Wednesday, July 25, 2018

A Quilting Calculator

I use a Smartphone and wanted to share a very helpful ap I found to determine fabric yardage. I often  create my own quilts without even a pattern and am often left to geuss how much backing or binding I will need to finish it. Robert Kaufman Fabrics and Quilters Paradise teamed up to create: QuiltingCalc. 
There are a variety of subject areas to choose from as you can see below:

I have only used this to determine my backing, batting and binding but can 
tell you it has taken the guess work on determining how much fabric I need to finish a quilt.
You simple input your width of fabric being used, then unput width and length of your quilt top: 

Finally, press "calculate" and you'll be told how much yardage you will need.
I love it and just wanted to share a helpful ap with anyone of you who might have a Smartphone and might find yourself always guessing at how much backing, batting and binding you will need.

Create a post to join/rejoin us for this year's 

 Piggy Bank Challenge!

Note: This Linky is open until  August 1st. 
Please feel welcome to grab our "button" to help spread the work to all your readers.
Val's Quilting Studio
You know what they say:  a penny saved is a penny earned.
Click HERE to join us.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Tuesday Archives #203: Full Size Quilts

Hello! Hello! and Happy Tuesday Archives! 
The linky party that let's you rejuvinate OLD blogging posts.
Val's Quilting Studio
If you are new to our linky, click over the here to read the details about this fun, weekly linky party. (You can also check out all our past Tuesday Archives themes by clicking right here.)

This week's theme is: FULLSIZE QUILTS

Mattress Sizes. Good to know
We have one guest bed that is Full Size and looking through my own archives, it's hard to believe that it's already been five years since I made this scrappy Full size quilt shown below for it. You can also
click HERE to see it quilted and finished. I like the idea our guest sleep under a homemade quilt.

How about you? Have you made full size quilts? If so, please do rejuvenate them with us here at Tuesday Archives this week. Link your post(s) right here:
1. Stitchin' Therapy  4. tubakk-En Provence  7. Celine @ espritpatch  
2. Crafty Home Cottage  5. Gretchen's Little Corner  8. Moira  
3. Sharon Vrooman  6. Celine @ espritpatch  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Create a post to join/rejoin us for this year's 

 Piggy Bank Challenge!

Note: This Linky is open until  August 1st. 
Please feel welcome to grab our "button" to help spread the work to all your readers.
Val's Quilting Studio
You know what they say:  a penny saved is a penny earned.
Click HERE to join us.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Fuse Your Batting Pieces!

I'm sure I'm not alone when I say, I have a pile of batting remnants. 
All different sizes. All taking up space. All unused.

Last week I was piecing the backing for a crib size quilt when I realized I didn't have the white batting I needed, yet I had numerous remnants of such. I then remembered some Heat Press Batting Together I had won during one of our many blog events, yet had absentmindedly tucked away.  

So I dug it out and set out to use it to "piece" five remnants of white batting together.  It was exceptionally easy as I just had to lay the batting edges together. Lay the tape of Heat Press Tape over the two edges and iron. This literally took me half the time it would if I sewed the batting together.
I used the 1.5 inch Heat Press Batting Together for this project.

I ended up creating a whole piece of batting that was flat and sturdy when I moved it.

Even better....there were no "bumpy" seams to quilt over. I loved that!
It was also invisible once I was finished quilting.
I so appreciate the wonderful sponsors of all our of blog events and appreciate having the opportunity to try out a new products like this one.  Here's a quick link: HEAT PRESS BATTING TOGETHER. I just wanted to share my success with it and give a shout out of gratitude to all our blog event sponsors. What do ya think? I mean just think: no more sewing batting remnants together! 

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Tuesday Archives #202: Twin Size Quilts

Hello! Hello! and Happy Tuesday Archives! 
The linky party that let's you rejuvinate OLD blogging posts.
Val's Quilting Studio
If you are new to our linky, click over the here to read the details about this fun, weekly linky party. (You can also check out all our past Tuesday Archives themes by clicking right here.)

This week's theme is: TWIN SIZE QUILTS

As I begin to write this post it occurs to me: "I've never made a twin size quilt!"
My daughter and I have starting discussing doing such as her boys get bigger and she moves them into bunk beds. So though I still have a while, it doesn't hurt to start looking for ideas now, right?Mattress Sizes. Good to know
This skateboard quilt found at KS Designgirls Blog does inspire me to start collecting some design ideas to share with my daughter and grand guys as they get older.
How about you? Have you made twin size quilts? (Any boy specific creations??) Please share them here with us this week. Link your posts right here:
1. Carole @ From My Carolina Home  3. Twin Majestic Mountains quilt  5. Jo ButterZ  
2. Just Let Me Quilt  4. Patchwork Breeze  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Create a post to join/rejoin us for this year's 

 Piggy Bank Challenge!

Note: This Linky is open until  August 1st. 
Please feel welcome to grab our "button" to help spread the work to all your readers.
Val's Quilting Studio
You know what they say:  a penny saved is a penny earned.
Click HERE to join us.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Let the binding begin.....

I had a productive week of quilting and getting binding sewn on.
Honestly, hand sewing binding is one of my very favorite parts of quilting. I don't mind seeing a pile begin. Our house will be filled with family in another week, followed by our Summer family vacation. These will provide the perfect stitching to enjoy during patio time and on the road traveling.
Hope you too have some happy stitching to keep you busy during these dog days of Summer. 

Create a post to join/rejoin us for this year's 

 Piggy Bank Challenge!

Note: This Linky is open until  August 1st. 
Please feel welcome to grab our "button" to help spread the work to all your readers.
Val's Quilting Studio
You know what they say:  a penny saved is a penny earned.
Click HERE to join us.

Friday, July 13, 2018

6th Annual Piggy Bank Challenge BEGINS!

Many of you are not only familiar with the water jug vs the pig competition that goes on in our household, but have now been a part of it for the past five years!!
Click the picture to read more!
It started our innocent enough when five years ago I bought this little silver piggy bank to collect laundry change. Well, a year later, he was full and I cashed in at $102.45! I, of course, put my new found "savings" to good use and stocked up on fabric! So fun!!

Well, once my husband found out how much I saved, he started his own "bank of change". But also read somewhere that if you throw in a dollar or even a five dollar bill once in awhile, you can literally double your savings.

So here we are six years later sharing continuing the challenge with you.

 Create a post to join/rejoin us for this year's 

the Piggy Bank Challenge!

Note: This Linky is open until  August 1st. 
Please feel welcome to grab our "button" to help spread the work to all your readers.
Val's Quilting Studio
You know what they say:  a penny saved is a penny earned.
It's been fun to extend the challenge to all of you  and we are looking forward to seeing who links up.
  1. All's you have to do is create a post this week sharing your "piggy bank".
  2. Include your goal of what you'd like to purchase with your savings come this time next year.
  3. Include the linky button above to help spread the word to all your followers. 
  4. Return and link your post here anytime this week until August 1st.
  5. Start "penny pinching". (Coins and bills are allowed)
  6. Next year we'll  all empty our piggy banks on July 6th and create a post exclaiming our totals, share what quilty purchase we're going to make and link up here once again to celebrate! (Don't worry, I'll send emails to all who link up this week with reminders.)

Thanks for joining us in the challenge this year! Share your post right here:
1. Sherrie  5. Tami @ Thrift Shop Commando  9. Jo ButterZ  
2. Susie Parr  6. Sharon Vrooman  10. PIggy Bank, Paula Budinger  
3. Moira  7. Sherry V.  11. Colette  
4. Farm Quilter  8. Karla (threadbndr)  12. Karrin Hurd  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Tuesday Archives #201: Lap Size Quilts

Hello! Hello! and Happy Tuesday Archives! 
The linky party that let's you rejuvinate OLD blogging posts.
Val's Quilting Studio
If you are new to our linky, click over the here to read the details about this fun, weekly linky party. (You can also check out all our past Tuesday Archives themes by clicking right here.)

This week's theme is: LAP SIZE QUILTS

New Years Day 2015 almost everyone in our house could be found cozy under a quilt.
Mom and I were busy stitching by the fire.
 and "the boys" were busy watching football....or so we thought.

You know what they say: "When ya sleep up a quilt, you sleep under a blanket of love." I'm looking forward to seeing your LAP SIZE quits rejevinated with us this week. Link them right here:
1. Val: Hubby's Lap Quilt  6. Connie  11. Magnolia Attic Window  
2. Val: One of my first quilts  7. Tanya Quilts in CO  12. Adventurous Quilter  
3. Sharon Vrooman  8. Nancy at Patchwork Breeze  13. Charleston County Lines  
4. Melva - Oasis in the Desert  9. Danice- Ole Miss® lap quilt  14. ButterZ  
5. Melva Loves Scraps - Something New  10. Stars on Autumn Lane  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


It's time to count and share you quilty savings.
Click HERE to share your post.
Sign up July 12th!!

Saturday, July 7, 2018

LINKY: 5th Annual Piggy Bank Challenge!!

It's that time of year when we finally empty our piggy banks and splurge on something quilty!Click the picture to read more!
This year I am once again the winner!!
Though if we're just counting our change, hubby says he's the winner.
His change total: $89.72 Mine change total: $71.43 (I saved another $115.00 in bills.)
Neither of us have decided what to splurge on this year??
Image result for thinking
So while we're still about YOU? Now it's your turn to share!
Last July 17 of you signed up for this year's challenge and even more joined through email after the linky closed. This week empty those piggy banks my friends and create a post to link here with us exclaiming your total amount saved and share what quilty purchase you're going to make! 
(FYI: The linky will be open for a week) 
Click the picture to read more!
Please feel welcome to share our "button" in your post or on your blog to invite your followers to join us here next Thursday, July 12th, as sign-ups for the  6th Annual Challenge will begin.
1. How this linky began....  4. Sherrt V.  7. ButterZ  
2. Susie Parr  5. Nann  8. Daffycat  
3. Lyndsey  6. Moira  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Let the Sorting Begin!

Opening all these will be like Christmas in July!
And with our afternoon temperature hitting 100 degrees...
this will be the perfect afternoon project as I begin to sort them out on our cool basement floor.

And thank YOU guys for a fun swap!
Ya gotta like Jeanna's "paper dividers" .
But really, a BIG thank you to everyone for participating in our eye-spy swap. You guys are the kindest people. Your notes and little surprises made opening all the packages truly feel like Christmas morning. You can each look forward to some fun happy mail next week as I plan to have all your returns in the mail on Monday, the 9th.
Also, attention piggy bank savers:
TOMORROW we count our change!!
July 6th we count our savings!!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

FAST! Yogurt Pie

 Today I thought I'd reboot a post from a previous Fourth of July to share a quick,
last minute, summer dessert recipe that's a family favorite around here:

 Strawberry Yogurt Pie

Here's the recipe:

First, Mix together in a bowl:
2 cups of lowfat strawberry yogurt
1 8 oz.container of cool whip (thawed)
1/2 to 1 cup of chopped strawberries
Next, spoon mix into a premade Grahman Cracker Crust. (Add toppings if your want)
Then, freeze for about four hours.
Finally, remove the pie from the freezer and place in the refrigerator about 30 minutes before serving.

Store leftovers in the freezer.

*NOTE: If strawberries aren't your favorite, you can easily substitute the strawberries for your favorite yogurt/fruit combination. Maybe use blueberry yogurt with blueberries, vanilla yogurt with crushed pineapple, peach yogurt with diced peaches?? Whichever flavor you choose, this pie literally takes 5 minutes to mix together and get into the freezer! (And everyone loves it...especially when it's HOT outside.

And for this quick jello cake recipe, check out my 4th of July post from another previous year.
Happy Fourth of July to everyone state side, and well, no matter where you live,
 these are both yummy additions to any summer get-together. ENJOY!

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Tuesday Archives Give-Away Winner!

Hello! Hello! and Happy Tuesday Archives! 
The linky party that let's you rejuvinate OLD blogging posts.
Thank you to everyone for participating in our 200th linky celebration and for you feedback on how to continue the "party". We'll definitely start to revisit some of our earlier topics from our "directory" now that I know many of you wouldn't mind doing that.
Val's Quilting Studio
If you are new to our linky, click over the here to read the details about our weekly party. 
Annnndddd C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S to the winner of our T.A. Give-Away.......
  Image result for give away winner
I want  number between  and .


8 (Louise who blogs at: Quilt Odyssey!!!)
Louise, watch your email for a $25.00 Gift Certificate to Fat Quarter Club.

Mark your calendars for our upcoming themes:

Image result for quilter
No linky this week.
July 10th Lap Size Quilts
July 17th: Twin Size Quilts
July 24th: Full Size Quilt
July 31st: Queen Size Quilts
August 7th: King Size Quilts

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