Sunday, February 28, 2016

Slow stitching...

Where would we be without some slow stitiching? 
I have my March wool banner stitching with me on my studio couch.

 I've also been dragging this one around like a little kid between the TV room and kitchen table this week. (I just noticed it's been in the binding pile since July! Oh my!) Happy me, it's almost done.
Happy Sunday to one and all. I'm off to share and see what everyone else is stitching today at Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching.  (I simply adore Kathy's Life is Beautiful project!)

Val's Quilting Studio

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Monkey Pantographing

It's an overcast, rainy Saturday.
I'm "monkeying" around in the studio as I quilt this for a friend.
I have to admit, baby quilts are my favorite. How about you? 

Val's Quilting Studio

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

It's just my style...

My hubby texted me mid-day letting me know he had to work a late shift...till 9PM.
My response: "Okey problem. I'll wrap up things here at school, get in a long walk and hit the studio." I did all those things...what I didn't account for, is that my ambition may have resulted in one of my flower petals being unintentionally a little wonky! LOL! I's just style. 
I'm a gal who spents her days teaching 31 second graders, committed to her daily three mile after school walks with Jackson.  Admittably, I may have been a little over-excited at the opportuinity to wrap up the day with some sewing therapy.  As when I reflected upon my results, I noticed my imperfections. Yet, I decided I actually like them...because they are me! Especially because I had fun. I truly hope your sewing, knitting, and stitching bring your the same kind of therapy as they do me.

Val's Quilting Studio

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Tuesday Archives #103: Buttons

Hello! Hello! and Happy Tuesday Archives! 
The linky party that let's you rejuvinate OLD blogging posts.
Val's Quilting Studio
. If you are new to our linky, click over the here to read the details about this fun, weekly linky party.
(You can also check out all our past Tuesday Archives themes by clicking right here.)

This week's theme is: BUTTONS!
Oh and how much I love my big polka-dot cup of buttons.

I've always collected buttons and their possiblitilies are endless aren't they?

Have your used buttons for adorable projects like this one I found at Ameroonie Designs?
Maybe you've used your buttons for more crafty projects like these original hairpins?
Button Hairpins: Turn ordinary bobby pins into pretty hair accessories by sewing on (and securing with glue) some decorative buttons. Source: A Homemaker's Journal:

Or perhaps your've used your buttons to accent your quilts like I did here when 
I recycled buttons from my husband's old work pants to create this snowman's quirky smile.
Happy Tuesday Archives everyone! Hope your day is great. Feel welcome to rejuvinate an old post or even create a new post, to share how you use or even store your button collection, linking it right here:
1. Quilt Block Contest  8. Apron Button Fastening  15. National Button Day!  
2. Jo ButterZ  9. tubakk  16. VroomansQuilts  
3. Jo ButterZ  10. Harvest Button Napkin Rings by Linda  17. VroomansQuilts  
4. Wallhanging and Free Pattern  11. Marcy--Spool Pouch with Buttos  18. Volcie's Buttons Mary at Fleur de Lis Quilts  
5. Centring a Pillow Cushion  12. Button Shop  19. Jennifer @ Inquiring Quilter  
6. Button Tying A Quilt  13. Michelle's Romantic Tangle  
7. Monkey Buttons  14. Fidget Quilts for Alzheimer Patients  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Cool idea!

Isn't this the coolest idea! I totally want to do this with an old window.
I've had a fun two weeks, with last weekend spent traveling to spend time with our grand guy and end of this week traveling for work...but I've missed my sewing. Bunch of new ideas coming as I get back into my the ol' studio. Seriously, where did February go? 
This week's theme is: BUTTONS!
Val's Quilting Studio

Thursday, February 18, 2016

My Hexi Snap Bag

I'm packing for a school conference that will include a few hours of drive and fly time tomorrow. I dug out my ol' hexi snap bag and just had to rejuvinate an old post of mine own to add to this week's Tuesday Archives "Bag" theme. My original post is right here. 

I'm missing my sewing room and can't wait to get back in there this weekend.
Atleast there's a good side of having WIP all over the house: 
Image result for sewing guru

Val's Quilting Studio

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Tuesday Archives #102: Bags

Hello! Hello! and Happy Tuesday Archives! 
The linky party that let's you rejuvinate OLD blogging posts.
Val's Quilting Studio
. If you are new to our linky, click over the here to read the details about this fun, weekly linky party.
(You can also check out all our past Tuesday Archives themes by clicking right here.)

This week's theme is: BAGS

My favorite "bag" to make are these little "snap" bags:
 The pattern is all over pinterest and the internet or ya can click right here for a quick tutorial . 
All's ya need is two coordinating fat quarters, 2 three inch squares for the prairie points and 2 eight-inch pieces of 1 inch width, metal tape measure. They literally finish up in a snap and are the perfect carry with you 8"x 6" size. I've made them for weddings, baby gifts, make-up, jewelry and just "thinking of you" gifts. I even sold a few when I had an Etsy shop.

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Sunday, February 14, 2016

Captain Heartbreak

Speading Valentine's weekend with our little Heartbreaker...
 Both hubby and our son-in-law have to work most the weekend, so I traveled to my daughter's.
We have our sewing machines set up and I never mind getting interrupted for after nap cuddles.

In-between cuddles, story time and lots of play time, 

I'm making good progress on my Bloom blocks:
Sorry the pic is a little blurry. It was windy and after six pcitures....well you was time to get back to sewing. LOL!
Thank you for your very kind comments on my Spreading Kindness post. Due to traveling this weekend, I haven't been on-line until now. Need-less-to-say, your compliments really made my day. 
Wishing you a happy Valentine's Sunday.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Spreading Kindness...

Oh, not a Valentines goes by that I'm not reminded of the difference a kind, little note can make.
 I've watched my second graders all week, as they voluntarily give up a recess to joyfully fill each others bags with little notes of friendship. They themselves resisting a peek into their own. I'm reminded what a difference a few kind words can make as they each share their scribbled notes of "to" and "from".  It makes me grateful to be their teacher. It makes me thankful to have found such a caring group of bloggers/quilters as yourselves who spread kindness through quilting. (Stop by and check out our past CHARITY linky of Tuesday Archives to see what I mean.) 
Val's Quilting Studio
Here's hoping a little note of kindness finds it's way to you this Valentines.
And, heck, why wait? Buy yourself a box of Valentines and have a little fun yourself.
That's what I'm up to tonight. It's admittably, kinda fun!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Tuesday Archives #101: Butterflies

Hello! Hello! and Happy Tuesday Archives! 
The linky party that let's you rejuvinate OLD blogging posts.
Val's Quilting Studio
. If you are new to our linky, click over the here to read the details about this fun, weekly linky party.
(You can also check out all our past Tuesday Archives themes by clicking right here.)

This week's theme is: BUTTERFLIES.

Whether your butteflies are sewn...

(Oh My! If you haven't seen Kim's upholstery make-over this week, click over to her blog, Sarah Lizzies and check out what she did with this beautiful project.) 

or stitched...(I'm always inspired by Sue Spargo),
Image result for sue spargo butterflies

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, February 8, 2016

My Snowman Finish and Happy Mail Winner

Yep! Your guys guessed it! This was a peek at the backing and quilting on my.... 

...student inspired snowmen quilt.
Aren't they just the happiest snowmen you've ever seen!

And a BIG congrats to Karen who blogs at Moose Bay Muses, as the random generator picked your #15 comment/guess as the winner of my Happy Mail Give-Away. HUGS to everyone who commented. I'm always grateful for the friendships we share here in our virtual, quilty community.

Altogether these happy snowmen ended up measuring 40"x 60" and
 will certainly keep me smiling for many winters to come. 
Thanks for stopping by once again. 
Wishing you a great start to your week.
Tomorrow's theme is: Butterflies.
Val's Quilting Studio

Thursday, February 4, 2016

A Happy Mail Give-Away!

Binding my way through the week in anticipation of sharing this cute, cute finish with you! 
Can you guess which quilt I've almost finished?
The quilted snowflakes are a good hint!
Leave a comment with your guess to be entered into my winter "pick-me-up" happy mail give-away.
(I haven't decided the happy mail package yet...but who doesn't like fun mail?!).
This Give-Away is closed. The winner and quilt were revealed here.
PS: Still not too late to share your "book" themed archives at this week's linky.
Val's Quilting Studio
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