Well hello! This Friday I find myself with a fresh cup of lemon/honey tea at hand, my faithful companion by my side, comforted by the hum of the fire burning as I emerge from having the flu over the past two days. (Well I technically still have it...just today I'm among-st the land of the living) And yah! This strand did not have me running frantically to the bathroom every hour...more the chills, severe body aches, then fever, cough kind of flu....all which have finally calmed down but leave me isolated and with a huge change of Spring Break plans ahead.
But, seriously, when our life gets forced into a halt, how do you handle the change? Honestly, I initially sound something like this:
"Darn it! I don't have time for this!" I mean I realize that catching the most recent "
bug" that is going around IS an occupational hazard in my line of work. Truth be told, it's been
four years since I've caught it. So I guess it was inevitable. Never-the-less, not fun.
Then, I start finding myself going into one of my "life and learning" reflective modes with my new found time. Like right now. Here I sit realizing all my Spring Break plans of a 10K hike tomorrow, spending time off with my husband, visiting a local Vineyard on our way to see the grands, Grammy Camp....have all changed...cause I actually feel like this: (Though I really don't want them to go.)
It's weird to suddenly find myself "quarantined", completely exhausted, with no plans. Luckily the Easter Bunny has a "carrot" dangling, as next Friday I'm invited to go on a Easter trip with the kids....so my assignment: REST! (Okay....but you all know me well enough to know, rest for me is a two mile walk. LOL!!!) But okay, okay I get it. REST. Hydrate. Luckily, my body knows what to do and my head has learned to listened.
Now, back to answer my original question. I choose to make lemonade from the lemons when my life gets forced into a halt. I know from reading your blogs, many of you do too. I mean, I'm way disappointed. But in reflection I'm also grateful for the energy, activities and people that were to fill my Spring Break. These opportunities will come again.Until then, I need to choose a new happy. A Plan B. Like right now, I'm
seriously channeling Matthew McConaughey as I'm beginning to think:
All Right, All Right, All Right...
Time for this gal to get sewing, quilting and stitching don't ya think!
I just don't know how people survive without a hobby of some sort. A hobby is defined as something that is done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure. I think you'd agree, that our hobbies keep us healthy. I know we all find life to be frustrating, disappointing and challenging at one time or another. But I encourage you to continue to choose happy even in those hardest moments. So to answer my own question, that's exactly what I plan to do with my forced halt and sudden change of plans: I choose to ENJOY my hobby. I choose a new happiness as I play among-st my array of fabrics and projects because really:
Ironically, I think sewing has always sustained me through life's ups and downs. Not one to sit idle, I'm reminded of the year I made everyone in our family a Quillow for Christmas.
My poor nephew's even had a few forgotten pins in his! (Ouch!!Sorry bud.) Our girls were toddlers and I was going through Chemotherapy. Sewing took my mind off my troubles, helped me feel productive during a time I felt helpless. I've been sewing since I was in Middle School and it has continued to sustain me when I have felt sick, lonely, sad and yes, happy. I'm grateful for our hobby and that I learned it young. It's truly my therapy, as I learned it is for many of you as well.
The girls, Christmas of 1993. |
Out of curiosity, I just went upstairs and found I still have these Quillows in our blanket closet!
They were made from a simple panel.
These measure 40" x 68". |
A 15"x15" pocket was added to the back and I used a thick ribbon as a handle.
Trying to think what to do with these? They are still in good condition, but I have no grand girls to pass them on to. Any ideas? Foster Care kids? I just hate to see them not getting used.
I know there's tutorials all over the internet for these but as I get ready to participate in the
H2H Charity Challenge I'm totally inspired to make a quilt into a Quillow for my Happy Chemo donation. Well look at that! Once again, lemonade from lemons, as while writing this post, I've not only found a
new happy but inspiration from that which was hidden away in the closet all along!
All Right, All Right, All Right, time to get sewing don't ya think. Well after a cozy nap. Stay tuned!
Remember to:
I specialize in edge to edge with over 100 designs to choose from.
I offer FREE Return Shipping on all quilts in the U.S.A.