Saturday, December 21, 2019

I'm Back! New Look! New Purpose!

My goal for 2019 was to be authentic as my husband and I found ourselves at a crossroad that would find us making an intentional, major shift in our lives both emotionally and physically. Welcome 2019!

Life's journey is full of hills and valleys and it was just time for a change.  
  I'm rebooting my blog after almost a year long sabbatical with a new face-life and mission. Physically, my husband and I spent the last year downsizing. Gotta tell ya...we love it! The simplicity is wonderful!! We think of our new home as our "transitional" housing until we retire in a few years. 

Creatively, I've just been thinking...gaining a new perspective of myself and what I want to do with my time now that I don't have a large house and yard to manage. Kinda time to follow my bliss....

Curious to see how much the grands have grown??
Here's our daughter and those little guys now:
Our big guy is six now and started kindergarten and little Jack is two.

Okay, I'm literally teary eyed posting that pic....I mean look at those smiles!
They too have conquered life's challenges with love and joy.
2019 blessed us all in so many ways that we only end such a rough patch with gratitude.
Oh and what about Jackson??? I'm sure he will continue to photo bomb my posts.  He's getting a bit grey and is now ten, yet continues to be a loyal companion on walks, hikes and in the sewing room. 

Join me for my 20 in 2020.

Okay so my life isn't what I envisioned for myself when I reached middle age...but regardless of this, I'm ready to be the one to decide where my life will bring me instead of the other way around. I know we're all crafty, quilty folk, but I challenge you to also be thinking of the kind of goal setting that is more about WHO you want to be, what you want to do. 
Your list can be anything...challenges, adventures, personality goals, dreams to chase, projects to finish, hobbies to try. There is power in writing things down and then making them happen. 
I'm PLANNING TO DISPLAY AND CHECK OFF THESE GOALS through the use of a Travelers notebook and here on the blog! 
Christmas Day will find me "unwrapping" all my supplies and playing.
With SMILES! Val
Bitmoji Image
Also linking with my quilty friends at:
2020 Planning Party


  1. Hi Val, Lovely to hear from you again. I'm so pleased to hear you are continuing to live a joyful life regardless of all it's thrown in your path. It's important to be true to yourself and take on and decide how you're going deal with whatever life sends your way, so you ensure you have that joyful life. I'm up for a challenge in 2020.

  2. What an awesome new direction!! You have overcome some truly difficult things, and I cannot wait to see where you go now!!

  3. I am so happy to hear from you again Val- I am excited to read about your goals and new life too-hugs Kathy

  4. Glad to see that you are back! Can't wait to hear about your journey. Are you still quilting, or have you found other hobbies?

  5. So good to hear from you, sorry to read of the struggles you have endure, but happy to hear you feel confident in your new direction. Looking forward to hearing more. You have been missed.

  6. Life is filled with glorious mountain tops and deep dark valleys. Each day and year can bring so many changes. I believe that I have personally become stronger and wiser from walking through the hard times in life, than I every have in the good times. One is for growing and one for relaxing, but both can be enjoyed. Here's to a great 2020. I'm happy to see you back blogging:)

  7. I was just wondering about you the other day. Glad you've found your way and your joy again. Looking forward to your perspectives and your posts. Have a very happy holiday.

  8. THrilled to see you pop up in my blog reader. I look forward to your posts in your new journey. I will be downsizing at some point myself and have thought of the same - an elder community and there are several right in the surrounding towns.

  9. I'm so happy to see a post from you... So sorry life has been so hard. I completely understand what you are feeling and going through. Sometimes we have to let go even if it's not what we want. It is hard accepting but you also need to focus on parts of your lives to make you happy 😊. Consider your health too..
    Merry Christmas...

  10. Nice to hear from you, Val! I look forward to reading your new blog.

  11. Really glad to see you back. I have missed your cheery posts.
    For one, I can fully appreciate what you have been facing/dealing with and resolving. Life can turn on a dime. Change must happen because you have the desire to go go, to find the next adventure. As for broken relationships.....been there too and still trying to find the healthy way to deal with a child who changes gears and directions constantly.
    Ao I will be back, and wishing you a Merry and bright Christmas.

  12. Val, I can certainly relate to your experience. Life throws us curve balls and it can take a while to regroup and find a new direction, a new focus. I stopped blogging three years ago because I just could not keep up with all the changes my life was taking and be an honest blogger. We too have downsized from our beloved Dogwood Lane Farm to a MUCH smaller house 500 miles away and a world of difference in lifestyle. The changes have been dizzying. SO much good has come from this decision but along with that has come some family strain which we are gingerly navigating. Merry Christmas Val and a Blessed new year.

  13. We all go through challenging times in our life, so it's good to see you are making changes and staying positive. Hugs to you Val. Have a lovely holiday season. Glad you are back. I am slowing down on my blogging and cannot sew because I have had a shoulder impingement for nearly 7 months now and cannot do a lot physically. Let's hope 2020 is a fantastic year for us all.

  14. I love every word of this post, it's an authentic and real life look at you 😘 I've had my own struggled in 2019 and am looking to 2020 as a fresh start so I'll definitely be able to join the 20 in 2020 linky!

  15. You and your family have been through stuff that no one would wish onto anyone's life! We have to acknowledge that ALL our experiences form us into who we truly are, the good and the bad, don't we? I wish it were easier, though! I'm glad to hear from you again and look forward to learning and growing more with you :)

  16. Val, I'm starting to follow you today. We, too have had a very emotional year, with a son taking his wife and our two young grandsons out of reach. We continue to struggle and I know he is too, but we are trying to move on. I will look forward to your posts, and please know others out there are suffering as you and I are.

  17. Welcome back, Val!! It is rather like you boarded a plane for Hawaii but the plane landed you in Iceland. You were prepared for Hawaii. You had planned on Hawaii. Iceland was unexpected. Still an island with lovely beaches, but you weren't prepared for it nor had you planned for it. A bit of an adjustment required! Glad you are here again and I'm looking forward to seeing the goals you set and you just might encourage me to set some goals!! I arrived in "Iceland" 4 years ago...time to set some goals and make some progress!

  18. Welcome back, Val!! Looking forward to hearing more about your journey.

  19. Val, I just found you today so I can't say welcome back. But I can say I am ready to follow along on your journey in 2020.

  20. Hi Val,
    Welcome back!
    What a great change for your new blog!
    I've been checking in "favourites" once and a while to see if there were any blogging signs.
    So glad I kept at it!
    It will be great following along in 2020!

  21. There is an epidemic of adult children becoming estranged from parents. My oldest daughter has my first and only 2 grandchildren, whom I do not know. It is potentially spirit-destroying stuff, but there are growing online communities of we parents. Welcome back, Val. I eagerly await your insights. And some quilting? Merry (as possible) Christmas!

  22. So good to hear from you again! I had been thinking about you awhile back and wondered what you were up to. So sorry your family has had it's share of troubles. Goals are fantastic for steering the ship to a steady course. Merry Christmas for you all!

  23. So happy that you and your family are well. It is wonderful that you are back to blogging. Yes, downsizing can be a great life change. Praying for you, as we all have family issues. 2019 brought the untimely passing of my dear twin sister, a real shocker. 'Not supposed to die at 55. Looking forward to your future blog posts.

  24. Welcome back Val! I wish you all the happiness in 2020. Seems like you have struggled but maybe things are at a positive turning point for you. Looking forward to reading more posts from you. :-)

  25. Welcome back, Val! Wishing you joy and happiness in 2020. Thanks for sharing your story, and I look forward to what is to come!

  26. Great to see you back Val. I keep you in my thoughts and prayers and love seeing you work toward finding joy.

  27. Hello Val; I'm glad you're back and full of new resolve. Reading your post I found my eyes watering for you. At the same time I'm impressed by your thoughts on the way forward out of the Vale of Despair; inspiration for everyone, for many of us have had similar experiences. I admire, too, your courage in sharing this with the rest of the world, thereby giving hope to others.

  28. It sounds as if you've come through a rough patch. I can empathize to a certain extent, as I am living a life I never expected, too. Life does go on, and we can't change others. Two good lessons to learn. =) My son used to tell me all the time, "Mom, it's my choice." One day, I realized he was right. God gave each of us agency, and I can't stand in the way of an adult using it. God bless you and give you wisdom as you navigate this unexpected adventure. =)

  29. Glad to have you back Val. It looks like you and your husband are finding your new path after a difficult year. I wish you nothing but the best on your journey forward.

  30. Oh Val. I have wondered how you are doing - I have been contemplating my old blog life over the last few months and trying to decide whether to start up again. Parenting adult children has been an unexpected challenge in my life too. Life went sideways twice in 2016 and then slowly righted itself. I admire your courage so much and will bookmark this post to re-read I know.

  31. I'm just reading this as I "catch up" after the holidays. Wonderful to see you again, and I look forward to your positive posts! All my best to you and your family for the new year!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!


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