Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Tuesday Archives #172: Blog Anniversaries

Welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts! 
Please click here to read more about this linky party.  
Val's Quilting Studio
This week's theme is: Blog Anniversaries

This past June found my little blog here to be four years old! Four years!
Today's linky provides that opportunity for us each to skim through our archives and reflect upon our own journey as a blogger. I read my first post and so remember checking the post for what felt like 100 times that first day in hopes to receive one reaffirming comment. I finally had my husband comment just to see "if everything was working correctly". And now look at us, here with our own little community of friendships, support and inspiration!
Happy Tuesday!! I hope you find yourself inspired by how much you and others have accomplished as a blogger over the past few years. We've grown as a community and it's fun to revisit those celebrations. Share your anniversaries right here:
1. Val's First Year  3. Chris in Canada  5. Homespun Hannah's Blog- 2016 Blogoversary  
2. Happy 9 Year Blog Anniversary to Me!  4. terri  6. One Year Anniversary!  

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I specialize in edge to edge pantographs with over 100 designs to choose from.

Check out my Long-Arm Quilting page for details.
I offer FREE Return Shipping on all quilts in the U.S.A.

Sunday, September 24, 2017


I wanted to create an original "super hero" quilt for my grand guys birthday quilt this year.
He and I always have fun playing "Spiderman" with silly string and I wanted to capture that memory. I searched the internet for ideas and found none. When while on a walk I thought to use a color sheet.

I used my projector at school and enlarged it to the size I wanted for the quilt.

I then traced and cut all my pieces.
Then using the livingroom window as my "lightbox"

...I taped the pattern and my background fabric to the window and...

...with my Roxanne Basting Glue, positioned and secured all the pieces. I also marked the web for quilting. (Of which I ordered metallic thread for! Won't that be cool!!)

Here's what he looks like all sewn together: 
This one is going to be fun to quilt. Stay tuned!

I specialize in edge to edge pantographs with over 100 designs to choose from.

Check out my Long-Arm Quilting page for details.
I offer FREE Return Shipping on all quilts in the U.S.A.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Superhero Walk-A-Thon

Introducing our new class of "Super Second Graders"!

Okay Ladies, we are never too old to wear a tutu! (OMG!!)
 My cooperating teacher keeps me young and I truly love her for that!

This is our annual fundraiser for misc. classroom supplies. 
It's fun and makes for a great Friday.

I hope you'll stop by this weekend as I'm looking forward to sharing the beginnings 
of my grand guy's Spiderman quilt with you.  I even took the little guy fabric shopping
with me and he helped me pick out ALL the fabric! So fun and he was so decisive.
Yes! He has TWO suckers in his mouth. Oh man! I love being a grandma! He ended up sharing one with me and of course, I'm practically immune to kid germs, so I enjoyed it right along with him. 

He knew immediately THIS was the fabric he wanted for the back. 
(Good thing I DID bring him, as I would have picked the Spiderman one!) He loves his superheros and could name every one them on this fabric! He played with the fabric all day, rolling himself up like a burrito, making tents and sharing with Jackson. 
The fabric is now all washed and ready to be put on the quilting frame. I'm predicting my little grand guy has a new "favorite" quilt in his very near future. What do ya think?

I specialize in edge to edge pantographs with over 100 designs to choose from.

Check out my Long-Arm Quilting page for details.
I offer FREE Return Shipping on all quilts in the U.S.A.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Tuesday Archives #171: Bags

Welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts! 
Please click here to read more about this linky party.  
Val's Quilting Studio
This week's theme is: BAGS

This little charm pack bag continues to be one of my favorites.
 It sure does bring back fond memories of when we had a local quilt shop and I'd take Saturday afternoon classes to learn new things. I miss those days. I miss having a local quilt shop and I miss the friends you make taking these kinds of classes. Funny how things change of the years.
Happy Tuesday everyone and whether your handmade bag(s) are big or small, share them right here:  
1. Val:Snap Bags! (and last year's bag linky)  10. Elaine  19. QFTLH: Wee Bag  
2. Debbie  11. knitting Bag  20. carryall  
3. Jelly Roll Market Bag  12. Sewing Bag-Marcy  21. Crystal  
4. Fiona's Freeway Bag in Purple  13. Jeanna  22. Crystal  
5. Bodacious Bowler Bag  14. Just Jane  23. Crystal  
6. 9 Scrappy Pouches  15. Yes Sir Yes Sir 3 Bags...  24. Crystal  
7. The Organizer Pouch: My own Pattern  16. Bernie @ needleandfoot.com  25. Crystal  
8. 2 Glenda Clutches with Decorative Stitches  17. Bernie - Another Purse!  26. Homespun Hannah's Blog- Halloween purse  
9. Chris - Gramma's Bag  18. tubakk - denim bag  

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I specialize in edge to edge pantographs with over 100 designs to choose from.

Check out my Long-Arm Quilting page for details.
I offer FREE Return Shipping on all quilts in the U.S.A.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

It's FOOTBALL Season!

Aughhhhh....we all love those ultimate quilting moments. You know the ones when someone just reallllly loves the quilt you made them. They cherish is. They USE IT. They love it.
Our daughter and SIL are in the middle of packing for a big move (Meme Note: A move that will now make them only 2 1/2 hours away instead of their current 3 1/2 hours.) Anyhoo, while packing my daughter told our grand guy he gets to keep out one quilt for the transition. Annddd he chose:
Image result for drum roll
Four years old.

One year old. 
The best part was his reasoning:
  "Mom it's football time and I want it to watch football with dad!"
Yep...one of those ultimate moments we love!

I specialize in edge to edge pantographs with over 100 designs to choose from.

Check out my Long-Arm Quilting page for details.
I offer FREE Return Shipping on all quilts in the U.S.A.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Raw Edged Flowers....Washed!

How did it get to the middle of September already! I haven't been sewing and have only spent a few evenings during the week binding this beauty. I promised I'd post an update once these raw-edged flowers were washed and quite honestly this quilt has quickly become our very favorite! It received it's inaugural washing yesterday and after two rounds in the dryer I finally hung it out in the afternoon sunshine to get the rest of the drying process done.

I really like these scrappy, raveled flowers:

 I surprised my husband with it on our bed when he got home from work. He immediately said: 
"This is my very favorite quilt. I love how it brightens up the room."
Yes, he made my day!

Tuesday Archives Update

Val's Quilting Studio
I gradually coming out of my September "Back to School Fog". Defined as having to take naps after school with little energy to even stitch once evening rolls around. It takes about a month  to get settled into routine and my energy where I'm now...ready to get going again. I've updated our Tuesday Archives on the sidebar. Thanks for your patience at my lack of consistency lately. 

Some upcoming September projects that I'm looking forward to sharing with you include a self-designed super-hero quilt for our grand guy's upcoming fourth birthday and a quick dinosaur charm pack quilt for our second little guy due to arrive around the end of November. 
(Isn't quilting for little ones the best!
 Happily creating and quilting once again....

I specialize in edge to edge pantographs with over 100 designs to choose from.

Check out my Long-Arm Quilting page for details.
I offer FREE Return Shipping on all quilts in the U.S.A.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Tuesday Archives #170: Zippers

Welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts! 
Please click here to read more about this linky party.  
Val's Quilting Studio
This week's theme is: ZIPPERS!
First, when did September arrive? All of a sudden, I get back to work after a long weekend and it's the 5th already! It's always so wierd when that happens. Anyhooo....welcome September! I have a lot planned for you. But let's first get started with getting back on track with the ol' linky here.
As it sometimes happens, when preparing for our weekly linky, I get "lost" reading on the internet.
I came across The Zipper Lady this morning, and quite honestly didn't know there was so much to know about zippers as I found myself "down a rabbit hole" as I explored her website. Sooo...

Happy September and Happy Tuesday everyone! Rejuvenate your zipper projects right here: 
1. Alzheimer Fidget Quilts  3. claire  5. tubakk - pouch  
2. More Fidget Quilts  4. Barbabos Bag  6. tubakk - mini pouch  

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I specialize in edge to edge pantographs with over 100 designs to choose from.

Check out my Long-Arm Quilting page for details.
I offer FREE Return Shipping on all quilts in the U.S.A.

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