Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tuesday Archives #56: Panels

Welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts! 
Please click here to read more about this linky party.  
Val's Quilting Studio

This week's theme is: Panels 

Have you made panels into quilts, pillows, or something? Are there some in your archives that need rejuvinating? Or maybe you have some in your stash that need some "dusting off"? Well, all's I can tell ya is, after seeing this panel quilt at Sue Daurio's Quilting Adventures blog last year, I have never looked at panels the same way! Sue's quilting is always inspiring. The variety of details she used made this panel come alive don't ya think! 

I'm curious what will be shared this week as I have never used a panel before and am looking forward to seeing your creative uses of them. Link your post right here:
1. Quilting is more fun than Housework  8. Eva-Bambi-Johansson  15. Michelle's Romantic Tangle  
2. VroomansQuilts  9. Sue Daurio  16. Winnie the Pooh  
3. VroomansQuilts  10. Irene  17. Deana @ Dreamworthyquilts  
4. VroomansQuilts  11. Cathy - A Quilting Chick  18. Nancy@PugMomQuilts  
5. Jasmine @ Quilt Kisses  12. Heidi - Vroom Vroom Quilt  19. Jasmine @ Quilt Kisses 4  
6. Jasmine @ Quilt Kisses 2  13. Tricia - HandmadeWhimzy  20. Poky Puppy  
7. Jasmine @ Quilt Kisses 3  14. dance of the candy corn fairies  21. Postcard print used as panel  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Stay-cation Day 9: Jackson's Post!

This very moment in November of 2009, was the first time I met Jackson and fell in love with him immedietely. We have alway had dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters (Yuck...hamsters) All of them being rescue/adopted pets.  

 This was our very first time, not only "picking" out a dog, but having a puppy!  

Don't we look like proud new parents!!

 Well, our new quiet, empty nest of a home did not stay that way very long.
 Before we knew it there were naughty messes to clean up. 
Toys were all over the house again.

Suddenly, someone needed naps again...
...and help getting up the stairs.

Now almost 5 1/2 years later, come Winter:
or Fall...
...he is my constant companion. 
Today we visited his breeder for his Spring grooming. This is always a wonderful treat for him as he  gets to run and play with his dad and other JRT as they explore the countryside.

He's quite the happy boy!
Quite the tired one too!
Like so many us, he's always glad to be home where his toys are his own...
 There are no puppies climbing all over him as he basks in the sun.
 And, he can get back to the business of chasing squierrels!
So it's kinda easy to see why he's in so many quilty pictures. Sometimes we just get the "right" pet and it makes all the difference in the world doesn't it! Thanks for keeping us company with your comments and drop ins this week during my Spring Stay-cation. It was fun, relaxing and rejuvinating.  I even find myself looking forward to getting back to work.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Stay-cation Day 8: Little Letters Finish

From the design wall to being quilted...
I'm nearing the end of my little stay-cation with another WIP done!

My version of the Temecula Quilt Co. QAL is a little different since I didn't use sashing or cornerstones. I like that is was a stash buster (I have soooo much 30's fabrics). It will make an adorable crib quilt measuring a nice 42"x 56". 

I couldn't resist quilted it using my ABC/123 pantograph:

So what's left on the ol' stay-cation list?? A few things...but that is a-okay with me. I got some WIP done. My walking mileage is built back up (Tomorrow I'll have 18 miles walked this week!) I puttered and relaxedBest of all, I have some slow stitching to look forward to as I enjoy sewing this Little Letters binding down right here in my favorite afternoon spot:
BTW...what ya think of the purple backing? I haven't used a lot of purple. But since the recipient of this quilt is unknown, I wanted to make sure it was unisex. My mom uses lavender often when knitting baby blankets, so I followed her lead and thought it was the perfect compliment to this scrappy finish. (And the yellow binding coordinates perfectly with its little flowers.) 

Tonight will find us winding down with friends coming over for dinner, wine and a little card playing. Then tomorrow, Jackson and I are off for a country drive to his breeder. He'll get his playday, spring grooming and be such a good looking boy afterwards!  I'll share his day with ya tomorrow after we get home, especially because so many of you enjoy his presence here on the ol' blog and are pet lovers yourself.
Until then, thanks for stopping by. Hope your weekend is going well.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Stay-cation Day 7: My Rainbow Pinwheel Quilt is FINISHED!

My Rainbow Pinwheel Quilt is done!! YAH!!!!! There is so much I like about this quilt...yet, with that said, it's one I admittably wish I had a little girl to gift it to. As I finished the binding and flowers I found myself daydreaming of a future grand-daughter falling in love with it, begging me to take it home. (And of course, I'd say: " absolutely!") Until then, this quilt filled my love of polka-dots! It was so much fun to create....
This quilt measures 52"x72".

Like one reader previously commented, this quilt is like a bowl full of jellybeans!

I think she is right! So let me share some quilty treats with you. 
First, the flowers! I've always wanted to do this "flower technique" on a pinwheel quilt and it seemed perfected "fitted" for this quilt.The flowers are made using two layers of raw cut fabric rounds, then those are clipped along the edge every 1/2" or so. Finally, add a yoyo flower and button and you got it! This the what the flowers look like before they are washed: 

This is what the "flowers" look like after being washed...
Don't you just love how crinkly and a bit frayed they are!!

The next treat is the quilting.
I couldn't resist using my cupcake pantograph:

 Especially because this is what the back looks like:
I was disappointed to not have enough of the cupcake fabric for the backing. But this entire quilt was made from my stash, so I kept auditoning pieces from my stash until I found that white polka-dot fabric in the center. (Which corrdinates with the sprinkles on the cupcakes.)

The last treat is the "made fabric" that's in the pinwheels. The leftovers were used to create those fun circles I added to the back. I think both the front and back now have that  fun, whimsical "feel" that compliment eachother!

And if by chance you are wondering where Jackson was this whole "photo shot"...well, I geuss my being home has disrupted his nap schedule and he is not "into" morning photo shoots (As we usually take quilt pictures later in the day after school/work): (BTW, He is actually yawning and strethcing in this picture below. My husband thought he was barking...seriously, what a personality this guy has!!! )
 I can't wait to see what the future holds for it. Need less to say, my "stay-cation" has allowed for some great sewing time. Thanks so much for stopping by and seeing what I'm up to. (I still have three more days off!!) Hopefully I've inspired you to try some "out-of-the-box" techniques on your next quilt as well. Oh! And for a look at a completely different version of this pinwheel pattern, click over to Jasmine's who blogs at Quilt Kisses. I mailed her a copy of this pattern awhile back and am so inspired at how she used the background color in the pinwheels and added cornerstones! I love her clean, fresh look.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Stay-cation Day 6: My ABC Flimsy

Welcome to day six for those of you "following" along and keeping me company during my little "Spring Stay-cation" I'm having. I spent the better part of the morning getting my ABC quilt top finished! YAH ME!!! Seriously, I think this Temecula Quilt Co. Little Letters QAL started back in September. I got sidetracked through the winter months...and it's one of those finishes that feels great to have done! 
This Little Letters flimsy measures 46"x52" and was made using my 30's repro stash!
Buttttt....as eager as I was to get this on the long-arm, I quickly discovered I don't have enough fabric for the back. Darn it! Now I have to go to the quilt store!! LOL!  Hey! What's a vacation without a little fabric shopping....right! So today, my guy got off early and now starts his weekend. I'm taking a break from the sewing room and I think we are going to get in some Costco shopping and yes, stop at that fabric store on the way! Thanks for stopping by and taking a look see...until tomorrow...

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Stay-cation Day 5: WIP's Be Gone!

My stay-cation seems to be turning more into a "sew-cation" and it feels good.
Today is a cold, quiet, grey day that finds me with some slow stitching of binding and yo yo's to finish. As soon as I find a good movie to watch I'll get back to these tonight. 
(See this, Rainbow of Pinwheels, finished right here.)

Meanwhile, this is off the design wall and getting done! Once I get the rows all sewn together here, I'll add a border and use the rest of the afternoon to quilt it. 
 (See it as a finished flimsy right here.)

And I'm sure Jackson will remind me when it's time for daily walk.
He looks pretty content until then doesn't he.
Hope your day is good. Wondering, what are you up to today?

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tuesday Archives #55: Paper Piecing

Welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts! 
Please click here to read more about this linky party.  
Val's Quilting Studio

Today's theme:Foundation  Paper Piecing!

Admittably, I have never even tried this method of design but sure do admire the creations of so many! I couldn't resist highlighting Kristy who blogs at Quiet Play this week. Kristy admits her heart belongs to foundation paper piecing and she sews and designs the most delightful patterns! She even has a Zoo Animals BOM happening right now:
If you haven't yet, stop by and check out her designs and store right here. 

Thanks for stopping by. We're looking forward to seeing your foundation paper piecing this week. Link them up right here:
1. Irene  10. Marcy Fall Panel  19. Lynn  
2. Cynthia Brunz Designs  11. Sandy Panagos  20. paper pieced heart - emily  
3. tubakk  12. Sandy Panagos  21. cardinals & apple set - emily  
4. tubakk  13. Terri  22. beauty & the beast pillow set - emily  
5. Flower Garden  14. Laura  23. Angie in SoCal  
6. Marly  15. VroomansQuilts  24. Julie @ Pink Doxies  
7. JanineMarie  16. Annett  25. Cathy - A Quilting Chick  
8. Shelley @The Carpenters Daughter who Quilts  17. Terri in WA  26. Vegetable & Fruit Quilt  
9. Mari@ The Academic Quilter  18. Chocolate Bits by Sew Excited Quilts  27. deana @dreamworthy quilts  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

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