my "notebook" when I saw Sharon's Scribbles quilt as she shared her 2010 quilt inventory with us under the Tuesday Archive's Sampler theme awhile back. I just loved her little story below, especially knowing what an awesome scrap-busting quilter Sharon is:
Scribbles - this quilt was made by just dumping the old scrap bin and letting my grandson pick a scrap and they were added bit by bit until the floor was clean. It needs to be quilted and bound. I think a cuddly flannel needs to be used for the back. This will go into the tote for future charity quilts
Curious to see how many of us have made a scrappy crumb quilt? Looking forward to you sharing yours right here:
1. tubakk  5. Quilting is more fun than Housework  9. not afraid of color  
2. Val: Pinwheels from Crumbs  6. crumbs into art/knitnkwilt  10. Hugs and Kisses  
3. Ugly Ducklings No More  7. spiral crumbs  11. Jo ButterZ  
4. Lea lemon shake up  8. Shattered Kites  12. Crumbs & strip scraps  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, March 21, 2016

Stay-cation Day 3: Bloom QAL #1-8

I spent the afternoon getting caught up on my Bloom QAL blocks.
New Sew Along!
It's fun playing with my stash of 30's and Lori has great tips that sure make these easy peasy to put togethter. Red sure is an eye catcher. I'll have to be sure to balance that out as I go.
Tonight, I'm going to prepare blocks 9-12 as I watch the Season Premier of Dancing With the Stars!
Get blocks nine and ten sewn up tomorrow...then I'll not only be caught up, but actually ahead.
Gotta love that feeling! I know Tonya is doing this QAL but wonder if anyone else is??
 Please comment if you are, so I stop by and see your blooming garden as well. 
Till tomorrow.

Val's Quilting Studio

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Stay-Cation Day 2: Jackson

We spent the moring in the country at Jackson's breeder. 
As you can see he got his Spring haircut.

He transformed from "Mr. Scruffy" to....

...this handsome guy.

The best part, afterwards he gets to strut his new "do" with a pack of female JRT's 
 as they enjoy a walking adventure along the cannals. (Boy do they keep him in line!)

By the time I get him home, he's seriously one tired boy. 
(I bet you've never seen a picture of a tired Jack Russell!!)

I actually decided to leave him home from our afternoon Sunday walk and it felt wierd to not have him along. But Sunday's are my distance day and he really didn't look up to a long walk with mom.
The weekend found me crossing a lot of Spring Cleaning off the ol' stay-cation list which you know what that means: I'm free to sew and create my little heart out now. I can't wait. Till tomorrow...
This week's theme is Crumb Quilts.
Val's Quilting Studio

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