Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Tuesday Archives #127: Knitting

Welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts! 
Please click here to read more about this linky party.  
Val's Quilting Studio

This week's theme is: KNITTING!

With the beginning of the school year upon me, today's post writing reminded me of a "get to know ya game" we played as a staff: Popcorn! Write down two things about you that nobody knows on a small piece of paper. When ready, we crumble our paper up and throw them at each other until the we are told to stop. At which time, we each pick up one paper to read out-loud, awaiting for someone to guess the person. In retrospect, I wish I had written down: 1. I wear slippers made by my mom  EVERY night to bed, no matter the season. 2. I've climbed the hundreds of steps in both the Eiffel Tower and Statue of Liberty. (Pictures of those pre-digital) Darn! or maybe not, as who knows what kind of wild hairdo would be revealed! LOL!
You know I don't knit. Even during my mom's summer visit I had her teach me again...but by the time I was on  maybe the third row of a dishcloth I found myself missing my stitching and decided then and there to leave the knitting to my mom. (Love ya mom!) With that said, I appreciate and value all the beautiful things knitted and will share the link to all my mom's knitted creations. And, thanks for sharing your knitted works of heart with us here today.

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Val's Quilting Studio

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Kids Say the Darndest Things!

My friend owns a dairy farm and last week one of her cows needed a c-section.
As the vet was stitching the cow up, her seven-year old grandson says:
"My Grandma makes better stitches than that!"
Image result for stitching cow
LOL!! Happy Sunday Stitching everyone.
This week's theme: Knitting
Val's Quilting Studio

Friday, August 26, 2016

Heart Flimsy

While watching for squirrels, I noticed my mom got her flannel hearts all sewn into a flimsy. 

Hmmm...I can't wait to cuddle under it this Winter.

Even if Winter still seems like a distance away.

Now to decide how to quilt it...I know she's contemplating
a fun pantograph or even FMQ outlining the hearts?? What do you think?
As for me, I'm off to chase those squirrels. Wishing everyone a great day!

Val's Quilting Studio

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Voting has begun!

Hi guys! Jackson here. I saw on my mom's computer that the voting for the Pets on Quilts voting has begun! My post is entry #11 in the category for Dogs on Quilts...ya know, just in case you were undecided...I'd love your vote!! 
Licks and cuddles given....

Pets on Quilts 2016

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Tuesday Archives #126: Houses

Welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts! 
Please click here to read more about this linky party.  
Val's Quilting Studio

This week's theme is: HOUSES!

This week I'm happy to highlight Ruth's "Modern Irish Bee" quilt above. Can you believe all these houses have  been created through a Bee?!?! You can see by her sketches the finishing touches she has planned for it and please click on over to her blog Charly & Ben's Crafty Corner to check out her entire post. Having never participated in a "bee" has me all curious now...so if you ever put one together do let me know as I'd like to participate.

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Check our our Tuesday Archives Directory!
Val's Quilting Studio

Sunday, August 21, 2016

"Operation Quilt" Recipient

Aughhh, a fresh cup of coffee and a quiet Sunday morning is exactly what I needed as I take a break from my "back to school" start-up. Especially since I've been wanting to share this wonderful thing that happened to my husband last month! As a quilter, we are always creating, donating and giving. Yet, to be on the recipient side is well, odd. And yet, when my husband enthusiastically came home one day upon receiving this surprise honor below, I just had to share how much our gifts of heart really can touch others lives. 
Image result for military
This quilt below is one of over 6,000 that have been gifted since 9/12/2001 to Active Duty Military, Returning Wounded and Honorably Discharged from all engagements and branches. My husband served four years in the Navy right out of high school. With everything going on in the news against police across the county, our local chapter of the Operation Quilts wanted to honor all our law enforcement people who are Veterans. As you can imagine, all were speechless, even my husband who said: "Val, even though we have quilts all over the house, just knowing the time you spend on your quilts, made it so very flattering to think of these women  making a quilt just for me." He continued: "No offense babe, but this one is my most special." (No offense taken...lol!)

The heart label is strategically placed in a non-traditional location so it will be close to their heart to bring comfort.  And when the women insisted that they USE their quilts, he found himself chuckling in thought of how many times he's heard me say that very same thing to people.

 All the supplies for the organization's quilts are obtained from donations.
Quilts are lap size, measuring 36"x 47" and have a cozy flannel backing.

I just love this hobby of ours and realize we are so lucky to give others the quilty hugs we do!
Next theme coming up: HOUSES
Val's Quilting Studio

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Tuesday Archives #125: Hoops (use of)

Welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts! 
Please click here to read more about this linky party.  
Val's Quilting Studio

This week's theme is: Hoops (use of)

Our Finnish friend Teje always has the most wonderful projects, thus her blog was admittedly, the first one I went to this week to find a great highlight for the use of hoops. In today's highlight, Teje offers us a tutorial on using a hoop to create a cute Decorative Wall Hanging.  Hmmm...this might be the exact wall accent I need as I redecorate one of our extra bedrooms. Thanks for the inspiration Teje.
Embroidery Hoop Decoration

Having not used hoops much, I'm especially lookng for to visiting your HOOP (use of) links this week. Hope your week is going great! V
1. Collapsible Thread Catcher  3. Quilted Art Project Wall Hoop  5. Jo ButterZ  
2. Ruth@cb crafty corner  4. Cat Patches  

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Sunday, August 14, 2016

Pets of Quilts: JACKSON!

At the beginning of 2015 I made this fun pinwheel quilt from my scraps. When we took off for our summer vacation this year, I threw it in the car, unknowing that it was going to become Jackson's quilt for the entire two weeks! 

I caught him using it day... 

...and night. I was actually beginning to fear he'd put a hole in it as I watched him "paw in circles and dig" each evening to make his little cocoon shown below.  But hey! His nose is warm and we all know with our pups, THAT'S what really matters. LOL!!
Quite honestly though, I'm so grateful for him. Many of you know, he's an enthusiastic regular on my blog and well, he's been my quilty, empty nest buddy now for seven years! He is the most loyal dog I have ever had and in review, I noticed he has shown up in 58 posts thus far. (For as many of you also know, he thinks when I'm taking quilt pictures that I'm really just setting up his photo op.) Seriously! Click here  to see Jackson's modeling moments gone by. I can say I've never loved a dog as much as I love him. With that said, he is welcome to make any quilt in the house his own. 

Thank you to Lily Pad Quilting for this opportunity to highlight our pets!
This is truly one of the events I look forward to most as I love seeing all our pets gathered in one linky and reading how they too, touch your hearts and make your days better too. I hope you'll join us for this Annual Pets of Quilts event. Click here for the rules. Click here for the linky party.  Voting begins August 25th. I entered Jackson in the dog (pup) on quilt category...ya know, just in case you are looking for a cute pup to vote for. Smiles!!
Pets on Quilts 2016

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Tuesday Archives #124: Giraffes

Welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts! 
Please click here to read more about this linky party.  
Val's Quilting Studio

This week's theme is: GIRAFFES

Image result for giraffe quilts

Happy Tuesday guys! Annndddd isn't he just the cutest, quilted giraffe!? I have no griaffes in my archives but this happy little guy sure makes me want to create one! Looking forward to what you have to share in this week's Giraffe theme: 
1. JanineMarie  4. Sharon Vrooman  7. tubakk  
2. JanineMarie  5. Jeanna  8. Terri @ QuiltNCards  
3. Julie in WA  6. Zirafah the Giraffeby jackie  9. Lynn  

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Val's Quilting Studio

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Slow Stitching Progress...

I have been getting my Sue Spargo Bloom hand-stitching done....so I can start something new!
How to you "plow" through a project you are tired of, but want to get it done?
Me? I take short-cuts! Notice along the fabric and ribbon I used decorative stitching done with my sewing machine. I'm also sticking to the creative stitches I know and aren't too detailed.
I only have two blocks after these to finish so for my August OMG I'm exclaiming to all of you is that I'll have all the blocks in this quilt finished and sewn together into a flimsy!! Oh man! Just writing that motivated me to go get the last two pieces prepped for stitching today. I'm off....to start! 
Sharing with everyone at:
grab button for RedLetterQuiltsSlow Sunday Stitching
This week's theme will be: GIRAFFES
Val's Quilting Studio

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Extra Thread is for the Birds Part 2

What do you do with your left-over pieces of thread? Today I was reminded of a post I wrote over three years ago about how I leave my scraps of thread and fabric out for the birds. Note: I have since learned to run my rotary cutter through my mounds of thread and thin strips of scraps, making it much easier for the little birdies to grab and carry the pieces away. I also have added leftover batting to the mix, again pulling it apart to make easy access for my fellow birdies of residence. I probably refill this feeder three times through the Spring and Summer months.

So imagine my surprise as I was just busily mowing the yard, when right in front 
of me on the ground, I found this wee little nest, small enough to fit in the pawn of my hand:

Upon closer inspection I began to find pieces of thread, batting and...

...as I turned it over, strips of Mary Engelbreit fabric weaved among the many twigs, pine needles and pieces of straw. (Atleast  I now know for sure why the feeder continuously needs refilling.)
I felt so bad for the little bird I imagined was in frantic search for it's colorful, cozy nest. So I carefully placed it back into the tree above,  in hopes it's momma will return...

Val's Quilting Studio
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