Oh Happy, Happy Merry Month of May!
It's that time of year again when the end of the school year is fast approaching and there aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done I'd like to do. Soooo here comes my list to share with everyone else at OMG to help keep track of all my creative projects.
In the sewing room:
My H2H quilt will be posted and mailed this week. Yeah! Then, as the weekend nears, I plan to complete my April Scrap Dance Tango Mystery step and get this pretty below onto the quilting frame. I want to get it quilted & bound for my May OMG over the next couple of weeks. Don't ya just love it's "springy" colors. And for some easy peasy, scrappy sewing, I'd be pysched to get my March red and May green RSC crayons done. Well see....if not, I'll get them caught up over Summer.
I also plan to have a little R&R one Sunday afternoon as I stay in my jammies and enjoy a good movie as I prep the first block of my 2017 BOM. (It just arrived in the mail!). I've missed having an applique project on hand and do look forward to having this as my Slow Sunday Stitching...especially as the weather gradually begins to warm and I can sit outside and stitch. (It finishes as a queen size so I'm looking forward to having a new bed quilt around this time next year.)
Sounds like a good month of sewing ahead don't ya think.

In the classroom:
With six weeks of school left (Time to make up for our January Armageddon of snow) we will continue to be busy and creative in the classroom to help make the best of our make-up days: 
Our last "theme" of study for the year has us engaging in American Traditions. We have team t-shirts to tye-dye, a classroom quilt to create, field trips by bus and more Virtual Google Exporations,
Finally we'll wrap up the year celebrating summer birthdays by frosting and decorating our very own cupcakes and creating handmade pinatas (remember paper mache). I'll be sure to share our growing school of fishy beanbags as the kids have not grown tired stitching yet. I have a feeling I'll be putting some summer sewing kits together. Their enthusiasm to stitch truly makes my day! Thanks so much for cheering us on with your kind comments, know your support makes my day too. I'm looking forward to sharing this creative month of fun with you as this Merry Month of May gets underway! .
I just posted May's themes on the sidebar.
(I'm probably the only person late to their own linky.)
What a great plan for May! Those kids have a lot more fun than I did at that age, LOL!!
ReplyDeleteI want to be in your class!!!
ReplyDeleteI love your May goals. That BOM looks amazing, I can't wait to follow your progress on it.
ReplyDeleteYou have a very busy month ahead. I stayed in my pjs last weekend. It is so relaxing. As we are heading into winter I find myself coming home from work and getting into my pjs and unwinding for the night.
ReplyDeleteGreat quilt top. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.
ReplyDeleteVal, that framed square quilt (not sure which quilt title goes with that photo) looks like it will be so much fun to quilt! My longarm is still empty because I am still digging out from the mess of making room for it, finding new homes for things and clearing off work surfaces. I'm nervous about getting that first practice quilt loaded because I wasn't able to have my training day with the dealer before my husband went into surgery. So wish me luck! I've got the Internet full of YouTube videos to guide me, right? :-)
ReplyDeleteSo I was surprised to see that on your calendar, May 1st is marked "RESPONSIBILITY ENDS!!!" What?! In my house, responsibility is BEGINNING. One perk of my husband's current frailty is that it is preventing him from enabling my teenagers' bad habits. He always got up early, dragged them out of bed, made sure they got to school on time, drove them if they were late... But Dad isn't going to college with them, and Mom wants to raise adults who can be responsible for themselves. My sophomore was SHOCKED that I didn't wake him this morning, and he was freaking out when I calmly made myself a latte before I drove him to school -- Late to class, with no excuse note. Because personal responsibility starts TODAY!
You've got some fun plans for May. Looking forward to seeing both your finishes and your new starts. May will be gone before we know it. Graduation is looming for us in just a few weeks! Yikes!!