Sunday, November 30, 2014

ALYofF Nov. Wonky Scrappy Stars Finish-UPDATED!

Admittably, THIS has been my BIGGEST ALYofF goal this year. More times than not, I asked myself why I chose THIS as my goal right now!!!It's been awhile since I've tackled a queen size quilt. There were numerous moments I did not think I'd make my goal this month as it got a little overwhelming. But thankfully, I got an extra snow day from school, my walks were lessoned due to the weather and my husband worked some 8 to 8 shifts. So I perservered...knowing I couldn't give up, this close to the end. I sewed rows together and added two borders. I made a back with a scrappy row down the middle to give me that extra foot of width I needed:
Rows sewn together and borders added.
Backing was made.

I ironed six yards of fabric as even though I was lucky enough to find my backing for 35% OFF... it unfortunately had those deep crinkled wrinkles in it was sitting in a sale bin too long...LOL!
Six yards of backing got ironed.

It took me the rest of a Sunday morning to get it all loaded on the long-arm, and then a couple of days after school/work to quilt it.  I love this Fancy Star pantograph and thought it complimented the quilt well. 
Fancy Star Pantograph in a black
solid thread adds to this quilt's Primitive style.

And here it is FINISHED on our guest room bed:

Jackson couldn't resist getting in on the "photo shoot" and wanted me to make sure I showed you the black 3inch black border along with the 6inch scrappy border:

And if you were our guest and woke up under this cozy quilt, here's that view:
I can't tell you how very HAPPY I am to have this WIP done!!
It's such a collection of Buggy Barn learning projects/classes that have been sitting around for years.  I also feel pretty thrifty having them all put together into a primitive sytle quilt and even better there is practically NO fabric left over!! LOVE THAT don't you!?
WHEW!!! I'm done!
THANK YOU for the motivation:
Shanna of Fiber of All Sorts and Melissa of Sew BitterSweet Designs. Click  and stop by and check out everyone's November finishes and  Hey! Thanks a bunch for stopping by to see mine.

With Smiles,

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Before You Get out of Bed...

I just had to share how I like to start my day:
(I wanted to add: Smile that you awoke under a homemade quilt!!
 5 things to do before you get out of bed.
 Today we are decorating the house for Christmas and I'll be back tomorrow with my ALYofF post...just under the wire of the deadline I might add! (Wasn't very smart of me to pick a queen size WIP to finish during this time of year...but I think I can , I think I can...)
With Smiles,

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tuesday Archives #38: Turkeys & Happy Thanksgiving

Welcome to the linky party that let's you rejuvenate your old quilting/sewing posts! 
(Santa has our list of upcoming December themes ready! Check over in my sidebar.)

Val's Quilting Studio

TURKEY QUILTS...OR...Even the Real Fowl Version

It's a busy week for many of us, but whether your turkeys are of the quilt genre like Nancy who blogs at PugMom Quilts... (She dug through her archives and let me highlight this adorable Turkey Wallhanging she posted about back in 2012. Thanks Nancy!)

...or, if your turkeys are of the fowl version like Carole who quilts at My Carolina Home shared with us this month, please do share this week! (Annnddd...if you haven't stopped by her blog this! She has so much Thanksgiving goodness going on!)
November Turkeys
Link your posts right here:
1. Marcy-Table Runner  3. Cat Patches: Turkey in the Straw  
2. Gratitude from LeeAnna  4. Patchwork Breeze  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thanksgiving is my very favorite holiday. I just love, love the gathering of friends and family. For me yesterday and today will be spent celebrating with my Second Graders.  Then the rest of the week will be spent with family and yes...being grammy!! I'll be back at the end of the week with my ALYofF post and I need to get caught up on those Little Letters. But, until then, God Bless and Happy, Happy Thanksgiving to all my stateside blogging friends. And know I'm grateful for all my foreign friends met this year too!

(Notice the quilts near my feet...the kids ALWAYS fold them up like that when they are done using them. That always makes me smile!)
What makes you smile during this Thanksgiving Season?
With smiles,

Pilgrims, Indians and a turkey emoticons all smile for the camera in this little clip art animation

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Quick Baby Gifts Made

I love making oversized receiving blankets for new babies out of soft quilter's flannel.
Our oldest daughter also loved these little infant pacifiers when our grandson was born, so I add one of those too. (They are called: WubbaNubs) (Each blanket measure 42" square...which leaves me a little extra fabric from the yard and half that I purchase, to make a matching burp cloth for mom or dad's shoulder.)

I found this fun Urban Zoologie Flannel on clearance and couldn't resist these monkeys: 

And, admittably, these elephants are my favorite:

I also matched a cute little catepillar with this soft Riley Blake butterfly flannel:
I can't wait to wrap them all up and gift them to some expectant moms I know.
I'm also curious to know...Do you have a quick "go-to" gift you like to make?
Hope ya got in a little sewing yourself this weekend.
With smiles,

Friday, November 21, 2014


Wahooo!!! A year later and 210 little four inch blocks I-Spy quilt is finished! It measures into a cozy 50"x50" play quilt.

I love the Car fabric our daughter picked out for the back.

It matches our little guy's Car slippers and knitted blanket from Great Grandma perfectly!
I just need to finish sewing down one side of binding tonight then wash it so it's cuddly soft when I give it to him next week.
Always Happy that it's Friday!
With smiles,

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday Archives # 37: Jelly Roll Quilts!

Welcome to the linky party that let's you rejuvenate your old quilting/sewing posts! 
(Check over in my right margin for the list of our November themes.)

Val's Quilting Studio


This week finds us skimming though our archives for quilts made from a jelly roll or 2 1/2" strips. Please tell me I'm not the only one who prefers this dish of Jelly Rolls over the traditional yummy, bready version! (Truth be told, I can't resist a good Cinnamon Roll!) 

But, never the less, I've only made one quilt from a jelly roll and it was this Halloween quilt for our youngest daughter back in the Fall of 2010 when I had just started quilting. It was my second quilt made. I think what I like about using a jelly roll is it's quick and easy.  I was able to make this quilt in a weekend. (And yes, Jackson even photo bombed back then!!)
The above is lap size quilt made from a pattern called: Strip Search by G.E. Desgins.
Anyhoo...I'm always grateful to each of you for stopping by and making Tuesday Archives a success! I so enjoy seeing your older posts and always learn something new from them.Sooo...with that said:

I'm especially looking forward to seeing what you have made from Jelly Roll or 2 1/2" strips. For as you can see, I have two adorable rolls just waiting to be made into a quilt. Link up and share right here:
1. Carole @ From My Carolina Home  10. Autumn's Golden Gown quilt and tute  19. Nita @ NitaDances  
2. Popsicle Sticks from PugMom Quilts  11. Tina @ Seaside Stitches  20. Connie @ Freemotion by the River  
3. Scrap Wave by PugMom Quilts  12. Alycia @ Quiltygirl  21. leanne @ daisy and jack  
4. Marly  13. Heather @ Modern Parti Quilts  22. Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation  
5. Sharon@VroomansQuilts  14. Melissa @ MyMeller  23. Cathy - A Quilting Chick  
6. Vicki@A Quilter's Mission  15. Sue D in IL  24. Liberty Patchwork Infinity Scarf @ Mad For Fabric  
7. On the way to Japan from ButterZ  16. Jasmine @ Quilt Kisses  25. Shannon w/ Jellyroll Baskets Quilt  
8. Kathy S.  17. Box of Chocolates  26. Shannon w/ Jelly Turnover Quilt  
9. Eva-Bambi-Johansson  18. Patchwork Breeze  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, November 17, 2014

Dinosaur Quilting & FREE Shipping!

 I knew immediately I would quilt this adorable dinosaur quilt, made by some volunteers from our local Project Linus Chapter, with my Dinosaur Pantograph.

I used a varigated rainbow thread Called: Pharach Tale by King Tut...

It's a popular design among boys especially and I have great hope it will make a Project Linus recipient smile too! To see more of this pantograph quilting click over to here:

Have you been looking for a Long-Arm Quilter?

I'm offering FREE return shipping on all U.S. quilts through  November.
 I offer a large variety of pantograph designs and have been able to turn quilts around within a week of receiving them....just in time to get those last minute quilts finished for Christmas. Here's a shortcut to my pricing page. Feel free to drop me an email at: with your quilting inquiries as I'd love to quilt for you.
With Smiles!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Little Letters QAL: T & U

It's only 16 degrees outside, so pretty easy to stay inside and sew. This week I had some snow fabric I couldn't resist using for my T. I found a little ukulele player for the letter U. Don't ya just love his little polka-dot shorts?!

Below is a peek at what my Little Letters are looking like on the design wal. Annddd...Oh My! I just noticed as I was creating this post,that I used the same little polka-dotted "ukulele" fabic for my M block (M is for Mice)as well!! I'm literally cracking up at myself! Oh well...just shows how much I like those little mice in their polka dotted shorts I geuss!
This continues to be a fun way to start my Sunday sewing. And now that I'm warmed up, I'm off to work on my ALYofF Nov. Goal. Hope your weekend has been great!
With smiles,

Saturday, November 15, 2014

A Color Inspired Walk

We couldn't resist a morning walk now that the storm has cleared.
I found myself inspired by the contrast of Fall colors against the Winter *grey neutrals. 

And on a pretty random note I do have to admit...and it's probably just the teacher in me, but lately, when ordering thread, fabric, and observing nature, I have found myself wondering, how in the heck, is the color word grey/gray spelled?? Sooo I googled it! 
So, in case any of you have ever found yourself  lost in wonderment too, here ya go: 
*Gray and grey are different spellings of the same word, and both are used throughout the English-speaking world. But gray is more common in American English, while grey is more common in all the other main varieties of English. In the U.K., for instance, grey appears about twenty times for every instance of gray. In the U.S. the ratio is reversed.

Whew! Good to know! I'll sleep better now! (HAHAHA!)
Off to back soon with some quilty posts.

Friday, November 14, 2014

A Snow/Sew Day for Me!

 Thanks for your "snow" it has continued to snow here in Eastern Oregon! We've already accumilated just under a foot of snow, with continued snow on the forecast for the remainder of the day. I geuss you can say this is an advantage of living in a rural area...buses can't get the kids...

...teachers like me have to "Keep Calm and Carry On" as I get to stay home and do this:
This weather is unseasonalby early for us all our leaves haven't even fallen and the community pickup of bags isn't until next week. But, hey,  I'm not complaining...
Time to write my "To Do" list for this surprise three day weekend I have at hand!
With smiles!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Oh My! Lots of Snow!

Let the jacket, hat and glove season begin! 
Nothing like the joy of childen on the first day of snow...

Even if it meant a bitter cold recess duty for this Second Grade teacher: 

Wasn't I just mowing the lawn and gathering leaves this past weekend?????
(The city hasn't even picked up our leaves yet....evident in the row of neighborhood gatherings below!)

Anyhooo....always love the change of seasons and can't resist being inspired by the joy of children although (don't tell them) exhausted by their enthusiastic energy as well. LOL!!(Hmmmm....I've already shoveled this 6 inches of snow and it's STILL pouring down. Do I sense a snow day tomorrow??? Which you know means a sew day for this teacher!! 
Stay tuned! Keeping my fingers crossed!!) 
Welcome Ol' Man Winter!
With Smiles!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Little Letters QAL: P, Q, R, S

My Little Letters continues to be a fun WIP.
I loved the prints I found in my 30's stash for this week's letters:
P is for Puppies.
Q is for Quilting.
R is for Ribbons.
S is for Shoes.
Grateful to the Temecula Quilt Co for these cute little patterns each week.
With smiles!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Tuesday Archives #36: Honoring our Veterans

Welcome to the linky party that let's you rejuvenate your old quilting/sewing posts! 
(Check over in my right margin for the list of our November themes)

Val's Quilting Studio

This week finds us skimming through our archives and finding quilts/posts that showcase our Military. Thank you to all who have and continue to serve our country.

Link up and share in love and respect for our Veterans: 
1. Dee Dee  5. QOV Finishes  9. Fifth Photo Down  
2. Jasmine @ Quilt Kisses  6. Carole @ From My Carolina Home  10. AUSSIE Hero quilts  
3. We Honor Veteran Hospice Quilts  7. QOV Bowtie Quilt  
4. Cathy - A Quilting Chick  8. Julie in GA--Scrappy TATW  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, November 10, 2014

Another Fun Fall Weekend!!

I've missed blogging and sewing, but was treated to more Grandma time this weekend as our daughter made the trip down to visit. We enjoyed Fall walks through the neighborhood together:

I smiled as I found myself making our little guy Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches and spending morning, noon and night with him. He's such a cuddle bug! LOVE THAT! (Is it just me, or do grandbabies seem to grow faster than our own children did??)

And even amongst the toys and finding play time with our little guy irresistible,  (And exhausting... my daughter was quite humored at how tired I was at the end of the day.)

I managed to get this adorable baby quilt that I was commissioned to quilt, 
done and in the mail.

I am getting ready to quilt this one as another commission job: (Done)

Annndddd, because I love making lists and crossing things off even more, anddddd, I find myself on  a four day weekend, here are a few other things left on my To-Do list: 
1. Catch up on my ABC QAL blocks 
2. Catch up on my Sat. Sampler blocks 
3, Start my Nov. ALYofF Wonky Stars (Piles layed out and ready to go!)
4. Get Tuesday Archives Ready (Tomorrow's theme will find us honoring our Vets!) and visit blog friends (you!)
5. Mow the yard and rake leaves
6. Laundry
7. Pay Bills
8. Order Thread
ME :
9. Daily Walks (I have a new walking ap:Map My Walk I'm looking forward to trying out)
10. Start a new book in the it gets dark so darn early now and too tired to do anything else! (Continuing to read my Elm Creek Book Series.)
With smiles,

Thursday, November 6, 2014

ALYofF Nov. Goal/Wonky Scrappy Stars

Okay, I've been working on this one waayyyy too long. So it's time to get 'er done.

I don't even know I love it and it's for our geust room upstairs.
Yet, it goes from design wall back into piles, continuously.

So for my Novemeber ALYofF goal, I plan to get her sewed together, quilted, binding done and ready for it's finale at the end of the month as a quilt on a bed!
My Button
With Smiles,

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