Our newest little guy is five months old and full of smiles!
He's having fun trying "real" food...and of course loves it!
Admittedly, this is one of my favorite baby stages as I love how squishy and
expressive they are becoming...when they're not drooling all of you.
This week I made a quick visit after school/work to see big brother participate in his school's "Soul on Fire" program. Not sure who thought four years old could manage an hour long PreK-6th Grade program. It was hard not to laugh as he and most the others his age spent most their time wiggling, playing and talking with a once in awhile explosion of participation. LOL!! Lucky us, our guy spent most of his time on the stage playing with his hat, setting out to make us laugh while he put it on backwards, sideways, and then continued to entertain himself as he tried to catch it as he tossed it around a million times! To say the least, the teacher's were quit busy trying to wrestle their large class of four year olds while all the other groups sang! God Bless preschool teachers!
He's my buddy and I continue to cherish our close relationship. We're starting to plan and look forward to this summer's Grammy Camp. He chose a dinosaur theme, so I'll be busy this next month planning a week full of activities and fun. Thank goodness for Pinterest!
(I love Pinterest!!! Who ever thought of it was a genius!))
Anyhooooo....this little guy is still too young to join us....
...but if he grows as fast as all our grands seem to do, he'll be joining us in no time.
I hope your weekend is off to a great start. I have my H2H Happy Chemo quilt in the wash and plan to get it boxed up and ready to mail next week. I have a king size quilt on the frame I've been commissioned to quilt....so that will take up a large part of my sewing this weekend. I'm stitching my Annie Downs BOM during patio happy hours and need to look through my stash to find next's month's May OMG of stash busting I want to continue. (It will be my sixth one this year!)
As always, thanks for stopping by.
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