Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Tuesday Archives #139: Memory Quilts

Welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts! 
Please click here to read more about this linky party.  
Val's Quilting Studio

This week's theme is: MEMORY QUILTS

Hi guys! I have spent time the last two days revisiting Jo's process of "pixalating" a quilt in memory of her young son John. Jo and her family lost John tragically in a car accident  just four years ago. 
When I first saw this quilt I was amazed at allllll the little pieces. But in reflection, realized that it was in that exact process of putting all those pieces together that guided Jo towards putting the pieces of her own life back together as she gradually finds a new sense of normalcy without John in her life. We've emailed a bit this week and I find strength in her journey as a parent and comfort in use of quilting to help her heal. It is with honor and respect that I highlight Jo's series of creating this beautiful memory quilt of a son lost too soon: 

Thank you Jo for sharing your story with us and for being an inspiring example of how quilting can help us heal. Today's links begin right here:
1. maggie  5. Vern's 80th bday quilt  9. ButterZ... puzzling memories  
2. Bernie @ Needle and Foot  6. Signature quilts  10. Summer of Love at Stitchin' Therapy  
3. Needled Mom  7. Mia's Quilt  11. Crayons, Color and Child's Play  
4. Josephine's 80th bday quilt  8. The Doors of Ireland  

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Val's Quilting Studio

Sunday, November 27, 2016

New Applique Project Prepped

I've really missed having a applique project at hand, so am grateful to have had the time over my holiday break to prep these as I begin the first of four Seasonal Celebration wall hanging quilts.
The perfect Slow Stitching as I sip my morning coffee and enjoy yet another sappy Hallmark Christmas movie during this cold, overcast Sunday we are having.  
Linking up with everyone else at Kathy's:

Val's Quilting Studio

Friday, November 25, 2016

Nov. OMG: Batik Finish

I met my November goal with time to spare this month! 

I even met up with my friend whom I intended this quilty hug for right before the holiday.
She was genuinely touched by the use of my Breast Cancer pantograph and soft minky backing.
She leaves this weekend for her six weeks of radiation and sadly, due to the stage of her breast cancer, she found out she will have to endure six months of chemo afterwards. If she ends up getting a port I will definitely be getting her one of Carole's Port Softies. As a cancer survivor myself, I'm so grateful to have had the time to visit and allowed the opportunity to give her hope and support.

And guys look!
 As I promised myself after our Tuesday Archives: Quilt Labels linky earlier this month,
 I was SURE to label this one! Thank you for your inspiration to label my quilts.
Linking up and sharing with everyone at OMG.
Next week's theme is: Memory Quilts
Val's Quilting Studio

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

We find ourselves for the first time in 28 years, spending Thanksgiving with just the two of us...and it isn't  weird! I still found myself getting up at the crack of dawn like a kid on Christmas morning. I had much to prepare before I get to the applique I have set aside to work on during the Macy's parade. (I love the Macy's parade!! Don't you?! Oh! And the National Dog Show that follows!) Sooo...the turkey is prepped. The pies are made. The champagne is chilling and our table is set...for two! Trading in the long family table for a romantic setting in front of the fireplace is kinda fun.
Quite honestly, I think the fact we just spent last weekend celebrating with our kids makes today easier and a bit more special for hubby and I. We get to enjoy all that we have to be thankful for, quietly together. As I'm sure it has for many of you as well, the gifts of Life and Learning, with it's sneaky, unexpected twists and turns along the way, creates an overwhelming sense of gratitude to have ended up in the good places we are.  For me, to travel this life adventure together in marriage, with my very best friend, is what I feel most blessed for. 

Welllll....and for the love of this little guy too!  I don't think I would have made it through that empty nest transition some seven years ago, without him (or quilting)
Today he gets his very own meat bone to enjoy the entire day!
Thank you for stopping by today. It is truly my wish for you  
 that your day is overflowing with love and gratitude as well.
Happy, Happy Thanksgiving friends!!
Click the picture below to read more about my weekly linky.
Val's Quilting Studio

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Surprise Happy Mail!

How wonderful to walk to the mailbox and receive not one, but two surprise Happy Mails!
 Inside each I found much to smile about!
I won the magazine from Em's Scrapbag as she celebrated having her Baby Blooms pattern published in this edition! How cool is that! (And how lucky am I to now have a copy of it!)
The other was a surprise from my good ol' blogging friend Nita.
Her personal letter touched my heart and certainly made me smile...oh the eye-spys did too!
I can't even remember the last time I wrote a hand written letter?? Can you??
Yet, as we prepare for Thanksgiving, I find myself sentimental as we dig out old family recipes.
I smile at my mom's handwriting and am always amazed as I reflect upon the advancements since my own Granny's days of typed (like typewriter typed) recipes that are to this day, kept tucked in my mom's  Betty Crocker cookbook. So grateful I preserved these in a scrapbook so many years ago.
Thanksgiving Traditions Scrapbook 2006
Well, Thanks Em and Nita. 
I've ever grateful for the support and friendships found in our little blogging community.

Val's Quilting Studio

Monday, November 21, 2016

Tuesday Archives #138: Turkeys

Welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts! 
Please click here to read more about this linky party.  
Val's Quilting Studio

This week's theme is: TURKEYS!

Last week I found this adorable turkey wallhanging while visiting our weekly linky parties. 
Annnnndddd even better, it led me to a very "new to me blog": Annie's Quilt Orts.
Welcome to Tuesday Archives Annie. I hope ya don't mind my sharing your adorable turkey.

Rejuvinate your turkey related posts right here:
1. Real Wild Turkeys  3. Garden Flag Turkey  5. Terri's Turkey  
2. maggie  4. Pink Doxies Photobomb & a Turkey  6. Nancy@PugMomQuilts!  

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Val's Quilting Studio

Sunday, November 20, 2016

A Fun Family Weekend

Our weekend was spent with our kids, first, celebrating "Poppi's" Birthday.

Good thing our grand guy was wearing his Paw Patrol Fire Marshall sweatshirt,  
as his help was needed to put out Poppi's "glowing" birthday cake. 

We also took off on a family adventure together! 

We bought our a special little guy a "golden ticket"...
Did ya notice his adorable Santa hat??
My mom  knitted it for him and got it mailed just in time for our trip.
He wore it the entire afternoon as he is enamored with everything Santa this year!
...and boarded the Polar Express Train Ride!

He was adorable to watch as he patiently waited while our train chugged along through the dark...

...anxious for his very first glimpse of Santa and his elves as we finally arrive at the "North Pole!"

It was so special to begin the holiday season as seen through the eyes of a three year old. 
He sat on his Papa's lap as he received his Christmas Bell and I have to admit, the joy in his eyes as he finally met Santa for the very first time, just filled my Grandma heart.  

 Annnddd with Jackson keeping me warm as he slept on my lap,
 I finished the binding on my Batik quilt during our time on the road. (It's in the wash as I write.) YEAH!!! I close today, hoping this week finds your holiday season off to a wonderful start.  I hope it's filled with the love and joy of  family, friends and perhaps a favorite four legged buddy as well.  
This week's Tuesday Archives Theme is: TURKEYS
Val's Quilting Studio

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

My Trunk Show of Pinwheel Quilts

When I saw that Soma of Whims and Fancies was once again hosting her annual Trunk Full of Quilts online show, I was inspired to look through my own archives to see what I could possibly have to share. Sooooo here it is:

I'm realizing my  obsession, okay um love, of pinwheels quilts began in 2012 with my very first pinwheel quilt: my Classroom Monster quilt.  I made this one for my second grade class. Look closely and you will see the fabric is full of googly eyes, polka dots and little critters! 
 Every year, my students LOVE this quilt!

As a beginning quilter, I loved this little pinwheel pattern for a few reasons. 1. It uses fat quarters. It seems as a new quilter, I was continuously purchasing them as I began my quilty journey. Every new quilt store I entered, they were like eye candy and I always left with a bagful! 2. It's an easy pattern as I learned to cut, match and sew seams. 3. It was fast. Nothing like the satisfaction of finishing a lap quilt in a weekend! (I was hooked)
To say the least, I did a lot of stash busting using this pattern! 
I made this cute Picnic Quilt:

Then this Spring Pinwheels, which I gifted to my sweet Aunt:

 And another for my our oldest daughter:

I also made a summer tablecloth using some happy sunflower fabric:

And I created this colorful Rainbow Pinwheel quilt:

I had soooo much creating this one!  Notice half of each pinwheel was created from "made-fabric":

Okay, okay, seriously just how many quilts can someone make from one pattern!?!?!?

Welllll....I did share this pattern with fellow blogging friend Jasmine. LOL! For a look at a few more different versions of this pinwheel pattern, click over to Jasmine's who blogs at Quilt Kisses. I mailed her a copy of this pattern and am so inspired at how she used the background color in the pinwheels and added cornerstones! I love her clean, fresh look.  

 Seriously though, back in December of 2014, I was inspired by our Tuesday Archives Layer Cake Linky, to try something new! So I set out to create a quilt from an Aneela Hoey Cherry Christmas layer cake for my December ALYofF goal. I chose a NEW to me Spinning Pinwheels pattern from Shannon at Modern Tradition Quilts:

We love this little Christmas Quilt:
(But it could feed into my desire to purchase wayyy tooo many layer cakes! lol!)

So there you have it, my trunk full of Pinwheel Quilts. Most of which, are being well used as they bring comfort to kids, aunts, daughters and pups alike. Ya gotta love that!
Thanks again to Soma for organizing this annual event and to you, for stopping by.
Click the picture below to see more Trunks full of  inspiring Quilts!
Online Quilt Trunk Show | Whims And Fancies

PS: Can you believe pinwheels has NOT been a Tuesday Archives theme!
It's certainly added to the list now...until then, check out this week's Mug Rugs.
Val's Quilting Studio
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