Summer 2011
I'm reminded I took this picture for a story quilt I wanted to create. I should do that! |
Take the Quiz!
After finding
PuppySpot.com I was inspired to take their flowchart of a quiz:
I took the quiz
three times. I'm a confirmed #2:
"Easy Going Playmate"...which is the terrier group! That makes
so much sense as Jackson is my
"best friend" . As you already know, he is my empty nest angel/life saver/happy companion. LOL! But I would be heartbroken if a reader ran out and adopted a Jack Russell just because they like Jackson.
Jackson at work with me on a teacher work day. He always uses by jacket as his blanket. |
We haven't always had a Jack Russell/Terrier and after finding PuppySpot I was inspired to write this post. In review of their site, I'm appreciative of the work they have done to develop a resource that helps one find the "right" puppy for their homes and not make the mistakes I have made in dog ownership in the past.
I'm a strong advocate for finding the right dog for the right home. Pet ownership is a responsibility. I've witnessed JRT with the wrong owners. They end up neglected and/or in shelters. Yet, this can be avoided. I sooo enjoy and appreciate that Jackson has become a highlight on my blog and that you all love him too. But it's important we all make the effort to find the "right" pet for ourselves.
Jackson December 2009 |
Admittedly, I've made my share of
uneducated, mismatched choices over the past 28 years.

They were cute but.....
Pebbles, that adorable little Yorkie: So cute and playful. But with two toddler daughters, fifteen months apart, this was like having a third child. Unfortunately, she ran into the street and got struck by a car. I was devastated and felt I had failed as a dog owner. I should have never let her loose to play unsupervised with the girls. We also had a Papillon. This was that situation where your friend just had a litter and you can get this cute puppy for free! The girls begged: "oh it's so cute". Well, puppy grows up. She kept running away from the girls. She was scared of everything, especially the girls! I finally found her a home with a house-bound woman and they each became one another's "Loyal, Lap, Companion". This is a #1 category breed and not a dog for a home with toddlers.
I write this post to share the valuable resource PuppySpot has to offer if you are ever looking for a puppy. I have always had a dog. I grew up with my own dog. (
A little terrier I named Cindy) PuppySpot has a variety of puppies just waiting for a home, including,
Jack Russells. Take the quiz and find the
right dog for you and your lifestyle. I understand the terrier breed and even moments like this:
(YES! This is where my puzzle ended. Notice the little bowl on the couch.) I understand he's just feeling as housebound as me during this
harsh Winter.
Even him trying to "make up to me" as I collected floor pieces only made me love him more!
If you are looking for a puppy:
PuppySpot uses a personalized approach that caters to the needs of those in search of a new furry friend as well as the breeders who are looking for their puppies' forever homes. PuppySpot is a service committed to helping responsible breeders place their puppies with caring individuals and families. But, more than just a service, PuppySpot is a community of dog lovers whose mission is to make lives better by placing healthy puppies into happy homes.
I want to dedicate this post to our first dog CJ, a Labrador Retriever.
As a young growing family, having a dog that then fit into #3 "The Active Socialite" category was perfect. She was a rescue dog who who we wanted to retrain. We had a house. I especially didn't mind that she barked when anyone came to the house. She was protective, and active with us.
She lived a long life with us. She was the dog our girls grew up with. She finally passed away from old age and Cushing's Disease. When she passed, we lost a family member.
Thanks for stopping by today. I hope if you are looking for a puppy or know anyone who is, that you will share this quiz and resource with them. They make it possible for everyone to find and enjoy the life-long companionship of "their own" Jackson.
Jackson wants me to end with a Give-Away!
So here ya go:
Take the quiz above and comment which breed is your perfect match! (This will be fun!)
Give-Away will close on January 31st.
and licks and cuddles...