Monday, December 30, 2013

Double Wine Bag Tutorial

 Just in time for New Years...make this Double Wine Bag/Carrier. It's perfect to tote beverages to a party in and would make for a great hostess gift as well.

I had it made in about an hour. The sturdy handles make it look like you are carrying a purse, rather than walking into a party with a handful of wine. (Ha!Ha!)
 I found the tutorial at:  Hashiworks  
I also found this wine bottle/champagne sweater.
 I love the idea of using an old sweater!

Wishing everyone a safe and happy new year!!
Remember: designated drivers rock!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

My Wonky Stars WIP Continues

I added in some "fillers" and the top now measures "about"  72" x 90".
I'm planning to sew the blocks together without sashing, remeasure and then 
 add a 2-3" black border and then use my leftover scraps
to create an 8" strip for the outer border:
If all my calculations are right, I'll finish with a  92"x110" quilt top...
plenty big for the queen size bed I'm making it for.
A WIP for sure!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

2014 Quilting Goals (Updated)

I'm joining forces with:

My Button

to make 2014 a productive, fun quilting year! 
I'm a goal setting, list making kind of  girl. These two link-ups are perfect for me!
 Here's a peek at a few projects I have selected to get  2014 rolling:

January (DONE!)

                                        I want to quilt this story quilt I made two years ago. 
You can see it finished: HERE
Read about it's story and how to make a memory quilt: HERE

February (DONE!)

I've always wanted a heart quilt. See it finished here: Crazy Hearts
I've been making these little hearts over the past few years.
The pile is growing. I think it's time to put them together. I'm totally looking forward to this February project. I will also be including a tutorial on how to make these cute little hearts. Warning: You'll get addicted...they are so fun! Click here for the tutorial.

May (My birthday month)

(Made this CHEVRON QUILT instead for my May goal.)
So I still have this fabric I've been collecting to remake 
this Hexagon Quilt I made last summer and gifted away.  These are my colors and I really liked how this one came out. I would enjoy one for myself. HappyBirthday to me!

June and July

I found these fun layer cakes in my "stash".

Summersville (STILL HAVE)

and Lucy's Crab Shack. (DONE!)

See it finished here: Beach Houses
Truth be told, I have absolutely no idea what pattern to use with them. I just loved the fabric and thought they'd make into some fun summer quilts. Any ideas?? I know some of you are pattern makers, do ya have a pattern to recommend? I'm open to suggestions. Please comment if you have any.  (Thanks!) 

And finally....ugh! (DONE!)

The kit in the box, that has not made the list...yet!  This kit contains a wonderful assortment of pretty pinks, reds, and browns to make this pattern of  scrappy baskets: 
See it finished here: Mom's Chevron Quilt
My intention was to make this quilt for my mom. She loved the quilt and it would be perfect hanging in her livingroom. Confession number two: it's still in the box becausee I just don't think I have it in me to make all those triangles. (Actually, while writing this post,bearing my closet full of fabric confessions to you, I'm  realizing I don't have it in me to make all those triangles! LOL!!). WoW! That confession felt good! Whew! now what? My mom is open to anything. I  purchased this kit couple of  years ago when I was taking classes and learning to quilt. I was doing a lot of piecing then. I've come to learned THIS  is more my style. So what would you recommend? I still want to make a wallhanging of sorts for my mom, just not something with so many little pieces.  Please comment if ya have any ideas and/or links to share. (Thanks...again!)

I'm looking forward to turning this pile of "projects" into a pile of finishes by years end!

And, to thank you, let's end the year with a Give-Away!

This Give-away is closed that you to everyone who commented.

The winner was announced here.

I'm going to put all your comments that contain any ideas, suggestions and/or links to to my "cries for help" above into a drawing for this Riley Blake Charm Pack: Pieces of Hope (21 5" squares). I'll leave the give-away open until Tuesday, December 31st at 11:59pm and announce the winner New Years Day!

I'm looking forward to linking up with everyone for our:
My Button
With smiles!

One more thing! I haven't run a link-up for awhile and I've noticed I'm not the only one thinking about what I'd like to work on in 2014. Sooo if ya create a post about your 2014 Sewing goals...feel welcome to link-up and share! I'll leave the link-up open for a week. Happy New Year!

1. Lorna @ Sew Fresh Quilts  3. Lee Anna Paylor  5. Sarah @ Confessions of a Fabric Addict  
2. Dee Dee  4. adventurous quilter  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, December 27, 2013

Happy Feet!

My surprise Christmas present were hand-knitted slippers by my mom. (Thanks Mom!)
She has been making them for me since I was a child and continues to do so (even though I'm sure she is wearing ill of the pattern.)She knows I love them and often wear them out.
Yes, JACKSON continues to think my photo ops are about him!
Here are my "new" slippers. (Sweet!)
 Here are my "old slippers".
 Last year I found this pattern below, hoping to change things up for my mom,
 but I guess there's no replacing a favorite! (Thank goodness!)
 I keep them all in a basket by my bed.
They are all made from different weights of yarn,
 so Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall I have Happy Feet!
 What was your favorite gift received this Christmas?
 We continue to be under an inversion of freezing fog...
so staying inside and in the studio is easy! 

With smiles!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Wishes,,,,

...of  peace

and Joy
...being sent your way today.
Merry, Merry Christmas.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

December Happy Mail December fat quarter package arrived in the mail today!
What a great variety of browns. 
I also received a "surprise" package from blogger friend Dona from Grateful 4 Quilting. She sent these awesome prints to add to my Eye Spy Quilt! Are they not the cutest!!!! Thanks so much Dona!
I missed blogging this week....but with the weather we've had and it being the last week of school before break...I was exhausted! (My second Graders CAN NOT wait till Christmas! I only wish I could package their energy!) I did make a lot of progress of my Garden Party Applique Quilt in the evenings and think I'm going to have a Friday Finish next week. YAH!!!!!! 

We had ANOTHER 5 inches of snow last night....but the sun shined bright for most the day today (insert a big smiley face). Yet, as I write this post and gaze outside my window, the inversion is creeping back (insert okay face). I'm okay...because having grown up in the Arizona desert, I can tell you I am NOT a hot weather person. I absolutely love living where we get to enjoy the four seasons! But, I will admit, it was wonderful to feel the sun on my face today. After a week and half of frigid weather, my buddy Jackson and I finally got to go for an afternoon walk. (Yes, I'm a avid walker.)
 90% of the sidewalks were shoveled, so that made for an easier excursion.
Jackson often venturing off into the snow. He didn't seem to mind when he often found himself buried. He truly loves our walks as much as I do.
I mean, just look at that face!
He just kept going and going. But I did sense he was a little releaved when were just around the corner from home. (As I'm sure he was feeling frozen!)
Of which, upon arrival of, I gave him a warm bath and then sat down for a dinner of warm, homemade chili. The beginning of the week will find me starting my winter break from teaching.(YAHHH!!!!) I plan to get busy in the studio creating and setting  my quilting goals for 2014. So be sure to stop by and see what I come up with. I'm thinking of a linky part of sorts so we can all share our quilty aspirations for 2014.
Until then, keep smiling!


Monday, December 16, 2013

It's a quiet week of applique sewing...

I really want to get my Garden Party Applique done before the new year.
Luckily, after our dumping of snow a little over a week ago... 
...our weather continues to be "frightful".
Since we live in a valley, we often get stuck under what's called an inversion.  
 Today we had a dense, freezing fog all day and night. 
It turns everything white.
These little mounds of crystals form on everything
It's kinda cool looking...but with weather like this there's nothing cozier than spending the evenings cuddled up in my favorite chair, sewing my applique quilt, watching TV.
Hope your week off to a great start as well.
With smiles!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmas Give-Away

I have one more blogging friend shout out to share:
Stop by Kathy in the Ozarks Blog to meet some very talented ladies and enter for a chance to win this basket of homemade goodness! It's amazing!!! 
(Kath, put me on your list to add a Glass Hexi Template next year!)
Kathy and I  "met" during Michelle's  Blog Hop of Give-Aways.
I love following Kathy's daily adventures in the Ozarks and am currently a little envious of the holiday baking she has got done. She also offers a large variety of homemade soaps.  I plan to check out her Etsy shop with my youngest daughter when she gets home from college for the holidays, as we both love quality homemade soaps. I can't wait!

I share this shout out because lately I've been reflecting on why I blog.  My number one reason: This and my previous post are an example of  my answer. I love living in a rural area, but missed having friends who share a common interest.  I set out to develop a "virtual" quilting guild for myself through blogging.  (And it's happening!!!) As we get to know each other,  we've become each others cheerleaders as quilters, crafters, and yes, bloggers, and I love it!. (So don't let my ramblings distract you from Kathy's give-away.)
My number two reason: I'm more motivated to get projects completed, knowing I can share them with you.  I  find inspiration from your work and your blogs. I value your support and input.  So really, today I smile as I get to thank  you , all my followers! Without you, it would just be me and my keyboard....and well, that's not really anything to smile about is it! HAHAHA!
Hope your weekend is going well.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Blogger Happy Mail!

If you've been following my blog for a bit, you know how much I like my "happy mail". Lucky me, the past few days I've had surprises from blogger friends! 
The first was from Marianne at Adventurous Quilter.
She's helping me collect 4 inch squares for my I Spy Quilt WIP that I'm making for our new grandson. I'm sooo lucky as she has the best "boy" fabric and having raised girls, this is a god-send! My husband always enjoys when her little packages arrive in the mail, and is the first to spread out all the squares! (Boys!) Marianne and I both started blogging this summer, and became fast blogger friends. We each keep a basket in our studio to collect/cut I-spy squares for one another. Every now and then, we'll drop one of these little  packages in the mail to surprise the other with new I-Spy squares. 

I also won this during the Blog Hop of Give-Aways in November from Angie at Quilting Readers  Garden and it just arrived today!

And, every Christmas my parents always renew my Quilting Magazine.
(Thanks guys) My notice arrived in-between all the bills.
I'm silly...I know. But life really is about the little things. 
And don't ya just love getting fun stuff in the mail?
Make your confessions here...what's your favorite Happy Mail?
(I promise not to tell your husband,)

With smiles!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

My Applique WIP continues

The weather outside is frightful...

...but the sewing is soooo delightful!
With a high of 8 degrees and a low of -12 below, over a foot of snow on the ground, and my husband at work, I spent today in the studio. I never got out of my jammies. I had Lifetime Movies on in the background and was determined to finish prepping the final panel of applique for my Garden Party quilt. ( I got it done!)

I was not looking forward to the "tree".  Once I basted it down, I decided to sew it on using a small blanket stitch using my sewing machine:
It came out good and now I can enjoy sewing down the flowers, kitty and that cute owl.

Also for all you appliquers out there, check out what I found at the grocery store:
Love that in the right corner it says: "Make Quilt Appliques." (HAHAHA!!)
I also glue baste my applique using Roxanne's Glue-Baste-It when  pieces are this big.
Hope everyone is keeping warm.
Thanks for stopping by...
With smiles!
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