Sunday, March 22, 2020

Checking in....

A New Way of Wine Tasting....I Guess. 

A week ago, our Sunday Wine Tasting included a drive in the country....
 ...which led us to a secluded vineyard tucked between the Idaho mountains.
We enjoyed  sampling a delicious variety of cheeses and wines.

Now I'm contemplating if this is what our next excursion may look like!  
(The closet and bathroom literally crack me up!! 
But I guess if I had kids at home I maaayyy have done this??? LOL!!!)

I started "Spring Break" from school this weekend, after, like so many of you I'm sure, a week of drastic change in lifestyle and routines. Spending time working from home in virtual conference rooms like this felt WEIRD!!!   
We as educational leaders in our community are committed to creating a plan to provide our students and families with consistent educational routines and support during what is swiftly becoming a new normal of isolation. The enormity of our social situation and it's impacts on not only our students education, but the role we we continue to play as community leaders is quickly changing. I joked in conversation to my mom, that  when I finally do return to work, it will feel more like a worker for the Red Cross as we may be called upon by the Govoner to for example, provide childcare resources for our first responders. Either way, I'm all in. I think it's important we ban together with grace and love as we all start to navigate this new normal. 

But! Social Distancing...Doesn't Mean Isolation.

It just means new ways of  doing what we love to do...and some of the new habits I'm thinking could be to our advantage! For example, below is a copy of the new "health and safety" guidelines sent out from our local golf course. Bullet number two: "All cups will be raised 1 inch above the ground." I'm thinking is THIS could be a huge advantage to my short game, as now when we putt we only need to "hit the cup" and not get the damn ball exactly "in the hole".  I'm seriously thinking: "Sweet!" (Mom, you'll have to share these with Dad!)
So this afternoon WILL find us getting some fresh air, sunshine and exercise...on the golf course!
With a low immune system, I'm of course taking many precautions to keep myself healthy and safe. But I can not live indoors in complete isolation, as I especially love being outdoors! 
So I hope you'll stop by the ol' blog here knowing I'll be posting more often.  I'll share ways you too CAN take good care of yourself  in hopes to inspire you to create a healthy life for yourself  during a time that you may be feeling like you have no control at all and isolation is real. 
With SMILES! Val
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  1. I'm glad to see your sense of humor is robust! I never thought about how to avoid touching anything in golf. LOL! :)

  2. Yes, we need to keep some form of activity - not hide. I take a daily walk no matter what the weather. Doing a lot of purging - let it go. AND cleaning my house inbetween sewing - constant breaks so no monotomy. Calling friends as well - they need a boost.

  3. I'm looking into Zoom, we need to have a virtual lunch!!

  4. My son and I have been walking in our neighborhood every day, it's been something I really look forward to it. It helps that during the week we do it right after I log off of my work from home for the day. I hope you continue to have lovely weather for golf and that your game improves with the cup hit! :)


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!


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