Monday, August 31, 2015

My Saturday Sampler Finish

From the design wall to a felt good to wrap up this ongoing  Saturday Sampler this past weekend. My yellow and orange roses provided the perfect end of summer photo spot don't ya think!
My sewing mojo is coming back, which is a good thing as my September project list is long!

Val's Quilting Studio
Everytime you link and share here at Tuesday Archives you will be entered you into a monthly drawing for a $15.00 Gift Certificate to: (pretty cool huh!)

Winners will be announced the first of every month! Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Fall Binding Ahead

I enjoy binding by hand.
With that said, lucky me, I have five quilts awaiting me. 
There's just something relaxing about this kind of slow stitching in the evenings after a long day of work. And now that the evenings are gradually getting darker earlier, I won't be as distracting by the temptations of being outside.  As you can see, I have plenty of stitching to keep me busy as Summer begins to turn into Fall and we find ourselves using lap quilts once again. It's hard to say which is my favorite slow-stitching, as I enjoy applique, my hexi's, wool and binding. Geuss it's safe to say I like the variety. Which leaves me to you have a favorite slow stitching or like variety too??

Val's Quilting Studio
Everytime you link and share here at Tuesday Archives you will be entered you into a monthly drawing for a $15.00 Gift Certificate to: (pretty cool huh!)

Winners will be announced the first Tuesday of every month! Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Pet on Quilts VotingHas Started!

Hey! Have ya voted yet??
Coming in August!
So much inspiration!
I'm entry #31 in the Dogs on Quilts Category. 
Here's a quick link to: MY ENTRY POST.
(Voting has closed)
Man, there's a lot of great entries, but I've taken a break from chasing squirrels and posing on quilts to dream of  bones, belly rubs and being "kinged" Dog on Quilt Winner. 
Click here to enjoy the linky party and even if ya decide to vote for one of my competitors,
do comment to vote. It's fun!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tuesday Archives #77: Sports

Hello! Hello! and Happy Tuesday Archives! 
Val's Quilting Studio
Welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts! 
You can always click here to read more about this linky party if you are new to this ol' blog.
And remember, every time you link up counts as an entry for our monthly
 $15.00 gift certificate to Fabric N Quilts. 

This week's theme is SPORTS: 

It's fun to rejuvinate this "sports" theme quilt I made for our grandson's first birthday last year:
(Sock Monkeys love to play football too!!)

Jackson showing ya the big #1 I put on the cozy, flannel back. 
The "plan" is make a quilt for each of his birthday's, highlighting what he's "into" that year.
This year's quilt will have an Elmo theme. 
(Oh my! I better get going!! I have a growing list of September projects to fun!)

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Organized for a New School Year!

Aughhhh, the first day of school is behind me and the new school year has started.
 I'm happy to report that our district redistricted some students and I did NOT start the year with the projected 36 students...but 29. (I know, that's still a lot of second graders, but  I'm use to 28-30.) I have to tell ya though, it feels good this Sunday morning to be sitting here at the blog, finding myself getting back into old routines of spending the morning visiting your blogs and completing misc. household chores, looking forward to a long walk with Jackson and some afternoon sewing!

I'm grateful to start my school year organized and ready to go. Thanks to my Dad! During his visit in June he made those wonderful green, classroom shelves pictured above. I'm trying something new this year: no individual desks. I turned all the kids desks around and they are all raised to the same height with the legs are zip-tied together. This year the kids will be working as four individual teams. (Oh man...and no more messy desks!!!)

As I watched my Dad work this summer, I was reminded of the importance of Math in my teaching.  I'm very right brained and well, need to remind myself of this often!! LOL!! I'm totally looking  forward to this opportunity of having "tables" for my students to work on as they discover and learn, especially when working with Math manipulatives. (Okay, and art projects too!)
 Whether quilting, knitting, or building, Math really is an intertwined skill isn't it?

The building begins.

Thank goodness, some right brained fun of painting always seems to follow!
Anddd as I get back into my studio, without a doubt I'm particpating in Lorna's Dog Gone Cute QAL/Blog Hop! I can't wait to make a Jackson quilt!!! I'm looking forward to picking out fabrics and getting my coloring page done this afternoon! Until then...happy sewing!

Val's Quilting Studio
Everytime you link and share here at Tuesday Archives you will be entered you into a monthly drawing for a $15.00 Gift Certificate to: (pretty cool huh!)

Winners will be announced the first Tuesday of every month! Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Pets on Quilts Show!

We quilter's sure love our pets don't we! Thus, why it's always fun to participate in:
Aug. 17th the Show Begins!
 What a great opportunity to give our quilty companions a little time in the spotlight!

I so appreciate Jackson's quilty enthusiasm and all the virtual "belly rubs" you  have all shared with him this past year!And well, even though he never did  learn to knit this year,
no matter how long he carried that skien of yarn around...

... I do think he's sitting pretty for votes this year. (He looks kinda serious huh!?)

Cause I think if ya ask him, he had to wait and wait, and not matter how cute he tried to look, 

or how much he begged, he always seemed to have to wait a little bit longer many times this year for me to stop sewing and take him for his daily walks:

And when "cute" didn't work, he'd just fell back asleep! LOL!

And even though he never seems unaware of the nearby squirels,

and may have sometimes grown a little tired waiting for me to finish taking my quilty pictures,

I so appreciate having him as my enthusiastic quilty "model". 

This guy is my constant companion. He so enjoys modeling. Seriously, no treats needed for his participation. All's I have to do is start taking quilt pictures and he acts like I laid them out to take pictures of HIM! My husband laughs every time! But even better in my book, I love that he enjoys snuggling under my quilts and keeping me warm! Oh man, I love ya bunches buddy and am so grateful to be your "human". I couldn't ask for a more loyal companion.
I've entered this post in the Dogs on Quilts Category and look forward to visiting all your pet posts this weekend at the 2015 Pets on Quilts Show! (Voting begins August Jackson! ENTRY #31) I think he's campaigning for extra treats this year! LOL!! And from his look in that second picture above, he  seems pretty serious about it doesn't he?)  Thanks for stopping by! We always appreciate your visits.

Val's Quilting Studio
Everytime you link and share here at Tuesday Archives you will be entered you into a monthly drawing for a $15.00 Gift Certificate to: (pretty cool huh!)

Winners will be announced the first Tuesday of every month! Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Tuesday Archives #76: School

Hello! Hello! and Happy Tuesday Archives! 
Val's Quilting Studio
Welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts! 
You can always click here to read more about this linky party if you are new to this ol' blog.
And remember, every time you link up counts as an entry for our monthly
 $15.00 gift certificate to Fabric N Quilts. 

This week's theme is SCHOOL.

Whether you are a young mom getting young ones "geared" up for a new school year or a Grandma like me, and just the site of school buses back on the road makes ya reminscent of days gone by, there's something nostalgic about the beginning of a school year for one and all.

I'm looking forward to rejvinating  many of my own classroom quilts today but feel welcome to rejuvinate any "school" themed post. For example, our blogging buddy Tanya made this fun perpetual calendar for one of her classrooms. Click right here to read more about the resource she used for this. Cute huh!

Wishing all you young, quilty moms and teacher friends a happy new school year! I'm looking forward to seeing what school theme posts everyone rejuvinates this week. Link them right here:
1. Val's Self Portrait Quilt  7. Wonky Schoolhouse at Cat Patches  13. DIY Fidget Bracelet w/ Marble Maze  
2. Alphabet Quilt  8. tubakk  14. little people quilt  
3. VroomansQuilts  9. Val's Classroom Animal Quilt  15. reversible I spy/checkers quilt  
4. Classroom Rules/Dogwood Lane Rambles  10. ABC School Quilt  16. Crayon's Color and Child's Play  
5. Terry  11. School T-Shirt Quilt  
6. Jill of Apple Avenue Quilts  12. Julie @ Pink Doxies  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Grammy Fun Was Had!

Oh! How lucky I was to wrap up my summer spending it with our little grand guy!

We filled our days of Grammy Camp with painting, eating ice-cream, getting a "big boy" haircut, shopping, morning walks, afternoons at the local water parks and evenings with bathtime and stories. We even went through the car wash! (Love his expression in the the last, bottom right picture!! )

It was a lot of fun to celebrate our daughter's 25th as we enjoyed a Paint/Wine Nite together:

The motto is: Drink Creatively. I did! My dots kinda grew after that second glass of wine! LOL!!

And due the awful fires we are having here in Eastern Oregon, our daughter decided to drive me home once the highways reopened and spent the weekend at home.

Which meant out little guy got to see his Papa. 

Our weekend went fast as we enjoyed swimming with our neighbor's grandson (the boys are only four days apart....lots of fun listening to them say: "no mine"....LOL!!) and a trip into the city for an afternoon at the Zoo. Mostly, I have to admit, I just love watching him quietly play and develop. 

Aaannnnd....I always laugh that he finds Jackson's bed the coziest and FUNNIEST toy of all! 22 months old, this little guy is such a blessing in our lives. But I have to tell all you young quilter mom's out there how much I admire you! I didn't get one stitch of sewing done this past week and I was exhausted!! How do you do it???  I'm looking forward to participating in Pets On Quilts here on the ol' blog. Oh! I also signed up for Lorna's: Dog Gone Cute QAL/Blog Hop!!  Ya know mine will be a Jackson themed sampler for sure! Until then, it feels good to be home. This upcoming week finds summer behind as I busy myself preparing for the new school year ahead. 
(Always love the excitement of a new school year! Don't you?)
Looking forward to getting back into the sewing room soon!

Val's Quilting Studio
Everytime you link and share here at Tuesday Archives you will be entered you into a monthly drawing for a $15.00 Gift Certificate to: (pretty cool huh!)

Winners will be announced the first Tuesday of every month! Thanks for stopping by!
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