Hello Hello my fellow blogging friends!!
I came to realize that it's almost been FOUR months since I've even blogged.
Yet, after getting my hair cut today and chit chatting with my hairstylist...
(I just LOVE getting my pixie cut...especially with the onset of Summer!)
...I was inspired to write this post...as for the first time during this pandemic I felt like I wasn't alone in finding myself needing to navigate unknown terrain yet internally frustrated in NOT finding comfort and motivation in all that use to motivate me. For example, when this pandemic started I had an ambitious list of all the things I was going to accomplish with this new found time on my hands....especially when school "officially" let out in June! BIG plans I had listed, because there was nowhere to go and nothing to interrupt my progress. Yet, in four months I've only "loaded" a test quilt onto the frame and completed a quilt top started six years ago (Well, I guess THAT's an accomplishment isn't it! LOL!) But, the sewing room more often than not, remains dark:

There are honestly moments where I feel as if I'm failing this "stay at home" thing after being so use to an active work/social "routine". Why don't I want to quilt like I use to??? My hairstylist and I talked about this...as she is going through the same thing! We're both use to feeling productive. We both have ambitious list that we have NOT gotten to...nor do we care! We have found comfort in new hobbies. Hers has been bullet journaling and pen pal lettering. Mine has been my Sue Spargo Homegrown stitching:

I L O V E this project. I was able to sew during my school ZOOM meetings and continue to enjoy working on it, now that school is "out for the summer". The bright happy colors, creative stitching offer relaxation and fun! It's not overwhelming. It's a perfect distraction from the news that at this very moment fills my background announcing: "Will face masks be on student's back to school lists?" It calms any anxiousness as like you, it seems like daily we are trying to navigate an unknown terrain. A text from my principal just dinged reminding me of our "blueprint" meeting as we as our school's leadership team, begin to outline the reopening of school in the Fall according to ODE orders. (We hope!!) I will begin my 32nd year as an educator in a very new normal that's for sure!
My hairstylist and I talked about how we just need to show up with kindness. PERIOD.
And not only for others but I'm here to say, for yourself as well! My mind and body shout daily: "Fresh air! Fresh air! Exercise" so I have been intentional about that. I'm trying new things and added a different variety to my fitness regiment. I'm trying yoga. I bike ride. I walk. I golf.
I'm being kind to myself. I finally gave myself permission to NOT accomplish anything at all if that's how I'm feeling. My number one priority has been to be healthy and take good care of myself. And I'm doing that. I do exercise a minimum of an hour a day.
I eat well. Annnnddd, I even sleep in a little longer if I awake and being under a cozy quilt makes lingering a little longer rejuvenating.
But I also give myself permission to stay in my PJ's all day long! As often it's discouraging to continue to keep a calendar that has actually morphed into a document of everything that I didn't get do and people I didn't get to be with. Of course, that makes me sad.
So I guess what I wanted to share, is if you feel like you have no idea what you are doing, if you feel like you are failing at this stay at home thing, know you are not alone. You DON'T have to do it all. You don't have to clean the kitchen drawers. You don't have to learn anything new or even accomplish something. Nope. You don't,
Just BE. Reach out to a friend to let them know you are thinking of them. Go for a walk. Watch an old movie. But know you are doing the best you can in this moment you are in. And honestly, THAT in itself is incredible! BE safe. BE healthy. BE present. BE happy. Yes! Even if it means staying in your jammies all day!
With SMILES! Val