Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Santa's Elves

I had an unexpected donation of holiday treats for our school backpack program yesterday and spontaneously decided to create little Christmas Stocking for each of our sixteen backpack kids. Luckily, my cooperating teacher leads a middle school "girls" club and before I knew it, my sewing studio was turned into Santa's workshop within an hour of school being let out.
These girls went right to work. Two tracing the stocking pattern. Two cutting the patterns out. Another assigned herself as the "Stocking Turning Outer" and another as the "Stocking Stuffer". 
They called me "The Sewer". (As if what I was doing was something absolutely amazing!) 

In less than an hour we had sixteen little stocking ready to go.

They were the best Santa Elves I've ever met.  These girls were refreshing and fun. They were present and in the moment. I was terribly impressed that not one of them were busy on their phone. I found their conversations to be silly and energetic. I enjoyed quietly listening to them chat among themselves as they assembled-lined the little stockings. This was just one of those unexpected times I got to witness one random act of kindness domino into another. Such a happy holiday moment. 
Thanks girls!

I specialize in edge to edge pantographs with over 100 designs to choose from.

Check out my Long-Arm Quilting page for details.
I offer FREE Return Shipping on all quilts in the U.S.A.


  1. Love it! Joy on their faces is so special. Thank you for sharing this today.

  2. Sweet! Some of the prettiest elves I have seen. Many hands truly make light work,

  3. What a great spontaneous project... for everyone.

  4. What a wonderful group and project. Thanks for sharing the story.

  5. Wow! What great memories with those girls! Your quilting studio looks fabulous with all those helpers in it!

  6. I'm grinning ear to ear! What a super fun project, filled with holiday cheer and community building, too. And being "The Sewer" *is* something special :)

  7. 'Tis the season, for certain! Big Smiles headed your direction :)

  8. This was sweet and heartwarmimg! :) Kudos to all of you ! :)

  9. Very adorable stockings, and thoughtful also :)

  10. What a cool project and a great group of girls!

  11. How wonderful! Love that the girls were all present in the moment instead of on devices. Jackson looks like he got a bit of attention too.

  12. so special-so glad you shared with us and love the photo with Jackson-he is such a cutie

  13. What a great post and yes there are some children out there that are not addicted to their phones (I can honestly say our Boys are not and am so grateful) The stockings looked great when they were made. Hugs, Susie x


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!


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