Friday, September 8, 2023

Happy 14th Birthday to Jackson!!!

Today he got ice-cream!!!

Our ol' boy continues to be our constant companion. 
He still enjoys our daily walks, always taking the lead...though the distance is shorter as his bones hurt, his legs shake, he tires quicker, he WON'T miss it!

Yet, as long as he is with us, he is happy! 
For example, trips to the department store...where he even enjoys a nap. 

As long as he can come along...he IS HAPPY!
He has doggie dementia which produces separation we just take him along. 

He continues to love "his boys".

They know to be gentle with him as they know he can't hear well anymore.
They are always kind and caring to "their Jackson".

And Jackson's smart, as they DO  make the BEST napping companions as well.

We love you buddy and are so grateful for the many years we have had with  you!
Here's to a few more.
With Smiles,


  1. Happy birthday to Jackson. Looks like you had a fun time with the boys and completely wore them, plus Jackson, out.

  2. Oh, adorable Jackson, such a precious pup. Happy Birthday, sweet dog! And so good to see a post from you Val, I miss you!!

  3. It is heartwarming to see how much joy Jackson brings his family.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!


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