Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Tuesday Archives #117: I-Spy Quilts

Hello! Hello! and Happy Tuesday Archives! 
The linky party that let's you rejuvenate OLD blogging posts.
Val's Quilting Studio
. If you are new to our linky, click over the here to read the details about this fun, weekly linky party.
(You can also check out all our past Tuesday Archives themes by clicking right here.)

This week's theme is: "Eye"-Spy Quilts!

I knew exactly who to highlight this week for our Tuesday Archives theme....as Marianne and I both starting blogging during the same time during the summer of 2013. We've been quilty friends every since and one of the things we've enjoyed most over the years is sending each other happy mail of 4 inch I-Spy blocks. (We even keep a basket in our studio with the others name on it.)
It's fun to see your own little pieces in another's quilt and vice-versa.
 I also like her idea of alternating the blocks so you don't have to worry about them lining up.
To see more of Marianne's I-Spy creation, stop by her blog by clicking right here.
Annnddd if you are wanting to make an I-Spy quilt for yourself or maybe someone you know...stop by tomorrow and join our I-Spy Swap here at Val's Quilting Studio. I know I can't wait!
I don't know if many of you have made an I-Spy quilt?? But if so, rejuvinate your post right here and share as we get ready to swap little blocks of fun here at Val's Quilting Studio during the month of June!
1. Link to Val's I-Spy Creations  4. Novelty Circles Quilt  7. Terri's donation quilt  
2. Laura White  5. Crystal  8. I Spy a Farmer's Market  
3. Sweet P  6. Terri's best so far  9. Anne  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. So fun to have someone to swap squares with. I wish I could find someone to do that with!

  2. I've never done an I Spy - just don't do juvenile prints and if any come in as donations I pass them on to the church group.

  3. My first-ever quilt was a Roman Square that was kind of an I Spy, with lots of novelty prints. But I didn't even know what a blog WAS back in 2002 when I made that quilt so -- nothing to link up this week! :-) I still enjoy looking at everyone else's.

  4. I've made I Spy quilts but I don't blog and don't have retrievable photos of the ones I've made, but I am considering joining the swap, even though I have way too many WIPs right now.

  5. Before I new what I Spy quilts were, I saw one on the wall of the kids waiting room area at the doctor's office and the kids and I started playing I Spy with it. It was a good way to pass the time.

  6. I spy quilts are so fun to look at. I've never made one, but it's on the bucket list.

  7. Love I-Spy quilts. I have made one for each of my grandchildren and they love them!!

  8. Alternating the blocks is a great idea. I always pick up good ideas on blog hops.

  9. I plan on making an i spy quilt of some sort for my grandbaby one of these days.

  10. what a fun idea. i have not made one yet. my grandmother made two quilts that had all five of us kids clothes in squares. so fun to sit and remember.
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  11. A swap.......what a great idea. I think I'll bring this up to my sewing group at our LQS.

  12. Novelty prints are such fun! I haven't made an I-spy quilt, but I do love to sneak bits of novelty prints in any scrappy quilt, so there is a lot to discover when you look at it.

  13. I cannot imagine having that much novelty fabric unless I participated in a swap. I think they look like great fun.

  14. Nice wow now that's the kind of quilt a kid would love to have on there bed...nice job.. happyness04431@yahoo.com

  15. I've never made an I spy quilt. It must be so much fun to collect the fabric!

  16. I have never done an I-spy quilt but often thought about it when I see them on blogs! One day i will have to make my own one, lol!

  17. I was collecting squares for an I spy quilt so glad to see some ideas. Thanks for sharing them.

  18. I have been collecting fabrics to make an I-Spy quilt for years, but it might be about time to bite the bullet and make one!

  19. I get very frustrated with applique as I don't want to have frayed edges, but equally I don't want to kill my creativity fiddling with papers or glues etc etc, so I am very curious about lara's technique. So I have gone ahead a purchased the book. Now I have to sit and wait for it to turn up.. I'm very impatient lol. Giselle



  20. I always enjoy perusing the wonderful projects on your Tuesday Archives Val!!! Not to mention of course all the lovely projects you share with us :*)

  21. The only I Spy quilt that I've done is this one, shown on FB: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4994992562922&set=pb.1542939243.-2207520000.1465417026.&type=3&theater
    Hopefully you can see it with the link. :-)

  22. Hi, Val, I'm visiting from Lara's fun mini hop. I think your I-spy quilt swap is such a good idea. I can't participate right now, but I'm eager to see what everyone does with it. It's such a great idea for building a stash of workable fabrics.

  23. Fun quilt Val! Would you believe......I have never made a I Spy quilt!

  24. I love Eye Spy quilts and have been collecting fabrics for a while now. Your swap is closed unfortunately, but this still inspires me to take a look at what I've got and start working on it again. Thanks Val!

  25. I also have never made an I-spy quilt, I'm afraid my boys have outgrown the idea, too. The one you highlight here is lovely though and such a good idea to stagger the rows!

  26. I have never made an I-Spy quilt...but think it would be grrrrreat fun to make...and to give as Special gift!! :)

  27. What a fun quilt. I agree with you...alternating blocks is a great idea because lining then up is always a task.

  28. Val, I remember seeing this post early this year and ordered fabric thinking I'd make an I spy... When the precut charm pack arrived this week, I started searching for the post and discovered the fabric was from a swap. If you ever do another I-SPY Swap, I'd love to be a part of it! Thanks!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!


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